So... here we are! Finally, the happy ending we've all been waiting for - for however many years!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you so, SO much to all of you for reading. X

I closed the door quietly behind me, having returned from my standard night of patrolling. Spike would usually accompany me, but tonight Dawn has requested some 'big brother' quality time.

She's still crushing hard though, bless her. Follows him around like a little lost puppy.

I could hear their echoed voices in the lounge.

"…so really, Victor wasn't exactly the nicest geezer. I mean, you'd refer to him as the novel's 'protagonist', yeah… but it's way more nuanced than that."

Victor? Who's Victor?

"Wow," I heard Dawn murmur. "The poor Creature. See, I always thought he was the baddie…"

"Good and evil's not always so black 'n' white, pet." I could hear the wry grin in Spike's voice. "Take it from a bloke who knows. But yeah, these ambiguities of who the reader should be sidin' with was a classic trope of the Gothic genre - write that down…"

I tip-toed down the hall, poking my head around the doorway to the lounge. I broke into a wide smile at the unexpected, adorable sight: Spike and Dawn were sat side by side on the sofa, Dawn chewing her pen, with her open notepad resting on her lap, whilst Spike held a hardback book out in front of her.

He's helping her with her English Lit homework. This is too precious for words.

Dawn began hastily scribbling away in her notepad. "Classic… Gothic… trope," she stuck her tongue out in concentration.

"And then put a colon next to it," Spike recited, glancing over at her note-filled page. "And write… ambiguous nature of protagonist versus antagonist. Then, underline 'ambiguous'. There ya go."

"Cool!" Dawn beamed, finishing up her bullet point. "That's super helpful, Spike. I actually get the book now… you explain it so much better than my English teacher does - she's majorly boring!"

"Happy to help, little Bit," Spike smiled warmly, ruffling her hair.

Okay, so my heart's just about melted.

"Quick fire recap… what's an epistolary novel?"

"A novel written as a series of letters!" Dawn replied eagerly. "Just like Frankenstein."

Spike and my little sister exceeded the cuteness limit by exchanging a high-five. "Nailed it, Niblet!"

I cleared my throat, subtly alerting them to my presence. Spike whipped his head round, snapping the book shut.

"Buffy! You're back early…" he trailed off, his expression sheepish.

"It was a fairly quiet night. And hey, good to see you too, Spike." My tone was teasing, as I approached him, kissing his lips in greeting. "Or should I be calling you… Mr. Spike?"

"Spike's such a great teacher - he even makes Frankenstein fun!" Dawn gushed.

"I just figured… who better to teach her about monsters, right? Ya know, as a former bad guy myself," Spike cut in quickly, all puffed up bravado. "Former monster, current fighter of evil. Bloody animal, me - " he paused, taking in the twin smirking expressions on our faces. He sighed. "And yeah, fine… I also just so happen to bloody love literature."

"Aw baby, it's nothing to be ashamed of!" I grabbed hold of his hand delightedly, giving it an affectionate squeeze. "In my personal opinion, you helping my little sister with her homework is ridiculously cute."

Spike flushed. "For the love of God, Slayer, will you stop calling me cute? I… am… not… cute."

"Gotta say, Spike," Dawn chipped in, grinning at me slyly. "You are pretty damn cute."

"Christ, you Summers women are ruining my reputation, I'm telling ya," Spike rolled his eyes dramatically, but couldn't hide his precious smile as he tenderly ran his fingers through my hair. Our eyes were simultaneously drawn to each other's lips, as if magnetised.

"Okay, I'm still super happy for you guys, but… major ick alert. I'm out." Dawn hastily gathered up her books and began heading upstairs, as I became blissfully lost in Spike's lips. "Thanks a bunch for all the help, Spike," she called over her shoulder, "you're the best!"

I'd never get enough of kissing him. Kissing him was literally all I wanted to do: all day, every day. His lips were full and soft and delicious - and all mine. Kissing him made me feel light-headed, weak at the knees; in his presence, my heart was constantly aflutter.

It's been several months now since I officially became his…

And let's just say the 'honeymoon phase' will never just be a phase for us. For us, it's a forever thing."And good luck for later!" I was cruelly expelled from the haven of my bliss-filled musings, subsequent to Spike's kiss, as my sister's cheerful voice echoed down the stairs. I pulled away from Spike's sinfully addictive lips, with more than a little reluctance.

"Good luck?" I quirked my eyebrow in confusion. "For what?"

"Um… I, uh…" Spike stammered uncharacteristically. "Nothin', pet." He smiled down at me, his face a picture of innocence. I folded my arms, narrowing my eyes at him suspiciously.

"Nothing? C'mon, Spike, what is it with you and my sister keeping secrets from me lately?"

"Oh, pouty," Spike leaned in to affectionately nibble my lower lip. I giggled girlishly, despite myself, and we kissed for several more satisfying minutes. But then I pulled away, smacking him playfully.

"Hey! Enough with the kissing to distract me. No fair," I pouted again.

"I was evil once, love, what do you expect?" Spike graced me with a lopsided smile which turned my insides to mush. "Anyhow, we're not conspiring against you, if that's what you're worried about," he countered softly. "Just wait. You'll find out soon enough."

"Well, now I'm majorly curious."

"Care to accompany me to the backyard? I may be able to quench your curiosity there, my Lady." Spike's voice was a velvety caress in my ear.

"Okay… now I'm seriously wigged out about the content of your conversations with my baby sister," I shuddered, my expression sceptical. I took his beckoning hand regardless, following him through the lounge. "Because if you're exchanging notes about what you're gonna do to me in both the backyard and the bedroom…"

"Just the backyard, pet, don't worry," Spike snickered, as he began leading me outside.

"Regardless… I still feel like she knows too much. Thin walls, and all," I winced. "Part of me can't wait 'til she's old enough for us to get our own flat."

"I know what you mean, love… but still, treasure this time while it lasts. Before she's fully flown the nest. We're a family - you, me and the Bit."

I clutched his hand even tighter, moved by his words. "And don't forget the rest of the Scoobies!" I added lightly. "By the way, I forgot to mention that Xander wants to grab a beer with you tomorrow. He seemed to think he had to ask my permission or something…"

And yep, I'm definitely still getting used to Spike and Xander suddenly being all chummy. I'm not even sure how or when it happened… but it's sweet, I guess.

"Probably 'cos you're the little minx who constantly craves all my attention," Spike span me around playfully, pulling me flush against him. A moan escaped my lips as I became engulfed in the robust, masculine hardness of him; he made me feel soft, womanly, wanted.

He completes me.

"The man of the hour, huh? Looks like everyone wants a piece of you lately. Not that I can blame them," I smiled up at him dreamily.

He pressed a delicate kiss to my palm. "You know I'm wholly yours, pet. Although, can never say no to a beer," he smirked.

"It's cool, I can share. To be completely honest, nothing makes me happier than you being friends with my friends. It gives my heart the warm fuzzies."

"Hold that thought…" Spike trailed off mysteriously, as he guided me through the back door. I broke away from his grasp, sucking in my breath at the sight before me.

"What the…?"

The lawn was covered - and I mean covered - in rose petals. Awash in a mesmerising ocean of rouge. I waded through the sea of petals, speechless. I was instantly transported back to the bittersweet memory of my Spike, as dear, sweet William, professing his love for me through his poetry, aided by a dozen red roses.

"Figured I didn't need a poem this time," I heard Spike's low voice behind me, and I whirled around, only to let out a strangled sob. Spike… my William… my worst enemy turned lover, my monster turned man, my poet, my partner, my soulmate, love of my life… was on one knee before me, holding out a diamond ring.

Oh. My. God.

Through the blur of my tears, I noticed that the ring looked vaguely… familiar?

It's the ring. The same ring from 1880… when he was going to propose to me.

Propose to me.

Oh my God , Spike's proposing to me!

With that very same ring…

I can't believe it - he kept it. He kept the ring, and waited for me, for over a hundred years…My tears were now freely cascading down my cheeks. Spike held out the breathtaking ring; his hands were trembling and there were tears in his eyes, yet his voice was smooth and steady.

"See, I don't need to hide behind flowery words, because what I want to ask you is simple. And let's face it, Slayer, you already know all the raw, roughened truths of my heart."

I laughed elatedly through my tears, stepping closer towards him, so that we were almost touching.

He looked up at me, love-struck, his azure eyes boring into my own. 'I've kept this ring for a long while. Waited for the day I'd see it shinin' effulgent on your finger," he grinned at his apt choice of adjective, "and… believe me, Buffy, it's just as much about me being yours, as it is about you being mine. You're my equal. My other half. My soulmate -" his voice broke slightly, as he fought back his tears. "I want to spend the entirety of my existence on this soddin' Earth where I belong - by your side. I've waited what felt like forever for you, and now the rest of eternity is ours. Be my wife, Buffy, and make me the happiest man on -"

"Yes." I breathed, unable to hold it in any longer. "Oh, Spike… of course it's yes!"

"Let me bloody finish, woman!" Spike chuckled. "Haven't even popped the official question yet."

"Oops," I giggled. "Sorry."

"A hundred plus years, and there's only one thing I've ever been sure of: you."

I flinched slightly at the poignancy of his words, reduced to captivated silence.

"When I say I love you, it's not because I want you - or because now I have you, and I want the world to know you're mine. It has nothing to do with me." Spike cupped my face with his free hand, wiping my tears tenderly. "I love what you are, what you do… how you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've see the best - and the worst of you. And I understand, with perfect clarity, exactly what you are. You're a hell of a woman." Spike smiled up at me, his handsome face aglow with love and wonder. "You're the one, Buffy."

"I love all that you are, William," I hiccupped through my sobs. "You've always been the one."

"Well then…" Spike sniffed, laughing giddily through his own tears. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes, yes, yes! A hundred times yes!" I squealed, as Spike gently took my hand in his, and slid the beautiful ring onto my finger. A perfect fit.

I kneeled down, joining him on the grass bejewelled with rose petals, and took his beloved face in my hands. "Here goes forever."

"Here goes." he whispered tremulously, nuzzling his nose against mine, before kissing me passionately. And as ever, he wore William's sunniest smile.