Fan Fic Flash Fic Week 40

Her heart was a secret garden and the walls were very high.

He built her up with loveā€“her confidence, her love, her caring, and her worth.

He showed her appreciation.

He showed her that she could be loved again. He made those walls crumble to give birth to new flowers.

At first, their relationship was growing then something happened, something terrible that changed everything.

She didn't know what, when, or how the change happened.

She just knew something was different and when she asked to get him to open up, he shut her out. He stopped being the confident man she grew to love.

This broke her heart every time he wouldn't talk.

She felt the change coming and couldn't figure out how to stop it. She wanted him to talk to her but he wouldn't.

Then the "I just want to be friends," came through as a text and all was lost.

She is now building a wall again around her secret garden that he was able to tear down piece by piece.

This time the wall will be higher, sturdier, and thicker. The wall will not be made of flowers, either.