
Hey guys this is the epilogue, the finality of my first ever Walking Dead Story. I want to thank the people who stayed with me until the end. I appreciate it very much. I am also in the process to write another story….I am still trying to figure out some of the couples.

I hope this epilogue will give you closure.

Steffy 2106

Epilogue - 5 years later:

Daryl and I were sitting under the porch, looking at Alexander playing with Judith and Sophia in the garden, while Tommy and Carl were out with their girlfriends...It was so hard to wrap my head around the fact that my baby brother had just turned 18.

We were on babysitting duty as Rick and Carol requested some alone time. I didn't see it coming, but they got married 5 months ago and I was glad they found each other.

"I think they're going to get married one day" said Daryl pointing at Alexander and Judith, before pulling me toward him so I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Rick would be ecstatic. I am sure he wouldn't mind his daughter marrying a Dixon."

Sophia fell and started to cry.

I started to stand, but Daryl stopped me. "It's okay, let me take care of that."

"Come to daddy baby" he said kneeling down, and Sophia ran in his arms.

Sophia was not our biological daughter, but we loved her just as if she was. She was one of the orphans that the zombie apocalypse created. She had been brought to the hospital two years ago when she wasn't even a year old, weirdly enough she had the same eyes than I did and I knew Daryl would love a little girl. I had been right; as soon as he saw her, he fell in love with this little girl just like I had.

"Ya wanna daddy to give ya a magic kiss to make ya all better?"

Sophia sniffed loudly, and nodded.

Daryl kissed her knee. "Better?"

She smiled. "Love you daddy."

Daryl laughed. "I love ya to the moon and back baby girl."

Sophia when back to play with the others...Alexander might only be 5 but he was very careful with her and I could see he would be an insanely protective brother, the protective streak was clearly the Dixon trademark, and they were fighting like lions to protect the people they had in their heart.

Daryl sat back beside me.

"You are the best father our kids could ever dream of."

Daryl kissed me. "It's not hard when I get to raise them with their angel of a mother."

I laughed, resting my head on his shoulder again. "You know what I'm grateful for?"

"Last night?"

I blushed. "Yea... well except for that. I'm grateful our babies won't remember the horrible world they were born in, very soon the world would be back to how it used to be."

The bomb our government had been working on, actually worked. I guessed it was fair for the country that started it all to put an end to it. It had been launched two years ago and once the result came positive, a few hundred had been sent everywhere in the world. It was killing walkers on the spot and it was also immunizing people from eve turning. These bombs were not created in factories around the globe. There was still a few walkers roaming here and there but, all in all, the world was almost walker free now.

"I know, I would have never thought that was possible but to be fair I had never thought I would be so happy, I never thought I would find someone so perfect as you, I never thought I would have a little boy that was just so smart and beautiful and a little girl that is a fairy." He turned to look at me. "Yer my miracle Mrs Dixon, never forget that."

I kissed his lips." And you're mine Mr. Dixon, you're my prince charming, and as they say in fairy tales...i intend for us to live "happily ever after" "

He tightened his hold on me and kissed me a bit more deeply as we settled in our own little piece of heaven...our little piece of forever.