Warnings: Gareki/Nai, Some swearing, minor sexual mentions, OOCness, fluffy brotherly Yogi/Nai, and rating may go up?

_I'm a line okay?_

The entrance to the second ship buzzed to life as two newly-arrived persons were greeted "okairi-baa~" by a herd of sheep.
"I'm home", the younger of two stated enthusiastically and started playing with one of the sheep.
"I'm home" the older one said with a hint of reluctance and annoyance in his voice.
They were allowed to explore the town they have landed on, for it was deemed relatively safe. Carrying a few paper bags of food and other necessities, the older was getting impatient of waiting for the other to stop running around the entrance hall with a sheep at his tail.
"Nai, play with your sheep later, you idiot" the onyx-eyed boy chided.
"Okay, Gareki." Nai smiled at him.
Said boy felt a bit embarrassed at the warm response he received. 'I can't help but feel fucking embarrassed whenever I shout things at him and he just agrees and smiles at me.' Gareki thought while tuning out Nai's chatter. At the end of the hall a blonde was waiting for their arrival, he somewhat flew to Nai and trapped him in a bear hug that was happily reciprocated. "Little Nai~ how was your trip to town?" Yogi asked as he rubbed his cheek against Nai's.
"It was fun, we got to see pretty things and Gareki bought me candy that looked like a cloud." Nai answered with a child-like smile.
"Aww... I wish I could've joined you." Yogi pouted childishly. He released Nai and turned to Gareki.
"Welcome back, Gareki-kun." He grinned at the teen who just shrugged and struggled at the hug he was being given, Nai soon joined them, and Gareki lost his will to escape.

~Le time skip~
It was a cold, rainy night thunder was heard and lightning flashes were seen. Nai had woken up to these terrifying phenomenon and was seeking comfort from somebody warm, he thought of Karoku, but he wasn't with him, maybe Gareki will give him the warmth he needs.
"G-Gareki-" Nai squeaked at the thunder that boomed like a thousand drums, with his sensitive ears it sounds as if the drums are right in front of him. He covered himself with the soft and sweet-smelling Nyanperona blanket Yogi gave him and shivered at the corner of his bunk. Gareki woke up at the small noise of the human hybrid, thunder can't wake him, but a call from the kid can sure do its job. He looked over the bottom bunk groggily, he noticed a shaking lump on the side that flinches and lets out whimpers every now and then. He climbed down his bunk and sat on the edge opposite Nai.
"Nai" the lump kept shaking, "Nai" he said louder, but of no use. Gareki was slightly irritated because of his lack of sleep, and then he lost his composure. "Nai! You airhead, you woke me up!" The lump flinched again and a crying Nai peeked out of his DIY blanket fortress.
"Th-the storm was scary and-and I was going to call you...but...the thunder-" Thunder clapped, leaving Nai to shrink back to the cozy confines of his fortress. The scowl Gareki was wearing softened at sight of the frightened boy. Gareki was about to scoot over and comfort Nai, when the door opened out of the darkness to reveal a yawning Yogi clutching his nyanperona pillow. The teen was frozen like a kid stealing cookies from the cookie jar that was caught by their mom, eyes wide and arms outstretched.
"Ne, Gareki-kun can I sleep with you and Nai-chan? Eh? Gareki-kun?" Yogi asked sleeplessly while rubbing his eye with his free hand. Gareki got out of his stupor and responded coldly, clearly annoyed at the disturbance.
"Do what you want; as long as you don't involve me, and calm the brat down, he drives me crazy." Gareki blushed at his last comment having a double meaning to it; he stood embarrassed, said a quick goodnight to the shaking lump and stupid Yogi, and hastily climbed back to his bunk covering himself and thinking about what occurred and what ifs. Yogi watched the lump and peeled off the blanket hiding the tear-stained face of Nai. He cupped Nai's face and brushed his thumbs over the remnants of crying. Amethyst eyes looked into glassy ruby eyes comfortingly,
"Ssshhh.,.Little Nai don't be scared, I'm here to protect you, as well as nyanperona, Gareki-kun, Tsukumo-chan, Hirato-san, and even 1st ship. We'll always be by your side." Crimson eyes lit up and the ever-present smile crept back to the baby face of its owner.
"Thank you."

A/N: Done~~~~~ well, not really… The introduction is so short… D: I'll make it up to you people somehow. So what do you think guys? Should I continue this or just flush myself in the toilet? What will Gareki do? Does he really like Nai like that? Find out next chapter Reviews are love 3