
Kura: Hi! I'm back with a new fic! A crossover between Yugioh Gx and Yugioh 5D's! YAY! =^w^=

Yusei: Why do you always put off your first few fics so you can write another? And what is it with you and gender bending?!

Sakura: You're just mad she made you one.


Kura: Don't be mad I got addicted to the thing! It's fun to do, so you, Yusei, Jaden, Chazz Alexis and Aki can all shut your japers!

Aki: Wait… why me?

Alexis: I didn't do anything…

Sakura: You're a boy in this…. And since Aki is both a boys and girls name, it's what you'll be called. Same goes for Alexis, but we'll mick name you Alex instead of Lexis.

Aki: *faints*

Kura: *pokes her with a stick*OwO… On with chapter one!

Summary: Jaden, Chazz, Yusei, Aster and Aki all meet each other at an online chat. They get to know each other and many others, but then one by one they go missing. Who's to blame for this? And what's the meaning of this ransom note? 'For everyone that is taken, an angel or demon will arise.' Can their friends and possibly new found lovers save them?

Jaden Online chat -…-

Aster online chat ~…~

Yusei Online chat /…/

Chazz online chat *…*

Alexis online chat \...\

Aki online chat+…+

Arabic "…."

English "…"

Normal "…"

Kura: One more thing, the online chat names. This is also AU, so no Duel Monsters-

Everyone but Kura and Sakura: *gasp*

Kura: and OOC characters! Here are the online names! More will be added in the future of this fic!


Yusei= STarDUStrulEZ21

Chazz= The_Chazzrockz001

Aster= Hero of Destiny

Alexis= Alex_Rhodes95

Aki= BLAck_Rose_THornS34

Chapter one: Online Chat part 1

Jaden Yuki sighed. It was summer break and she was bored. She was so bored that after a few games Solitaire, she was still bored. She looked up at her new roommate, Jun. Although she preferred Chazz. Why? Don't bother to ask, the girl had a good right hook… She was on her laptop, typing away. Jaden sighed and took out her on. She logged onto an online chat and was happy to see others on line as well. She looked over at Chazz, glad that the other girl and she were on good terms and maybe even friends. Anyways, back to the chat.

ELEMENTALNEOSGIRL101 has logged in.

-Hey! What's up people?!-

STarDUStrulEZ21 has logged in.

/Not much. My name's Yusei by the way. Yusei Fudo./

-Hi Yusei! I'm Jaden! Jaden Yuki.-

*And I'm Jun Princeton. Call me Chazz. Don't ask why.*


*I've been here. I was just lurking around…*

/Isn't that eavesdropping?/



Alex smiled as he finally got onto the computer. He quickly logged on.

Alex_Rhodes95 has logged in.

Alex smiled noticing the users already on, he quickly decided to join the group. He wondered if he knew any of them. Probably not, he went to a private school in Domino.

\Hey! I'm Alex, short for Alexis. Mind if I join in?\

-No, go ahead! I'm Jaden!-




Yusei smiled at the new names she was seeing on the chat. Usually only perverted men would chat with her. They'd ask what her ideal man was, if she was singled or if she'd like to see or show certain body parts. So when she saw the following user name, ELEMENTALNEOSGIRL101, she decided to give the person a shot. To her surprise it was someone named Jaden, and there was also one user name that was already logged on that she didn't notice until the person spoke. The_Chazzrockz001. Her own user name, STarDUStrulEZ21 was created after a story her foster mother Martha told her, the Star Dust Dragon. Then another user came on, this one she guessed was male, Alex_Rhodes95. Short and easy to remember. She sighed as a new person joined the chat. Hero of Destiny.


Aster was sick, bored, sick, tired, sick, stuck in bed, sick, logging into a chat online, sick and did I mention, sick?

'Why did I have to get the flu today of all days?!' She wondered. The girl sniffed and coughed loudly. As soon as she calmed down, she logged into the chat properly. She was happy there were other users as well. Hopefully she can talk to someone with Sartorius getting over protective. Ever since she found out that The D had killed both her parents and had almost kidnapped both her and her older brother, Julio, Sartorius, who was older than both, had taken care of them. He was like the older brother or uncle they never had.

Hero of Destiny has logged in.

~Hi everyone! What's happening?~

*Not much… who are you?*

~Aster Phoenix.~

-Really? Like the pro athlete?-


\Why are you on the chat?\

/I want to know too. I'm Yusei by the way./




~… I'm sick and got nothing to do while I'm stuck in bed all day…~

-Ouch. Sorry about that, hope you feel better!-


'Damn it!' Aster thought as she quickly went back to the chat. "Come in!" She yelled back as she said goodbyes.

~Yeah. I gotta go, chat with ya later!~

Hero of Destiny has logged off.

Aster sighed as she glared at Sartorius. The man smiled and stepped aside to reveal a young man with pale blond hair with light blue streaks and violet eyes. His skin was a shade darker than Aster's and he looked a lot older that the sick girl.

"JULIO!" Aster shot out of bed and into her brother's arms. Julio laughed and put her back into bed. As he did Aster pouted. He laughed more when she did. He missed his little sister, and he never wanted to let her out of his sight again.


BLAck_Rose_THornS34 has logged in.

Aki waited for a response. He hesitated when he first logged in. Slowly, he began to type. He wasn't sure what to say, so he just wrote something simple.

+Hi, I'm Aki. Anyone wanna talk?+

-Sure Aki! Name's Jaden!-




-You just missed Aster. Wonder when she'll log back in…-

Aki wondered who Aster was, but shrugged his shoulders. He'd meet her one day. He wasn't so sure about this, but he wanted to have some fun.

-Hey, I was wondering, do you know where the Domino Pier is?-

~Yeah, it's by the docks, I live near there.~

*When did you log back in?!*

~Not too long ago. So, who joined us?~

*Aki. You must be Aster I guess…+

~Uh huh, I'll PM you the address. Later!~

Hero of Destiny has logged off.

Alex_Rhodes95 has logged off.

BLAck_Rose_THornS34 has logged off.

ELEMENTALNEOSGIRL101 has logged off.

STarDUStrulEZ21 has logged off.

The_Chazzrockz001 has logged off.

Everyone sighed. They would get to meet each other. Jaden and Chazz knew each other, but the others? Not at all. This would be one weird trip to the pier, that's for sure!

Kura: Review! And Julio belongs to me! He's my newest OC and you can use him if you want! I don't mind, but you have to ask me first! Next time, we head to the beach and meet some new faces!