Omg guys, I had no idea its been already a year since I last updated! Time flies so fast! Forgive me readers for the unfair wait, I didn't mean to! I was so occupied with my studies and school that I almost forgot about this lovely story! I hope I didn't anger you guys too much! Please enjoy this chapter of Keeping Secrets and don't forget to check out my other stories! I made a new one if you guys didn't know! :)

Enjoy~! And make sure to hit that review button ;)

"I can't do this."

"Yes, yes, you can. Now come on, don't be such a child. We're going to be late."

"Okay fine, let me rephrase then." Sakura said stubbornly, pulling her arm back from Juugo's grasp. "I won't do this."

Her orange haired friend sighed, "And why is that?" he asked calmly, looking at Sakura with knowing eyes.

"It wasn't my fault okay!" Sakura said, pointing accusingly at Juugo, when she detected where the conversation was headed.

Juugo massaged his temples, with slight annoyance. "Saku..." he let the threat hang. They were just a few feet away from the school gate, when Sakura suddenly froze, and tried to sprint away. Well, 'tried' being the absolute keyword. Juugo, who had seen this coming from a mile away, grasped Sakura's collar and made her attempt impossible.

"You're going to be alright, Saku. Just don't do anything extravagant for the next couples of days, then everyone will soon forget." he advised mildly.

Sakura looked at him hesitantly, and Juugo felt himself brighten up with hope.

"Nope, I'm still not going," she declared.

Juugo sighed at her yet again, "Saku..." he threatened lightly, starting to get the slightest bit annoyed. When the girl just huffed at him, and turned her head, he pinched the back of his nose. How could the maniac from yesterday, and this annoying kid be the same? It was hard to believe even if you had watched the transformation. He couldn't forget the look of the third years, as he watched his petite and fragile looking friend. "You made me do this," he clarified, shaking his thoughts off before he grasped the panicking 'boy' and threw him over his left shoulder, like he would a bag of potatoes, holding both their bags in his right hand.

"Juugo!" Sakura protested loudly, earning the two even more stares than they already received, to which Juugo paid no mind to. "Put me down! Put me down! Put me down!"she whined, hitting Juugo's back with her fists in a rather girlie way. Sakura kept thrashing all the way through the school grounds, until she finally gave up once they entered the hallway, and settled for pouting at the unfairness of the world, missing Juugo's small smirk of victory.

Juugo reached Sakura's class, pushing the door aside with the hand he held the bags with. Eyes darted to him as he walked in, Sakura still hanging down his back, sulking with crossed arms. He reached her desk, dumped her bag on it, and then carefully plopped her down in her seat.

Sakura ignored him completely, suddenly finding the black board oh so interesting. Juugo shook his head amused, before smiling affectionately at Sakura, making sure no one saw it. He then petted her head and turned to leave, "See you at lunch, Saku." was his parting words.

As soon as the sound of the door closing was heard, every single pair of eyes turned towards the pinkette. Sakura winced internally, sinking down on her seat slightly and glancing around the room as to avoid the eyes boring into her skull. Her eyes met with the turquoise ones of Sabaku no Gaara. Nervously she looked away, determined to avoid his knowing eyes.

Damn it, she really regretted going on a rampage yesterday.

His eyes narrowed at her, and she sunk down on her chair even more to avoid him as much as possible, the intensity of them was too much. "It's no use," a low voice sounded, "You really should stop pretending. Especially after the scene you made yesterday." Sakura blinked in surprise. That was the first time she had heard Gaara talk. "You know... You're pretty annoying." he said, his face in the scowl it always was in.

She gapped at him for a short second, before she looked away, annoyed, "I never said I was pretending in the first place anyway..." she mumbled.

Gaara smirked in response, and then watched her with unreadable eyes, making Sakura feel as if he knew something he shouldn't. She prayed he hadn't figured her out, if he had, she was doomed. She knew, from her own experiences, that the Sabaku family members were born stubborn. She was friends –well, sorta– with the eldest child, Temari no Sabaku after all. And good Buddha, that girl was scary and stubborn like no other.

Saku almost groaned at the thought. If he was anything like her, she was dead.

The Sabaku's weren't badly off and, she had seen it herself, if they were into it, buying a private detective was out of the question. They will and can do it themselves.

She grimaced.

"You...?" She looked up surprised at Gaara.


Gaara paused and shook his head, looking away coolly, "Nothing."


The moment she heard the last bell of the day, she immediately dashed out of the school –she already told Juugo, of course, that she left– and was now on her way home to her apartment. The click of the doors lock, as she opened it, sounded through the hallway. She flickered on the lights, and gave out a sigh as she kicked of her shoes and threw her school bag on the ground, before smacking the door closed.

The first thing she did was change her clothes. She wasn't the girlie type; she had never been, so her usual attire consisted of sweatpants and a tight sweatshirt. She gave herself a look into the mirror, and pulled out the hair band that held her ponytail together, before brushing her hair.

A small smile spread on her lips.

It had been awhile since she had last gone to the mall with Ino and Hinata.

A knock on her door had her hoping there, "Ino-chan, Hina-" she stopped mid sentence, watching the mid twenty male at her door.

"K-Kakashi?" she asked surprised.

"Yo," he smiled under his cough mask, "It's been awhile, Sakura-chan." he greeted.

She looked at him speechlessly, "I haven't seen you for six months!" she accused, now turning slightly angry.

He rubbed the back of his neck, "I know, I'm sorry, I had a mission." he explained.

She watched him suspiciously, before breaking into a big smile. Kakashi laughed as she clutched his shirt closer, hugging him tightly. "...I've missed you." she admitted under her breath.

He petted her head. "Me too, Sakura-chan. I've missed you."

She looked up at him, he was much taller than her, and had always been, "I take it the mission went well?" she asked.

Kakashi nodded.

She broke the hug, "Well, you should come in." she said, gesturing to the apartment, "I've got a date with the girls later, so I'm gonna leave soon." she explained, jumping into her sofa, watching Kakashi.

He smiled, "That's fine." he said, "I'll make myself at home, then."

Sakura nodded, "You do that, Kakashi," before getting of the sofa, and into the kitchen, "there's still a little time before I have to go, do you want a cup of tea?" she asked.

"Sure," he said from her bathroom, no doubt getting ready to take a short shower.

She smiled warmly, it had been such a long time since he had last stayed at the apartment, "You know..." she called, setting the kettle on the stove, "All those boxes you left last time, they're still here."

"They are?" the water was now turned on, and she would have to speak louder. "Thanks."

"They're in the old guest room." she explained, as the water started boiling, and she happily finished the tea.

Just as she set the two cups on the table, Kakashi was out of the shower and sat down in the chair across of hers, in just his boxers. His hair was wet, dripping wet. She looked at him, annoyed, "Kakashi." she scolded, "you can't leave your hair wet like that! You'll catch a cold." she grasped the towel, and started drying of his hair.

Kakashi just laughed at her, "Just like your mother," he commented, making Sakura pause as memories flashed through her head before humming and grinning happily.

Before she could answer to it, the door bell rang though. "Oh!" she exclaimed, "It must be the girls, I have to go, see you Kakashi!" she left the towel dangling of his head, before hurryingly making her way to the door. She quickly threw on her white converse and black beanie, before opening the door.

"Seriously, forehead, how long were you gonna make us wait?"


Kakashi could hear her laugh from the kitchen. "Sorry, sorry. Anyways, let's go." the door was closed behind her, and Kakashi couldn't help but smile slightly as old memories surfaced.

"She seems... well."

They hadn't even reached the mall before Ino broke out in a huge grin, "That smexy man voice from your apartment?" she asked.

Hinata blushed a thousand shades of red, "Ino-chan!"

Sakura smiled slyly, "It was just Kakashi." she explained.

Ino looked almost crestfallen, "Awww... And here I thought you finally were getting some action."

Hinata was on the verge of fainting, and even Sakura turned pink. "Ino-chan, I'm fifteen for Christ sake!" She bit out.

Ino waved her off, "and so what? I was fourteen." she admitted.

Sakura huffed, "yeah, well, you're an early bloomer! Besides, that doesn't mean Hinata-chan or I should do it." Hinata nodded at Sakura, still embarrassed beyond words.

Ino rolled her eyes, before laying eyes on the mall. "Eeeeaaak!" She squealed, "I heard a new shop opened!" she turned and flashed her two friends a toothy smile, indicating torture. "We just have to get you some dresses!" she said to Sakura, to which she pretending to gagged to. "And Hinata, why don't we look at some makeup for you?"

Sakura almost face palmed. "Torture... Why did I agree to this?"

"Because you love me. Now, let's go!"

And so Sakura and Hinata were forced along Ino on the large shopping trip.

Truth to be told, it wasn't as bad as Sakura had expected. But it still didn't mean that she liked shopping. "Ino-chan, let's catch a break?" Hinata suggested, watching Sakura's exhausted expression.

Ino sighed, but agreed with an, "okay, why not?" Sakura smiled at Hinata, knowingly, "Then, why don't we get a milkshake at the new cafe?" Ino suggested.

"Is everything new here, or what?" Sakura asked.

Ino smiled, "Naah, it's just been awhile since you've been here, Sakura." She reasoned.

Sakura shrugged, but agreed to the milkshake.

"What's your order?" a young man with blonde hair, and what looked to be whisker tattoos asked.

"Three vanilla shakes?" Ino asked the two girls and, seeing them nod in confirmation, ordered for them all.

"Is that all?" he asked, looking at Hinata before pausing at Sakura. He blinked and did, not a double, but a triple take. "You... Saku Haruno?" he asked.

She looked at him strangely, was he a student from her school? But then gave him a large, fake, smile. "Oh, people seem to confuse me with my brother quite a lot recently," she threw Ino and Hinata a look, making sure they were in on her act.

"That's true!" Ino agreed, "But you guys are twins, what do you expect?"

The blonde guy with the whiskers gaped, "A twin…his sister was his twin! What in the actual hell," he muttered quietly before looking back at the girl, "Sorry, then!" he laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm Uzumaki Naruto! I'm from your brother's school." he explained, flashing a toothy, handsome smile. "You're Sakura-chan, right?" he asked, having overheard Ino talking to her earlier.

Ino smirked; it was so obvious to her that he was hitting on Sakura, even if the pinkette didn't notice. "Yes, that's Sakura, and this is Hinata, and I'm Ino," she introduced.

Naruto grinned, "Cool, one sec, I'mma go get your orders." he gave them a thumbs up, before leaving.

Sakura watched Ino suspiciously, "Ino-chan..." she threatened lightly.

Ino looked at her insulted, "What? I'm not doing anything..." she said, but the small smirk on her face said otherwise.

Sakura sighed, but decided to let it slide for now when she saw Naruto come back with their orders. She watched from behind as Ino took their milkshakes, and raised an eyebrow when Ino whispered something to the blonde waiter and scribbled down something on a napkin. The waiter glanced at her and looked away, a pink tint on his cheeks and smiled gratefully at Ino before taking the napkin.

Ino turned around and smiled brightly, looking satisfied about something, "Alright, let's go get a table, shall we?" she asked, humming happily. Hinata glanced at Sakura, who shook her head and shrugged her shoulders.

She didn't have clue either.

Sakura eyed the smirking blonde, who suspiciously kept on glancing between the whisker boy and her.

She glared at Ino when she realized it, "Okay, Ino-chan, I know what you're thinking and you have to stop because there is absolutely no way-" Sakura cut herself off, hearing a light gasp of fear from Hinata.

She glanced at the blue-haired girl in wonder before taking note of where her eyes are glued to.

Ino blinked at Hinata, "What? What is it?" she turned around and paled a bit when her clear blue eyes locked on the red clouds on their uniforms. She quickly turned around and glanced at the terrified Hinata. The blonde cussed quietly, she didn't expect to see them here, in a milkshake café no less.

Sakura coughed, "Uh, yeah, mind telling me why you guys look ready to bolt out of here as if you've been let out of an asylum?" she asked, throwing a glance to the dangerous group. They were talking to that Naruto guy, who looked absolutely livid –and the tiniest bit of fear– with seeing the group. They were pretty far back, so it was impossible to catch what they were talking about.

Hinata casted her eyes downward while Ino looked away, almost in shame, "we kinda, maybe, just a little… got in a bit of trouble with them a while back?" Ino suggested weakly.

Sakura sat straighter and narrowed her eyes at her two friends, "You guys…"

Ino frantically waved her arms in front of her, "It wasn't our fault, I swear! We didn't do anything!"

Hinata nodded her head as well, trying to help her friend explain, "Ino and I were walking from school and one of them came up to me, asking about you, and he kept pulling me towards somewhere. When he raised his hand, Ino knocked him out with that pressure point technique you taught us. The following days, we saw them occasionally near our school, but we always managed to avoid them seeing us."

Sakura relaxed a bit, nodding slowly.

Okay, so it wasn't as bad as she thought it was and they were obviously just defending themselves.

She bit her lip. They got in trouble with someone dangerous, and it was because of her. What if she hadn't taught them those techniques? She sighed, it was all her fault. If she could have just controlled herself and avoided that fight, or just not brought her friends to school, then this wouldn't have happened.

It was almost like her life repeated itself.

And God damn it, she did not want that to happen.

The pinkette casually looked around the café, eyes sweeping past the table of the Akatsuki and the exit naturally, as if she was looking for someone. Luckily, there were two exits. They would have to use the one on the right door, because the Akatsuki was sitting right beside the one on the left.

Problem? There was no doubt that they would be seen by them. How could they not notice Ino's rare pale blond hair –plus the obvious hairstyle–, or her own bright pink, which was thankfully hidden under the beanie? She'd have to figure out a plan.

She took the beanie off of her head, and handed it to Ino, telling her to bun her hair so she could hide it. Hinata's hair was, thankfully, not as obvious so it wouldn't be a problem.

"Wait for someone to leave, then go blend in with them, alright?" Sakura ordered them, sipping her milkshake casually.

"What about you?" Hinata asked worriedly, her eyes darting across the room to the Akatsuki.

Sakura shrugged, "Well, the only one who actually knows me is Deidara." she reasoned, leaving out the part about that he, most likely, already had told the others that Saku had a twin sister, and that it was her. "Besides, my hair color would give us away, and if I wear the beanie, Ino's hair would give us away. It's a lose-lose situation. Anyway, your guys' safety is more important, and I can take care of myself just fine," she stated calmly.

And if it really came to a fight, she didn't want the girls there; they would no doubt use them against her. She always did have a short-temper when it came to people harming her friends. Besides, she had a tiny suspicion that Deidara knew it was her that time when she retrieved the scroll from Kabuto. If he'd told the others about that, then a fight was bound to break out.

Ino and Hianta nodded, deciding to go with it, Sakura wasn't one to argue with when in that mood. They stood up and grabbed their drinks, spotting three girls walking towards the exit. They quickly walked behind them, chatting happily, making it look like they were part of the girls. Hinata and Ino glanced back towards Sakura, pausing before passing through the exit.

Sakura frowned when she saw the one with silver hair stand up and point towards the exit. He must've seen the eyes of Hinata, when they paused at the door to glance at her.

She clicked her tongue in annoyance as they all stood up. She couldn't have them touch the girls, so she stood up herself, heading towards the other exit. She purposely stopped at the door and turned to lock eyes with Deidara, who stared back at her in surprise. The emerald-eyed girl quickly opened the door and turned left, the opposite way of Ino and Hinata.

With a last glance behind her, she ran out of the mall, making sure the Akatsuki was no longer following her.

Turning a corner, Sakura froze and proceeded to cuss her mind out, glaring viciously at the smirking male in front of her.

"Sakura, what a coincidence running into you here." She growled back quietly, watching the not so discreet group of people behind him.

Looks like she pissed him off so much that he decided to send his eldest son, together with his best trained fighters. Great. Can this day get any worse?

"Kabuto," She hissed quietly, as she thanked the gods for the earlier escape plan, she really didn't want Sound, especially not Kabuto, seeing Ino nor Hinata.

She took up a more relaxed but ready position, this was bound to get ugly.

"Sound," she twirled around, ready to punch the lights out of whoever stood behind her, but froze when she saw it was the Akatsuki.

She hadn't lost them after all, damn it.

Forget about ugly. This was going be horrendous.

It was no secret that the Amaterasu despised the Sound, but Akatsuki hated them even more, if possible, and that was despite knowing Sound was a yakuza group. They held no fear, because they knew they were stronger than them.

As she glanced between the two murderous groups, Sakura did the only thing she thought that could help.

She prayed.
