Author's Note: Sorry I haven't updated in a while. My life's been pretty crazy lately.. Please don't be angry at me...

Thanks a bunch to muselover5694 for making the most amazeballs poster for 'My Brown Eyed Girl' and 'My Blonde Haired Beauty'. So insane-balls good! If you guys want to check it out go to tastethefailureonurlips . tumblr .com

Anywho... On with the story..

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Chapter 4 - Quinn Gives Birth

"Santana, this is good. I mean... This is really good. It's definitely getting published, no doubt about it." said Will, holding Britt's book in his hand as I sat across from him in his office. I smiled and nodded, "So, all we need to do before this book's ready to be published is have a meeting with Brittany to discuss the usual. When is she free?"

"Tomorrow." I answered immediately. Will smiled and my excited tone and nodded.

"Alright. Tomorrow. Conference room. One thirty. Don't be late." he said as I stood up.

"I won't. Thank you. I'll let Brittany know." I said with a smile. He chuckled.

"Good. You can take the rest of the day off then, seeing as though you recommended such an amazing book." he said.

"Thank you!" I squealed and kissed his forehead before racing out of his office and toward my office to grab my stuff.

As soon as I had my purse and my office was locked I raced toward the elevator and frantically pressed the buttons so I could get to the lobby faster.

I was in my car in 3 minutes and on my way to Brittany's work place. I jumped out of my car once it was parked and I locked it in record time before running as fast as possible up to Brittany's office. Without knocking, I flung her office door open and very quickly sat down on one of the chairs opposite her. She looked up at me from whatever she was reading and smiled while raising her eyebrow.

"Um... Hey, love." she said as the smile on my face grew. I rolled my eyes and pecked her lips before squealing like a school girl, "What's going on?"

"Oh my God! It's so exciting!" I squealed and she chuckled.

"What is?" she asked.

"Will! He loved your book and he's gonna publish it! Eek!" I screamed and watched as Brittany's eyeballs widened.

"What? Babe, are you serious?" she asked, shocked at what I'd just told her. I nodded my head vigorously as we both squealed with excitement.

"He wants to have a meeting tomorrow at my work at one thirty in the conference room to discuss stuff and then he'll publish it! YAY!" I screamed. Brittany giggled at how excited I was and leaned over her desk.

"That's great." she said, the smile still evident on her face, "Now, give me a proper kiss."

"Wait, baby, aren't you excited?" I asked.

"Of course I'm excited but I'm keeping my excitement on the down low since I am the boss here and you seem excited enough for the both of us." she said, "Now I want a proper kiss." she whined. I sighed and rolled my eyes, leaning in to kiss her. She smiled as I let my lips gently caress hers.

"So... What time do you get off?" I asked, my lips still ghosting over hers.

"In about 2 hours." she replied. I sighed and pecked her lips before leaning back in my seat.

"But I want you now." I whined. Brittany chuckled and pulled me forward by my shirt, smashing our lips together.

"I want you now too, but I have to work." she mumbled against my lips.

"No!" I said, crossing my arms and sitting back in my chair. Brittany raised her eyebrow and smiled.

"Fine, then get under this desk and eat me out." she demanded. My eyes widened at the tone of her voice but I still smirked.

"Okay." I said before standing up and walking around her desk, moving her chair out and crawling underneath her desk before pulling her chair back in. I smiled and bit my lip as I undid the button on her work pants, slowly sliding down the zipper.

"Oh, my god. San, are you seriously gonna do this?" she asked, shock evident in her voice.

"Oh yeah, baby." I said in a sexy whisper, "Just carry on with your work."

"Oh-kay." she breathed out as I slid her pants down before bringing her thighs over my shoulders and kissing her lower stomach, which was now uncovered seeing as though her shirt was no longer tucked into her pants, "Wait, baby, my door's still open." she said as I gripped her thighs tighter, burying my nose in her wetness.

"Good." I mumbled before taking a long lick through her wet folds. She gasped and jumped in her seat. I smiled and licked again, wrapping my lips around her clit and gently sucking.

"Ah... Fuck, baby." she moaned under her breath as I started to suck a little harder.

"Knock, knock." I heard a male voice say from the doorway and I smiled against Brittany's clit.

"H-Hey S-Sam." Brittany stuttered, trying so hard to keep her voice steady as I pressed my tongue down hard on her clit while I inserted one finger in, "Sweet merciful lord." Brittany moaned as her voice jumped. I started slowly pumping my finger in and out of her as I gently licked around her swollen nub.

"Um... Okay then. So, I just wanted to talk to you about something. Do you have a minute?" asked Sam and I heard his footsteps coming closer.

"Ah.. Su-Sure, what's up?" asked Britt, trying to keep her composure while I inserted a second finger, pumping a little faster.

"So, when Quinn had Beth, you were in the delivery room with her right?" Sam asked.

"Uh-huh... Oh, yeah." Britt moaned. Sam cleared his throat.

"Okay, so, Quinn's due date is in 3 days and I'm really nervous. Was it scary? You know, holding her hand while she was giving birth. Watching her scream?" Sam asked, clearly oblivious to the fact that I was viciously pumping my fingers in and out of Brittany while lapping at her clit.

"Uh! Yeah, Fuck!" Brittany practically screamed.

"Really? That bad?" asked Sam. I added a third finger, making Brittany gasp.

"Oh, sweet Moses!" she moaned.

"Ah, man. I was really hoping you'd say it was like taking a bite out of a muffin." said Sam, making me giggle silently as I pumped faster, feeling Brittany clench around my fingers, signaling she was close.

"Yeah... Mhmm, oh yeah!" Brittany moaned, "It's scary, very... Oh, so good... scary."

"Well, thanks Britt. Maybe to stay calm I'll smoke some weed beforehand." said Sam, walking out and closing the door.

"San... Fuck, Santana, I'm gonna cum." Brittany moaned as her thighs started to tremble around my neck as her vagina muscles squeezed my fingers while her legs trapped my head in between her legs, "Fuck, I'm cumming.." she moaned quietly so as not to let anyone know what we were really doing in here.

I helped Brittany ride out her orgasm, slowing down my fingers and slipping one out so only two remained. As soon as she had come down, I gently kissed her clit and slid my fingers out of her, licking her juices off of them.

"That was fun." I said after five minutes of silence and Brittany's heavy breathing. I patted her thighs and slid her panties and pants back up her legs and buttoned them up, doing up the zipper before pushing her chair out and crawling out from underneath her desk, standing up and straightening out my pencil skirt. I smiled at how spent she looked and softly kissed her lips. She smiled and licked my lips, tasting herself.

"I taste like peaches." she mumbled as I pecked her lips one last time before sitting back down on the chair opposite her.

"Yeah, you do actually. Peaches and cream." I said with a smile. Brittany giggled and tilted her head to the side.

"So... I'm gonna be a published author in a few months, huh?" she asked.

"Yup." I answered, "And I am so proud of you."

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"So, Brittany, what kind of cover would you like for this book?" asked Will as him, Brittany and I sat in the conference room discussing Brittany's book.

"Um, I don't know. I'm new to this so, what do you think is best?" asked Brittany. I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"I think we should do 15 thousand hard cover and the other 15 thousand soft cover." said Will. Brittany nodded and smiled.

"Okay then, great."

"Now, what design would you like on the front cover?" he asked.

"Oh, I actually got one of my friends to draw something and I think it's really good." said Britt, taking out a picture from here cute little stack of papers in front of her. She scrambled to get it out before handing it to Will who looked at it, nodded with a smile and handed it to me.

"Wow.. This is amazing." I said, looking at the picture of two brown eyes and a black hair across the forehead of this girl looking as though the wind was blowing it. The words, 'My Brown Eyed Girl' were written across the bottom in red letters. It was gorgeous, "Who drew this?"

"Hayley." Brittany answered. I smiled and nodded.

"It's really good." I said.

"That it is. Now, what do you want the back of the book to say? The summary?" asked Will. Brittany got out another piece of paper and handed it to him. He nodded and let his eyes scan the page before putting it down and looking at Brittany, "Good. Perfect. Now, do you want to dedicate this book to anyone?"

"Um... Yes. The persons name is on that paper." said Britt, "Also, underneath the name is a like, a little letter and I want that in there too."

"Perfect. We'll make sure that's in there, Brittany. Thank you. I think that's it. All you have to do is sign this contract and we'll do the rest." said Will, handing Brittany the contract. Being the genius that she is, she read through it first before signing.

I smiled and watched as she very carefully wrote her name on the dotted line before handing the contract back to Will who signed it very, very fast before handing it to me. I took it and glanced at Britt's signature, smiling as I signed.

"Good. Let's get this book published."

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4 days later...

"Hey Quinn!" Brittany said as Quinn walked into Rosemary's.. still very pregnant, "You're still pregnant."

"I know that Brittany. And it is driving me crazy." snapped Quinn as she sat down. I chuckled and handed her the ice tea we ordered her.

"Well, you're baby just decided that he doesn't wanna come out yet. Live with it." I said as she took her ice tea.

"I have been living with it! I've been living with it for 9 months! I am tired of being pregnant! I just wanna push this thing out of my vagina and be done with it." she said, clearly very annoyed.

"Well, maybe you should eat something. Maybe something spicy." suggested Brittany.

"Really? That helps the process along?" she asked and Brittany nodded.

"Yup, I saw it in this book..." she started and I glanced at her, kinda scared that she might be reading baby books and we aren't even married yet, "...A romance novel. And it said that, spicy foods help and the best one is sex."

"So... I'll eat a chili while San fucks me, great. Done." said Quinn, making me laugh.

"Sorry Quinn. Not gonna happen. I only wanna make love to Brittany." I said and Brittany smiled, leaning in to kiss me. I gently pecked Britt's lips, making her smile and stroke my cheek.

"Make love? What are you, a girl?" asked Quinn.

"Um... Yes." I answered making her scoff and roll her eyes.

"Really? 'Cause word on the street is that you have a penis." said Quinn.

"Yes, I do. But it's detachable." I said, making Britt giggle while eating a french fry from the plate we'd ordered for the table. Quinn chuckled and sipped her ice tea.

"Ugh... This is so annoying. I seriously need to have this baby now. I'm gonna start pulling the pubic hairs out of my vagina any second now." she said.

"Whoa, too much information, lady." I said. Brittany was laughing as she brought the cup of coffee she'd ordered up to her lips, "Why are you laughing?"

"No, nothing. I'm just remembering my first bikini wax." said Britt. I made a face and cringed.

"Ouch. How are you laughing? My first bikini wax hurt like a bitch." I said. Brittany giggled again and sipped her coffee.

"Yeah, mine did too. But my mom did it and when she did it she was singing a song about pubic hairs that she saw on that TV show, 'Friends'." Brittany said, laughing. I chuckled.

"How'd the song go?" asked Quinn.

"Um, something like: 'You were lying in my bed, how'd you whined up there? You are a mystery, little black curly hair. Little black, little black, little black, little black, little black curly hair.'" Brittany sang while trying not to laugh. I laughed and looked at Quinn who rolled her eyes as she smiled.

"You're mom even sang that to me when she overheard me telling you about the first hair I found down there." she said, making me laugh more, "She's insane."

"Yeah." said Britt, laughing.

"Oh!... Oh, my god." said Quinn, looking surprised as she put her ice tea down.

"What? What is it?" asked Britt as she stopped laughing and put down her coffee.

"Um... I guess talking about bikini waxes and pubic hair kinda helped." said Quinn, "My water just broke."

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"Excuse me? Hi! Hello! Hey, hi, hi!" I said as me and Brittany helped Quinn into the hospital after calling Sam, "Um, my friend is pregnant and her water just broke so... Could we get her into a wheelchair and into a room so she can put on one of those hideous dresses and start breathing and screaming?"

"Of course ma'am." said the lady behind the counter, "And is the father here?"

"He's on his way." said Brittany.

"Okay, just a second ladies. One of you needs to fill in these forms." said the woman, "Could I get a wheelchair please, nurse?"

A nurse very quickly rolled a wheelchair up to us and we helped Quinn sit down.

"Okay, Santana you give those forms to Sam when he gets here and Brittany, you make sure that Sam gave Beth to Puck and that Puck doesn't bring her here." said Quinn as the nurse rolled her away and to a room, I followed so I knew which room she was in. As soon as I saw her room I raced back to Brittany and waited for Sam with her. He immediately came racing into the hospital with a bag and a big fluffy duck.

"Jesus Christ." I mumbled as he tripped over a chair. He quickly jumped back up and ran up to us, "Whoa, slow down there Trouty mouth, you gotta fill in these forms."

"Okay, thanks. Now where's Quinn?" he asked, trying desperately hard to get the sling of the bag over his shoulder as I handed him the forms.

"Straight down there, left and the first room on the right." I said and he started making his way there.

"Wait! Sam, did you drop Beth off at Pucks?" asked Britt, watching as he nodded, "Is Puck staying at his place?"

"Yes. I made sure of that. Can I go now?" he asked. Brittany nodded and Sam raced to Quinn's room. I chuckled and shook my head.

"He's so cute. It's adorable how excited and nervous he is." I said. Brittany smiled and kissed my head.

"Yeah... This is gonna be us one day." she said, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and squeezing me gently.

"Yeah," I said softly, "Hey, you wanna get some chips?"

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13 hours later...

"It's a boy." said Sam with his cute little doctor hat on and shoe gloves. I smiled and looked at Brittany.

"That's great." I said, getting up and kissing his cheek, "Congratulations Trouty mouth."

"Yeah, congrats, Sam." Said Brittany, giving him a hug and a peck on the cheek. He did a little dance and smiled really big.

"I'm a dad." he said, making us chuckle before he went over to his and Quinn's parents.

"God, I am so tired." I said, looking at Brittany who was half asleep already.

"Well, I'm not surprised, it is one thirty in the morning." she mumbled.

"Yeah, come on sleepy, let's go congratulate Quinn before we head home." I said, taking Britt's hand and following a very excited Sam to Quinn's room.

We walked in and very quietly walked over to the blonde who looked super tired and was smiling down at the little baby boy in her arms. He was so small. I watched as his little fingers wrapped around her one finger. She let out a quiet, happy sob and looked up at us.

"Hey, you wanna hold him?" she asked in a whisper.

"Um... No, no, I'm good." I said. Brittany nodded her head vigorously as Quinn chuckled and handed her the baby.

"God... He's beautiful. What's his name?" asked Brittany as she gently stroked the baby boy's tiny little hand.

"Caleb." said Quinn. I smiled.

"It suits him." I said, looking at the tiny baby.

"Yeah... He's so small." said Britt.

"Yeah, he is. And we want you two to be his god parents. Is that okay?" asked Sam, smiling at us as our heads snapped in his direction.

"Yeah, that's okay." said Britt, smiling really big, "Yay, I have a god son."

"San, you okay?" asked Quinn as I still looked a little shocked.

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm good." I said, smiling at the baby and gently touching his head. He made an adorable little noise before pushing out his tiny arm and pursing his lips, "He's clearly winning the fight he's having in his dream." Brittany chuckled and kissed my head.

"Yeah, he's gonna be a strong man when he's older." said Britt, handing Caleb back to Quinn, "He's gorgeous, you guys."

"Yeah, he's gonna be a total babe magnet when he's our age." I said, making Quinn and Sam laugh.

"That's my boy." said Sam.

"Listen, it's late but we'll come in and see you at visiting hours later today." said Britt. Sam and Quinn nodded and we said goodbye before leaving the hospital and driving back to our apartment.

"God, I can't believe we stayed at that hospital for thirteen hours." I said as Britt and I climbed into bed with Snix. Snix was lying in between our pillows. I smiled and kissed her fur before pecking Britt's lips.

"Yeah, but it was worth it. Caleb's beautiful." said Britt, snuggling underneath the comforter and pulling me toward her, pressing my back to her front. Snix meowed before walking across my head and plopping herself down underneath my neck.

"Yeah, he is." I said, closing my eyes, "Our baby's way cuter though."

"What? What baby?" asked Britt.

"Snix. Duh." I said, making her giggle.

"Yeah. That she is."

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Author's Note: Sorry again for waiting so long to update. No excuse, I was just being an annoying Wank. Review?