Knock, Knock!

"Come in," Clarion called as she finished brushing her hair. It had grown much longer since she had arrived in Neverland and you wouldn't have guessed it had been cut not too long before.

"Good morning Clarion," Robin's voice echoed. "How are you this morning?"

"Oh, um, fine. Why?" Clarion blinked up at Robin, trying to hide her boredom.

"Oh, you know. Word's spread throughout Neverland that the Queen's got it in for you. But of course, she wouldn't do anything to you. It's not like she's some mad fairy-killing Queen that would hurt you or something. After all, she's the Queen. She might be a little feirce or unfriendly but-" Robin rambled on, not stopping till he saw Clarion raise a eyebrow.

"Robin, did you just come to see me so you can ramble on?" Clarion sighed. It was going to be a long morning.

"What? No, no. You need to learn the rest of the talents and-" Starting to ramble again, Clarion stopped Robin.

"I can't. Maybe I'm supposed to be the next ruler of Pixie Hollow but the Queen would blow if she found out that I'm trying to learn all the talents so I can rule after her." Clarion shrugged like it was no big deal.

"Clarion, you have to rule after her. It isn't optional, you can't just run away-" Robin stopped talking again when Clarion began to glare at him.

"Oh and you can talk about running away, can't you? After all, no one does it better than you." Clarion folded her arms.

"Look, it's not like the Queen's actually going to hurt you or-" For what seemed like the millionth time, Robin was cut off.

"But she will! You don't understand!" Clarion yelled.

"Oh and I'm sure that winter sparrowman does." Robin said calmly.

Clarion froze. How Robin knew, she hadn't a clue. In a flash, all the memories of the spy at the border washed back into her mind. Robin. How could Clarion have been so blind to what had happened right in front of her?

"Y-you... how could you?" Clarion tumbled over her words, just managing to get them out right.

"What ever do you mean?"

"You know what I mean! Tell me why you would spy on me like that?"

"Spy? I would never! But I did follow you because I was worried for your safety."

"Really?" Clarion's eyes narrowed. Robin seemed to be telling the truth but she couldn't tell. "How do I know you're telling the truth?"

"I am one of your best friends! I was only thinking of your safety Clarion."

"Oh..." Clarion didn't have any words left. How could she not believe Robin? It wasn't in his nature to spy and lie... was it? "Well then I'm sorry. I'm sorry I accused you of doing something you wasn't."

"I accept your apology."

A awkward moment of silence passed between the Part Pixie, Half Human and the apprentice. The only noise to be heard were cheers belonging to fairies from out of the bed chamber window.

"Well, um..." Clarion couldn't think of something to say, even if her life depended on it.

"So... you're, uh, dating Milori?"

"Um, yes..."

"That's... nice."

"Um... how long did you, um, know him?"

"A week after I first arrived was when I met him but I never associate with him."

"Oh... right."

"I guess, um, I'll be going?"


As Robin made his way to the door, Clarion knew she would never have such a awkward conversation with Milori. He always made her laugh or blush but it wasn't ever awkward. Clarion suddenly though of something,

"Oh and you won't tell anyone about Milori will you?" Clarion called as she flew outside her bed chamber. Robin kept on flying as if he never even heard her.

"Please Mary?"


"Pretty please?"


"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"


"Pretty please with a cherry on top, smothered in honey, accompanied by a cup of jasmine tea with a sprinkle of sugar?"

"You NO me so well."

"Oh hahaha, wasn't that funny?"

"Yes actually. I think it was."

"Mary! Please come with me to the border!"

"I can't..."




"Because I'm... busy..."


"A thing..."


"Alright! If you must know," Mary took a deep breath. "I don't like Milori. There, I said it."

"You haven't even met him yet!"

"Well last time you dragged me to the border, he stood you up!"

"He had his reasons!"

"Uh-huh, of course he did. Clarion," Mary's voice was suddenly gentle. "It's dangerous. I don't want another argument with you but I don't want you to get hurt either."

"Please Mary, I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't important to me."

"I know but just don't be surprised when I let it slip about the time you went dragonfly racing. Or the time you harvested honey!"

"What? No!"

"Too late! I'm coming now whether you like it or not."

"Why did I go and do so many stupid things when you were watching? I should have known better than that..."

"Are you sure he's coming?" Mary asked Clarion as the two friends flew to the border.

"Yes, he's coming." Clarion said confidently.

"Right, if you say so. I've got a lot to tell him about you." Mary grinned wickedly as they arrived at the border.

"He'll be here any second." Right on que, Milori appeared from the cover of the winter trees.

"Hello Clarion," Milori smiled warmly. "Who's this?"

"This is my best friend Mary. Mary this is Milori." Clarion nudged Mary forward slightly.

"Oh, um, hi." Mary glanced at Milori uncertainly.

"Nice to meet you," Milori laughed suddenly. "You wouldn't happen to know any... stories about Clarion would you?"

"Yes!" Mary exclaimed, warming up to Milori straight away. "We have the one about the time she came up with the idea for 'dragonfly racing', the one where Clarion harvested honey for the first time, the time Clarion decided to go swimming-"

"How about we don't tell any stories tonight?" Clarion shook Mary's arm as she began to start up one of the stories.

"So, Clarion thought it would be a great idea to go swimming. And as every fairy knows, you shouldn't ever go swimming. Clarion soon learned that the hard way though. It was a few weeks ago when she strolled down to the pond, all ready for a afternoon swim. She went straight ahead into the water, not realizing just how stupid she was being." Mary flashed a grin at Clarion. "And BAM, as soon as she was in the deep end she was sinking. Clarion didn't even realize she was sinking at first - can you imagine? She was weighed right down under the water and it took several water fairies to get her out." Milori was listening eagerly to every word Mary spoke. "Not long after that, she went for another dip in the pond too! Not that it was her fault, of course. Nothings ever her fault, it just happens."


"Hush Clarion! Milori hasn't heard the one where you came up with the ridiculous idea of dragon fly races. Everyone knows you can't ride dragonflies - well everyone but Clarion. She just woke up one morning and decided to ride a dragonfly. She found a bunch of them but they would all flee before she could even get near them so Clarion tried to climb on what which was asleep. She only just sat on his back when we awoke, completely startled. It flew around madly, trying to throw Clarion of his back. The poor girl hung on for her dear life! Eventually the dragonfly threw her into a tree! And of course, when she fell from the tree she landed in the pond!"

Milori's face was red with laughter and Clarion's red with embarrassment. Mary was clearly enjoying telling the tales and the stories went on till the moon was high in the sky. Mary just about told every embarrassing moment of Clarion's pixie life. The stories went on from the dip in the pond to simply get trapped in the great big door in the Pixie Dust Tree.

"Mary, it's late... maybe you should go?" Clarion glared at her friend.

"Oh, so soon? I guess I do have a lot of work tomorrow..." Mary seemed disappointed to leave but when Milori wasn't looking she winked at Clarion. Milori placed his hand on Clarion's once Mary was gone. He lost himself in her sapphire eyes. Clarion kissed his cheek gently, as Milori whispered in her ear.

"No matter how many embarrassing things you do, I'll always love you. Now and forever."