Ch. 1

England walked up the stairs leading out of the sub-station and grimaced.

"America really needs to get his countries pollution under control." He muttered under his breath. Even America's capital had more trash on the street than anywhere in London. Even though he heard they were trying to get it under control, they weren't doing a very good job.

England rolled his eyes as he walked up to the curb. He raised his arm to hail an incoming taxi, only for the bright yellow car to speed past him. England scowled and turned back to the road, searching for another one of the bright yellow cars.

The only reason he was here in this country was because of the upcoming World Meeting. America was the host. Again.

England practically had to run in front of the next incoming taxi to get it to stop. He climbed inside and told the driver to take him to the White House. The cab started to roll forward and had only made it to the first turn before getting stuck in the traffic. England sighed and leaned back in his seat, preparing himself for a long drive.

It was a good thing he came early. He was probably going to be in the car for a while, and he really wanted to make sure this meeting was not a disaster like the last meeting that America hosted. The last time, well lets just say it had given him nightmares for weeks.

Those were the only two reasons he was here three hours early to make sure this meeting was going to be something less life threatening.

The cab stopped suddenly, jarring England in his seat. He opened is eyes in surprise and looked to find the reason of the sudden stop. The cab had parked unevenly a few blocks away from the White House. The traffic was too bad for the driver to get any closer and let its increasingly frustrated passenger out without causing an accident.

England resisted the urge to roll his eyes and pulled out his wallet to pay the driver. He muttered a thanks' as he clamored out of the vehicle. England ignored the front doors of the White House and walked around the perimeter of the building until he reached a fairly well hidden side door that lead to a private wing that was meant for all the World Meetings that America hosted. The wing also had enough rooms for everyone if the meeting had to continue on late into the night and for those who didn't want to find a hotel.

England pulled out the key that had been issued to all the countries and unlocked the door to the building.

"America?" he called as he entered the door. He made sure to lock it behind him. The last thing anyone would want is for a few humans to come in and read the documents in here. They didn't want anyone to know about their existence as countries.

"America? I know you're in here. You should be setting up for the others!" England yelled into the silent wing. England blinked. The silent wing? America was loud. There was no way that he could be this quiet if he tried. England got an uneasy feeling and suddenly missed Flying Mint Bunny and awful lot

Deciding it was probably a bad idea to leave America alone in these circumstances, England walked down the hall to America's room to see if he was asleep and/or sick.

England knocked on America's door.

"America? Are you in there?"

England waited a moment before he heard a small noise behind the door, and then a panicked shout.

"England? W-what are you doing here so early? The meeting doesn't start for another two hours!"

"Yes I know. I called earlier to say I was coming early. I think it was your alien friend who picked up. Didn't he tell you what I said in my message?"

There was a pause.


England sighed and turned the door handle.

"W-wait a minute! Don't come in!" America was making a lot of noise behind the door. But then again, he was America, when was he not making noise?

England pushed open to door to look inside.

"Really America what could you possibly be doing… What-WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING?"

Authors Note

I just want to say really quickly I don't think America is doing what you think he is! I'm a little stuck on how to continue but an update will certainly be up by no later than next week. (I don't like it either when people take forever in updating. too much suspense.) Please Comment so I know how im doing! Criticism is welcomed!