Hi guys! Umm, here is the first chapter of this story. I have this story on fanpop too but I decided I will post it on fanfiction as well. I hope you guys like it!

DISCLAIMER: I do not, in any way, do not own PJO, HOO etc. All rights to Rick Riodarn!


Now Annabeth, I thought to myself.
There's no more daddy to help you this time.

Not that he's ever helped me. I really miss my mum. Both of them split when I was only a few months old.

I was on my way on a taxi in the streets of New York going to my new college dorm.

I was sure glad to leave high school.

Why you ask?

Two words: Percy. Jackson.

Oh just thinking of him makes me want to just stick his head up a baboons butt.

He was my arch enemy in high school, I mean really, we were cats and dogs, fire and rain, hair and... scissors? Uh... Scrub that but you get the point.

I nearly started opera singing Hallelujah in front of Percy when we announced that he was going to go to college all the way in Texas.

Thank the gods I stopped myself, if I did sing, gods, I'd never be able to live it down. Emphasis on NEVER.

The taxi stopped short in front of a fenced building which looked pretty grand to me.

"Well, here goes nothing." I muttered to myself.

This year, the college thought that it would be a good idea for the students to be sharing a dorm with another of the opposite sex.

Just in case my roommate was a complete idiot, I made sure that I didn't forget to bring a door knob that had a lock.

If I ever catch the moron who came up with this brilliant idea, I'd make him wear my grandma's ninety year old lingerie.

A familiar face was outside the building texting on her phone.

"Sup Thals!" I grinned. Thalia Grace, my best friend since... Well... My childhood.

"Annabeth! I've been texting you for the last four hours! Oh and I have some very grave news..." Thalia said looking at me nervously while trying very hard not to smile.

"Oh Thals! Not now! Today is the first day of college! Lemme go put my bags away in my dorm and then we'll hang out." I said dragging my bags up the concrete stairs.

Ok, I admit that I packed heavily because I looked like a bag holder... Or modeler (A/N If there's such thing o.0) because I practically had bags on my back, a handbag over my shoulders, two large suitcases and two gym bags on each of the suitcases.

"Um... I'm Annabeth Chase and I just got here so I don't know which room I go to." I said to the receptionist.

"Hmm... Annabeth Chase..." She said tapping away at her computer.

"...Oh here we go; you are in room 112 oh and mind you dear, your roommate has already arrived." she said smiling.

I quickly thanked her and dragged all my belongings to the elevator.

"Here we go, room 112." I took a deep breath and turned the door knob.

"Sup Sweetie?" A voice said.

This is weird. I have heard this voice before...

Before I could even guess who this person was, the most idiotic of idiots stood in front of me.

My jaw dropped.

Oh gods, why must you hate me so much? Why?

There before me stood Percy Jackson: my arch enemy.

"Hey babes! Your look... Well... Baggy. Let me help you with that." He said grinning ear to ear.

"Jackson... Don't touch my stuff; don't talk to me and most importantly, DON'T TOUCH ME!" I growled.

"Now now, is that how you speak to your best friend since preschool?" he said sweetly.

"MY BEST FRIEND, MY BEST FRIEND?! You weren't my best friend; you could've stopped playing pranks on me and maybe I would've at least included you in my OK list but no, you had to do all those stuff on me with your stupid cousin Nico so I may conclude that you two are number one of my stick-up-a-hippo's-butt list." I retorted.

"She never changes does she?" said I voice behind me.

I jumped.

"Oh no." I groaned.

"Hey Nico! Look who's here." Said Percy Cheerfully.

I didn't even say hello. I dragged all my bags to a room that I was assuming was mine and slammed the door.

I got out my phone and texted Thalia.

To: Thalia Grace
Thalia! Why didn't u tell me Percy was my roommate? Now I have 2 live with him for the rest of the year!

I furiously hit the send button and looked at my map of the campus.

It was pretty big. I mean it had like a huge swimming pool and everything.

My phone vibrated meaning that I had a new message.

Well... I was going to tell u but u said that you'll put all your stuff away in your room so I waited.
Ps. Dya wanna go n hit da pool?

I did need a lot of freshening up. I realized that during this half hour, I hadn't heard a word from the idiots outside.

I peeked out my door to be expecting Percy jumping out at me saying BOO but I was surprised to see it empty.

"Probably off flirting with some chick." I said relieved.

Someone knocked at my door. I opened it to see Thalia holding towels.

"You take foreveeeeeeeeeer to answer your texts so I'm just gonna make you." she said grinning.

I rolled my eyes.

"I'll go change and get my towels." I said answering her.

As we walked through the hall, boys stopped to give us a second glance. I tried not to scrunch up my face and I just kept walking.

"Oh stop staring already. Buddy, you do not want a broken jaw." She said coldly to a boy that was full on checking her out.

"Don't think she's joking; I'll have Conner and Travis Stoll testify to you what happened to them at our previous school." I said pointing at the brothers.

"Yeah, she isn't joking. You should've seen Travis's nose: it looked like a carrot. "Travis said seriously.

"Hey! It looked like a carrot? What about the time you accidentally TOUCHED Annabeth-" Conner started

"What he means by that is Travis accidentally slapping Annabeth in the booty while she was wearing a skirt." Thalia piped in helpfully.

Travis coughed uncomfortably.

"Thanks captain obvious for that. Well, whatever, and then Annabeth got so mad she shaved Travis' entire head off only leaving a small patch on the side which made him look like one of those guys from ancient china." finished Conner.

Travis glared at Conner as if to say: "You just HAD to bring that up."

The boys were all muttering either "I feel so sorry for the guy that has to live with them." or "Damn, I would not mess around with them."

"Oh it's not the guy you should be feeling sorry for." I muttered.

We quickly left them to do whatever they were doing and headed to the outdoor swimming pool.

"Looking good there Annie!" shouted a voice.

I groaned. Thalia on the other hand was raising her eyebrows at me suspiciously.

"Come on; let's go sit next to my dearest cousins!" She sang.

I huffed and followed her to where Percy was sitting.

He had his arms around two brunettes which were wearing 20% of clothing.

I shook my head in disgust. He is such a player.

Percy, being the complete perv he is, kept looking at my legs.

"Ugh Percy, keep your damn eyes away from me! I'm going for a swim." I snapped not wanting to stay in Percy sight.

Ok, maybe that wasn't the best idea either because when I let my towel drop to my chair, I finally noticed that I was wearing a bikini. In front of Percy Jackson. The Perv.

I mentally slapped myself. Percy and Nico were gawking at my body and Thalia seemed to be checking out a boy with blond hair.

I gave them an icy glare which turned Percy red.

The brunettes were glaring at me which was a look between jealousy and envy.

I ignored them. If girls knew what Percy was really like, they would want to kick his ass to like I was itching to (Eww, not like that!).

But besides that, Percy was fine. Fine as in really fine. He had abs and clearly worked out, with his jet black hair and sea green eyes, he was so hard to resist but he's still a no no for me... Or is he?

What did you guys think? Like, hate? Review!