Harmony was sitting on the train on the way down to Miami. She had been living in Georgia, near Savannah. She was 17 and had lived her entire life near Savannah with her single mother, Melanie. However, her mother was going to be fuming with anger when she found the note. That wouldn't be until tomorrow afternoon sometime. Melanie was at a conference in New Mexico for her job. She worked for a law firm in Savannah. Her mother had originally worked in New York City as a defense attorney. The only thing her mother had told her about her father was that they had met in New York. Her mother then moved to Savannah and about 5 years later, she had traveled to Miami to help with a case. There, she had met up with Horatio who was working on the same case and they had a one-night stand. She had never told him and that they were better off without him. Other than that, Harmony knew nothing of her father. Until two weeks ago.

Harmony stared out the window of the train, silently hoping her father would like her. His name was Horatio Caine. Harmony had found several letters in a trunk when she was digging for old pictures. It had been for her graduation. The first one was addressed to her mother. The next 6 we addressed to her. She read all of them, including the one for her mother. The ones for her told her all about him and his work. He asked her about her and her life.

She then tracked down where he worked, which wasn't hard considering he was a detective.

She had bought herself a train ticket, packed a duffle bag and her backpack, and made her way to Miami. She left her mother the note.

The train then stopped at the train station in Miami. She grabbed her duffle bag and backpack and got off the train. She stood, staring at the signs and all the people surrounding her. They were all in a hurry, going wherever they needed to go. Harmony didn't know what to do. She had the address of her father's work in her hand. An employee came up to her and asked, "Do you need help, miss?"

Harmony nodded. The female employee smiled and replied kindly, "How may I help you?" Harmony then replied confidently, "I need a taxi." Soon after that, she was in a taxi going to where her father worked.

The taxi stopped outside the building and Harmony got out.