
I started watching Lost Girl and FELL IN LOVE! What a FANTASTIC show! It's Canadian, and sex-positive, and open about lesbian love and relationships and about female sexuality and about friendships and it's fantasy and it's got Kesenia Solo and it's got KENZI and it's FABULOUS. =D

I know that Dyson and Bo are likely the endgame couple, but I love the idea of him with Kenzi. She's so fantastic and interesting and complex and funny and she gets left out of fae business so often that I want to see her loved and respected by someone. I love that she is a champion of singledom as well, because being single is fine and beautiful, but I would still like to see her loved and respected and treated as an equal in a healthy relationship.

So, fyi, Dyson/Kenzie fanfiction will start appearing here now. ^_^

The first time Dyson saw Kenzie, he didn't actually see her at all. He and Hale were canvassing the neighbourhood, looking for the rogue fae who was killing men in elevators—well, one choice letch who regularly hurt women—and he sensed the succubus energy being exuded by Bo. Her signature was very… unique. His eyes, his nose, his nature, his everything was drawn to her. The human walking next to his focus hardly existed. A tiny blip on the edge of his radar. He was fixated on the raw power radiated by the succubus, so he completely glazed over the human.

And how wrong he was.

The second time he saw Kenzie, she existed. She was a human who openly stared at him as he approached. Her wide khol-lined eyes took in him and Hale as she subconsciously moved closer to the fae beside her loyally. He switched his attention to the powerful fae beside her, because he didn't perceive the human to be a threat. His wolf rolled under his skin appreciatively, he assumed it was reacting to the beautiful, powerful fae female.

He may have been wrong.

The third time he saw Kenzie, she impressed him. She was tenacious and determined. She somehow followed them to the Glass Factory without being seen or stopped. Resourceful. She managed to get inside without being detected. Skilled. She made her way to the arena and fought, in her own way, for her friend. Unwavering loyalty. His wolf growled approvingly, in that moment, as Kenzie shouted for Bo and successfully forcefully penetrated the illusion. Care. Her emotions were high—fear, anger, sadness, love—as she challenged her friend to fight. He liked her. Humans rarely caught his attention when he was in the presence of fae. But for a moment, she held it, and both he and his wolf enjoyed her. For a moment, he was jealous of Bo for holding such unwavering loyalty despite her refusal to align with the light or the dark. She refused fealty, and welcomed true loyalty.

He wanted that. His wolf craved it.

Then Bo followed Kenzie's voice to freedom, her powers surging and dragging his attention from the tenacious human to the gorgeous succubus.

But the damage was done.

Kenzi, human Kenzie, mattered. To him and to his wolf. And she was insulated in his life, whether he acknowledged it or not.

Later on, when she snatched his card and commanded his attention, standing close to Bo protectively, his wolf rumbled appreciatively.

It would wait.

Good things come to those who wait.