This is a new story I wrote... I hope you like it. btw (that been means by the way) btw, Kol is not dead...

Klaus is gone and I have no idea where he is.

I know I should feel happy but I don't.
I feel empty.
I didn't have any "feelings" for him.
I mean I don't have any "feelings" for him.
I feel shocked, that's what I'm feeling.


That he just disappeared, without even as much as a goodbye.
He didn't need to give me an explanation.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't expecting one.
I mean ever other time he almost left, he'd pull me aside and tell me he was leaving.
What was so different this time?
He's moving on.
So what if he was moving on.
Why should I care?

I need to get out of this stupid town.
There are too many memories here.

My dad,
Elena's parents,
Bonnie's grams,
Even Tyler…

I need to move to a new place, where I can be Caroline Forbes the person, not Caroline Forbes the control freak vampire.

I sat on my bed looking through the collage accepts letters I had.

I wanted to leave but I don't want to leave the country.

I had been accepted into a collage in New Orleans.

It wouldn't be the worse place in the world to live.

New Orleans it is then…


"Hey Mum, I'm about to walk out the door" I called door the hall way.

"Okay honey, I'm coming" I heard my mother say rushing around the house making sure I hadn't forgotten anything. My mum was going to drop me off at the airport.

"Are you sure you don't want to tell Elena or Bonnie?" my asked once again.

"I'll call them when I get there" I said.

"If you're sure" my mother said.

"If I'd ring them before I leave, they'll just end up talking me out of it" I said trying to explain my situation to her, but she wouldn't understand.

"Only if you're sure and remember to call me when you get there" my mum reminded me again.

"I'll call as soon as I touch the ground" I said.

"Good. Okay good luck honey" my mum said before I got out of the car.

"I'll miss you mum" I said before turning towards the airport.

"I'll miss you too" I heard my mother say only quiet enough for me to hear.


I walked through the airport of New Orleans. Wow, I can't believe I made it this far. I'd never been outside of Mystic Falls before. Whoever said I needed someone else to show me the world. I have forever to see the world; I can do it by myself. I found a small bar/diner. There was a sign on the window saying.

Help Wanted.

I walked in and sat at the front bar. A young girl with dark hair approached me.

"What would you like?" the girl asked me.

"I was going to ask about the help wanted sign" I said pointing to the sign in the window.

"So you want to stay in New Orleans" the girl asked.

"For a while, at least" I said shrugging.

"You can work here. But if you want to stay here permanently in New Orleans you'll have to ask Marcel" the girl said.

"Who's Marcel?" I asked.

"He rules New Orleans and anyone supernatural has to ask to him if they can stay" the girl said.

"How did you know I'm supernatural?" I said suddenly.

"I know you're a vampire, because I'm a witch" the girl said.

"Then why would you trust me" I asked, I'd only ever meet a handful of witches who trust vampires, Bonnie, her mum and her grams.

"Because I sense good in you" the witch said holding out her hand.

"Well thank you, my name is Caroline" I said shaking her hand.

"Did you say your name is Caroline" the witch asked.

"Yes, why do you know another Caroline?" I said.

"No it's just an uncommon name around here" the witch smiled.

"I hate to seem rude but what is your name" I asked, she still hadn't mentioned her own name.

"My name is Sophie" she said.

"Well it's nice to meet you" I smiled. It was a good idea to friends with witches. You don't want witches as your enemies.

"And you too" she said.

"When would you like me to start working?" I asked.

"Tonight if that's not too soon" Sophie said.

"Tonight would be great" I sounding excited.

"Good you'll be working me behind the bar" she said.

"Thank you" I smiled.

"No, thank you. I think you are just the person we need" Sophie smiled and headed towards the kitchen.


I had been working at the bar for about an hour when two guys walked in and took two stools at the end of the bar. I walked over to them.

"Hi, can I get you something to drink?" I asked politely.

"Yea, shots all round, my treat" a man said smiling.

"I get that set up then" I said a headed towards the shot glasses.

"What's your name, you're new around here" the man suddenly said stopping me in my tracks.

"My names Caroline" I said trying to look confident.

"Well hello Caroline" the man smiled.

"And may I ask what your name is, sir" I said.

"Marcel" he said. I froze; this was Marcel the king of New Orleans.

"I see you've heard of me" Marcel smiled wider as he watched my expression.

"Your reputation precedes you" I said smirking.

"I'll take that as a compliment" Marcel said his smile gone, "I'll have to invite you out some time, Caroline. You have to meet my friends".

"Will they hurt me?" I asked.

"I'm sure you are more than capable of protecting yourself" Marcel smiled.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"You're a day walker. I can see your ring" Marcel said looking towards the ring on my hand.

"It was a gift" I said.

"From" Marcel pushed.

"A guy" I said.

"May I ask his name?" Marcel asked.

"Why, you jealous" I said raising my eyebrow.

"You have a sharp tongue" Marcel said.

"I know. I'm well known for not keeping my thoughts to myself" I said putting my hands on my hips.

"Even if you could end up dead" Marcel said. Was that I threat?

"I find it very difficult to hold my tongue" I said.

"Then how have you lasted this long then, Caroline" Marcel said. My eyes flickered to the ring on my hand for a second, Marcel didn't miss it.

"This guy, he used to protect you" Marcel said.

"The guy you speak of was very stubborn" I smiled remembering.

"Would you care to elaborate on that?" Marcel asked.

"Well I was dating another guy at the time. But he was always pushy and over the top" I laughed remembering all the gifts.

"And then…" Marcel pushed.

"And then he left leaving nothing but this ring" I said lifting my hand up so I could see the ring more clearly.

"A daylight ring" Marcel said.

"Yes," then I was pulled out of my daydream when I heard a car alarm ring through the empty streets. The vampires were coming out of hiding.

"Well I must be going, Caroline. It was nice meeting you; I hope to see you again" Marcel smiles.

"It was nice to meet you too, Marcel" I said and he turned and left.

"Well I see you meet Marcel, he seems to like you" I heard Sophie from behind me.

"Is that a good thing?" I asked unsure.

"It's a good thing if you want to hang around New Orleans a little longer" Sophie said.

"Well I guess it's a good thing then" I smiled.

"I'm about to close up" Sophie said suddenly turning one of the lights off.

"Oh, okay Sophie, goodnight" I said heading out the back door.

"Goodnight Caroline" I heard Sophie call.

The air was cold and moist. I could smell blood in the air but I ignored it, I pushed the veins back. I wasn't going to change just because there was more temptation.

"Well look, if it isn't the brave bartender" I turned to come face to face with another vampire, fangs extended ready to strike. Then suddenly he fell to the ground and I came face to face with a man in a suit with a heart in his hand. I sighed with relief.

"God damn it Elijah, you scared the hell out of me" I said raising me voice just enough to sound distressed.

"You're very welcome, Caroline" Elijah smiled.

"Thank you for saving me, by the way" I said lowering my voice.

"Well, I'm sorry for scaring you" Elijah said smiling.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked.

"I came to save you, Caroline" Elijah said looking confused.

"No, not here, I mean why are you in New Orleans?" I asked again.

"Oh, you don't know" Elijah said to himself.

"Don't know what?" I asked; I was missing out on something.

"We're all here" Elijah smiled.

"All?" I gave him a questioning look.

"Yes, Me, Rebekah and Niklaus" Elijah said.

"Klaus is here" I gasped.

"I did say that, didn't I?" Elijah said.

Do you want be to keep going or not...
