Co-written with my close friend, MusicalPrime, we'll be switching off writing each chapter.

There is only one way to describe flying through space with only my sister to keep me company.


I tapped impatiently on the screen in front of me waiting for something ANYTHING to happen. Primus if I knew that it'd take this long to find other Decepticons I would've brought along some of my old friends like Barricade or Soundwave or someone. A beeping noise tore me out of my thoughts and alarms blared throughout the ship. I typed commands into the computer and gasped at what I found.

"Renegade! Autobots are attacking the ship!" I screamed for my sister. A black and silver seeker ran in just as an energon blast hit the side of our ship.

"Yeah, I'd realized!" She shouted back at me as we tried to stabilize the ship.

"Fragging Autobots!" I growled, slamming my fist down on the console in anger. There's no way we're going to be able to get our ship out of this in one piece, much less running condition.

There was a loud crash in the distance. From the corner of my optics I saw Renegade look my way before nodding and heading out to fight. If we're going down we weren't going down quietly.

From outside the room you could see several Autobots shooting their way in down the hall. With my sister at my side we blasted our way to the Autobots, killing some and wounding others. As I was about to shoot a yellow Autobot, that nearly matched me in color i heard a new alarm sound. "Warning: 2 minutes until crash" sounded over the speakers. Crash? Into what? That's when the shaking started. Apparently there was a nearby planet. Who would have known? Grabbing Renegade I made sure to keep her close as we continued to shoot at the rival Autobots.

"This isn't working Sundance! We're about to crash and these aftheads keep shooting at us anyway!" Renegade shouted as the turbulence got worse. The alarm notified that we had less than a minute till crash. A loud smash from behind that flung us across the room told me differently. Our ship was smashed upon impact with the ground. Chunks of metal thrown into the distance and walls collapsing in on themselves told us we had moments to get out but the pain of being flung against the wall with the force of the landing was too great to move. I could hear other Cybertronians nearby but couldn't focus on telling if it was ally or foe with all of the warnings popping up in my vision.

"Renegade..?" I called out searching for my sister. I could hear her faint reply nearby. Good, she's not too badly injured. Darkness ebbed in the corners of my vision and eventually I passed out.

**Sunstreaker's POV**

We finally shot those Decepticreeps out of the sky and now we're about to crash. Isn't this just fragging fantastic. Prowl tried to get control of the ship but he could only slow us down slightly. Finally he slammed his servo on the counter and turned to Hound, Sol, Jolt and I with his normal serious look.

"Autobots prepare for crash landing!" he ordered. We all got ready for the crash. And PIT DID THAT HURT! We stumbled out of our ship and deployed our weapons in case the Decepticons somehow survived their crash. A low groan caught my attention and I crept closer to the ship. "Whoever's in there come out! Any threatening movements and we will not hesitate to kill you!"

"They're cons Prowl, of course they're gonna threaten us." Sol snapped. Before we could do anything else the sound of a jet engine came overhead. We looked up and saw it landing nearby, but it clearly wasn't Cybertronian. A bunch of fleshy looking creatures ran out with tiny gun-like things in their hands. I wonder if these are the humans Optimus talked about in his message.

"SUNSTREAKER!" a familiar voice screamed and an old bond reopened. My optics widened in shock and happiness as a silver car drove out and transformed into my twin brother. He ran up and crushed me in a hug. I could hear Jolt and Hound snickering behind me but who slagging cares?

"Sideswipe you're on Earth too?" I gasped.

"Sorry to break up the love fest but we have cons to deal with." Ironhide grouched as he exited the same ship. There was also Optimus Prime, the Arcee trine, the other twins, Silverspark, Bumblebee, Jazz, oh and look! Ratchet the Hatchet's here too! "So who we dealing with?"
"Couple femme seekers. I think they're names are Renegade and Sundance or something." Hound answered. A small gasp brought our attention to Silverspark who had her servo covering her mouth. Ironhide pulled out his canons with a large smirk.

"Then I say we give them a welcome worth dying for." He said. Silverspark threw herself in front of him with an angry look. What got me was the fact that her optics had turned blood red like a Decepticon.

"Don't you DARE touch my trine Ironhide! There's goodness in them, I know it! Let's just...I don't know! Take them as prisoners or something. Just please do NOT kill my sisters." Silverspark pleaded. Woah, woah, wait what? Sparky has a trine? And they're Decepticons? Optimus looked between the con ship and Silverspark who still wasn't backing down.

"Ironhide, stand down. Autobots retrieve Silverspark's trine and make sure they are cuffed. We will take them as prisoners and will not harm them." Optimus ordered. One of the humans began to bark orders at the others who immediately got to work. Prime began to fill us in as we all boarded the plane. Optimus paused and looked down at the human in charge. "Oh and Major Lennox, please do not tell Galloway about our little...problem."

"Read ya loud and clear Prime." Lennox answered with a smirk