I stared of the car window and silently watched the blurry green trees sped past as if they were late. Each one meant coming closer to the one thing I was not look forward to, school. It was yet again another first day in my high school career, but yet as I turned my attention back to the windshield it was different, it wasn't going to be the same. It wasn't because I'm back in the town I was born in and it certain wasn't because I would know some of these kids; it was because my father was dropping me off instead of my mother. You see my mother left my father and me a little under a year ago and for once she wasn't coming back. Feeling my dad step on the car breaks, I sighed as the front of the school doors of Beacon Hills High School crept closer.

From the outside, the school looked like any old normal school, red bricks mixed with white, and two stories tall with hundreds of windows glittering in the bright morning sunlight. The school's logo was set above the doors with the name and the age edged in black concrete. People were all over the steps and benches that were set in front of the building.

Slowly I gathered my book bag in my shaking hands opened the door and set my high-heeled incase foot on the sidewalk that slithered like a cunning snake up the front steps and through the doors.

"Katlyn wait!" I heard my father yell at me before I could shut the passenger side door "Honey, listen to me, I know you wished your mother was dropping you off at school instead of me, but she can't anymore and I know that she misses you trouble. Just do what she always tells you, which is?"

Smiling at that last part "she would tell me to close my eyes, take a deep breath and charge though those doors like I owned the place."

"Right, your mother always told me that you would make an extraordinary young woman one day, and she was right and you shouldn't let some stupid high school girls bother you."

"Besides, Kate, you are a trained hunter, and a werewolf." He added in a whisper so I was the only one who could hear him. "You don't take have to take their crap."

He was right of course I was a werewolf, one of the most powerful creatures alive, and a hunter, who hunted those creatures like they had some magic in their blood. I didn't have to listen to some stupid little high school drama unless I wanted to.

Slowly I lifted my eyes from were they were trained on the seat to look him in the eyes and saw that the one thing that I needed from him was there. I knew that he loved me and would do anything for the people he loved. He had been though so much this past year, losing my mom to her family broke him. I could see that slowly we were helping each other and he was getting better. It was still a long road ahead of us, but I knew that together we can heal each other. I continued to look at him for a moment before I smiled a real smile for the first time for months.

"Thanks dad" I told him as I leaned in to kiss him on the check and then proceeded to close the car door and head up the pathway. straightening my blood-red knee length dress and fixing my chest length curly jet black hair, I walked though the doors and made my jump into the sea of strange people and into the office.

"Hi there! I'm new here and I would love to talk to the principle?" I said sweetly to the 5'6 pudgy old man sitting in the secretary chair.

"Of course. What is your name?" He said without looking up

"Katlyn, Katlyn Argent."

"Argent? Did I hear you right?" he said as his neck snapped up

"Yes that right" I said confused

"Sit over there. He'll be with you in a few" he told me harshly pointing to one of the few chairs set up against the wall.

Sitting down I fished my book out my bag, and was just about to open it when the principle came out. The principle himself was young in comparison to the secretary, however, he was just as tall.

"Katlyn? I'm sorry about the wait, I'm principle Monroe" He said offering his hand.

"Hi" I said shaking his hand.

"Come on and I'll show you to your first class"

I walked behind him as we walked slowly to the math classroom. Opening the door I saw that many of the student's heads were still down and only two of them were looking at me. One of the boys was a gangly teenager who I could sense was a bit on the clumsy side. He had short dark blonde hair with green eyes and the other boy was lager and had the same jet black hair and oak brown eyes that I did.

"Class, this is Katlyn Argent. She's new here so please be on your best behavior and be nice to her" He said leaving.

"Thanks I whispered as I sat down in the chair that the teacher had offered.

Looking over my shoulder I noticed that the boy with the oak brown eyes was staring at me curiously, so I did the only thing I could, I smiled and turned back around. He continued to bother me as the class went on, and by the end I figured it out.

He was a werewolf.

As soon as the bell rang I grabbed my things and booked it out of that classroom to avoid seeing him. After that the day soon passed in a slow and boring way and I was soon walking out of the front doors and into the sun's afternoon blinding rays After my eyes adjusted to the sun I noticed a black Mercedes pulling up into the parking lot. That's when everything slowed. The trees looked as if they were moving though water and the people moved in slow motion. Inside the car was an older guy with short black hair and a 5'o clock shadow that looked oddly familiar. Slowly he turned his head and look at me with the slightest of smiles pulling up on his face. The whole exchanged happened so face that all I could register was that his eyes flashed red.