I forgot to write on my first Fanfic; I hold no rights to Merlin (TV series). I'm just writing fanfiction :3

Merthur. Modern AU. College AU. Not sure if it'll ever exceed T-rating, but we'll see.

In the UK College refers to the equivalent of Junior and Senior year in American High School, correct me if I'm wrong, they are 17/18 years old in the second year of college J

Chapter 1: The Royal Prat's Arrival

"Arthur Pendragon! I've had enough of your childish antics. Sort yourself out or get yourself out." Uther yelled at his son, immediately regretting his last few words.

"OK." the young Pendragon replied calmly. "I'll leave. If that's what you want." It's not what he wanted and Arthur knew it. He also knew that his father would never take his words back nor would he ever admit to being wrong.

It was the first day back after the summer holidays and most students, and some teachers, were still running on the buzz from the holidays. Others were sluggish and tired. One of the tired and sluggish students was a young boy with a messy mop of black hair and startling blue eyes that were drooping closed every few seconds. Whereas his childhood friend was as high as a kite and just wouldn't shut up.

"Shut up, Will!" Merlin moaned drowsily and closed his eyes again trying to catch an extra five minutes of rest before the nine o'clock bell that signalled first lesson.

Will just rolled his eyes in response, remembering Merlin couldn't see him he said, "I just rolled my eyes…""I guessed," came the muffled reply.

"So you aren't, in anyway, interested in the transfer student?" Merlin lifted his head purely to glare at his friend. "I hear he's really 'hot', not like I would know, but I saw him earlier, he looks like you type" He managed to wiggle his eyebrows just before a pencil case came hurtling towards his head.

"Will! Shut up!" Will was one of the few people that knew of Merlin's sexual orientation and he wished to keep that way. "Look if you really want to know, he walked past me this morning on the way in, went straight to the main office with a group of jocks. Yes, he is attractive, I suppose, but he's a complete prat. And you, of all people, know I reserve that insult for only the prattiest people I've had the 'privilege' of meeting."

"Awh, come on, you haven't even talked to him yet. At least give him a chance."

"No, Will. I've kept my sexuality a secret from the majority of our college for a reason and you expect me to trust a complete stranger with that little fact about myself in the vain hope he bats for my team? He is most probably straight. I mean have you seen him? He could get anyone he fancied. Why would he go after a guy, never mind someone as unattractive as me"

"Oh. I get it. This is all because you fell in love a first sight and your lack of self confidence is holding you back."

"This is nothing to with my self confidence issues. He's a prat. End of story. I just hope I don't have any lessons with him." And with that the bell rang throughout the building, giving Merlin a cue to make his exit towards his first lesson - History.

Merlin really liked History and was fond of his teacher as well Miss Squire. She was just so passionate about the subject and made everyone want to learn more about the topic. And this year they were going to be studying the Arthurian Legends. Miss Squire had already made obvious her excitement about having students in her class named after famous Arthurian figures; Guinevere (or Gwen), Lancelot and Merlin.

Not even ten minutes into the lesson and Merlin was already starting to regret sitting near the front. He'd learnt a long time ago to avoid the front row and chose between the second and third but now he was sitting right at the back because of some idiot who thought it would be funny to throw bits of his note paper at the back of Merlin's head. Deciding not to turn around to see who it was, fearing it would only encourage his attacker, he bent his head lower to the table and continued to take notes on King Arthur's Kingdom. The paper balls to the back of his head didn't cease until the bell went and he hurried off to his English Literature class.

Merlin made a quick exit from History, after thanking Miss Squire, and made his way to English Lit. He was determined to get a seat at the back. As soon as he entered to classroom he made a beeline for the desk at the back of the room. Other students filed in slowly and sluggishly, being the first day of term. The teacher was pleasantly surprised to be beaten to the classroom. Among the throng of students that arrived fashionably late he spotted Arthur Pendragon. He quickly checked the room - no spare seats. Except…

He made eye contact with Arthur and realised that the only spare seat was next to him. Miss Le Fay, eager to get the class started, hurried Arthur along to the back row to sit beside Merlin. Merlin was not impressed in the slightest. And he was definitely not even remotely happy about having to sit next to the hotte- most annoying prat in the school. No. Not-at-all.

To Be Continued….

What do you think is going to happen during their English lesson together? Who was throwing paper balls at Merlin's head?

Sorry to be cheesy, couldn't resist ;)