I don't own anything except the document and story. All Hetalia characters belong to Himaruya Hidekaz.



February 1, 1976

Moscow, USSR

Late morning

The Communist countries were having a meeting in Russia's house. North Korea, 4 months pregnant now and with a small bump, was lying down on the couch, dozing in and out with the just as lazy rays of sun. China was sitting across from North reading a newspaper. Vietnam, Cuba, and Russia had gone out to do some grocery shopping so that they were set for the week.

North Korea was still on edge around Russia after the abuse he had gotten prior to the pregnancy, which, after extensive thought, he realized he probably had conceived the child during the times when he didn't have a choice but to sleep with Russia out of fear. Perhaps it may have been the one time when he had tried to retaliate, though he wasn't quite sure.

As he thought about the times that Russia technically raped him, he shuddered, which didn't go undetected by China. "Are you okay, aru?"

Snapped out of his thoughts, North Korea spoke nonchalantly to disguise his troubles, "Yeah, I'm fine." He then stood up, "I just need something to drink."

China hesitated looking back at his newspaper as he was unsure and doubted what the Korean male had told him. He knew, unlike the Southern twin, that North Korea tended to hide what was troubling him, much less not open up to a lot of people. He eventually kept that thought in the back of his mind and went back to the paper.

North Korea stopped in the middle of the kitchen. He wasn't really thirsty. He just wanted China to stop worrying and he felt the need to walk around for a bit. As he leaned on one of the counters, he heard the door latch unlock and voices outside the front door. He turned to see Vietnam and Cuba come in with the groceries while Russia came in behind them, car keys still in hand.

Russia saw North standing in the kitchen and said, "We need to go, North. Taking you to the doctor's office."

North raised an eyebrow, and Vietnam and Cuba slowly brought their attention to the couple, "Why? I was just there last week."

Russia walked up to him and grabbed the Korean's wrist strong enough that North winced at the slight pain of the vice like grip. Vietnam, Cuba, and China watched on silently. "I said we are going to the doctor's office. Now."

North looked up into the Russian's eyes, and his heart plummeted when he saw those same cold eyes with a shading of red from before November. He had seen these when Russia was constantly abusing him. He feared this would have happened again. "O-okay. Just let me get dressed."

Russia dragged him down the hallway by the wrist. Vietnam and Cuba both looked at each other with nervous looks. They then slowly got back to putting the groceries away, but all the while Vietnam kept looking down the hallway and biting her lip.

Shortly later, North was dressed and Russia was still dragging him by the wrist, which was starting to lose some circulation. The other three countries looked at them with some slight apprehension covered with false happy faces.

North tried to wave goodbye but was forcefully yanked out the door. A faint "Ow! That hurts!" could be heard before the voices were drowned out by the starting of the car.

It wasn't until the sound of the car died away that Vietnam spoke, "Do you guys… find that odd?"

China answered, "Yeah. Russia doesn't usually treat him like that and North doesn't normally back down that quickly, aru."

The Caribbean nation nodded and with slight apprehension in his voice stated, "Do you think… Russia is abusing him? I mean you saw how rough he was with him… and I saw bruises a couple of times."

The three communist nations stared at the front door in an uneasy silence.


A few miles from the house in the car, Russia was driving with an uneasy North Korean who was tenderly rubbing his sore wrist. The Slavic nation barely made any eye contact with the Korean and stared fixedly at the road.

North Korea barely looked over at the Russian, with the exception of looking at the rear view mirror to see his eyes. His mouth twitched at one corner, giving away his anxiety and fear. His breathing shortened to the point where he could potentially hyperventilate. North forced himself to calm down for the child's sake and took a hesitant look at the mirror to see Russia.

At that moment, after stopping at a traffic light, he saw Russia's eyes change. The violent, red-purple color that was voided of any warmth suddenly reverted back to the usual purple eyes that always seemed to make North's curious side come out. Russia blinked and shook his head looking around wildly in slight fear and confusion.

"W-What? Where am I?"

That's… odd. The Asian man's mouth was slightly agape in confusion.

He hesitantly asked, "Are you okay?"

Russia turned his head bewilderedly towards the Korean. "W-When did you get here? Where are Vietnam and Cuba?"

Still with the confused expression, North responded, "Uh… You drove back to the house with them after getting groceries… And then you said you were taking me to the doctor's office. Do you not remember?"

Russia kept darting his eyes around the intersection, "Uh… yeah. I think." He then kept on driving.

A few seconds of silence passed before North Korea turned slightly in his seat towards the Russian, "You really don't remember, do you?"

Russia sighed, knowing he couldn't make up a lie quick enough. "I don't."

He then hesitantly asked, "I did something bad… didn't I?"

North raised an eyebrow then questioned himself if he should really tell him what happened. Before he could answer Russia asked, "You would tell me if something happened during times like that, da?"

North slowly nodded his head, "What's gotten into you, Ivan?"

Russia leaned back in his seat slightly until his eyes came alight with a realization. "Could you get something for me in the glove box?"

North opened it up and Russia stated, "It's a little bottle with a blue label on it."

North picked up said bottle and gave it a curious look before he gave it to Russia, who then took two pills and swallowed them, handing the bottle back to North to put back in the glove box. The Asian man glanced at Russia warily, "What was that for?"

Russia glanced at his lover's face, which he realized had a slight tinge of fear in it, and grimaced slightly, "It's for a… condition that I have."

North Korea gave him a stern look, though his eyes betrayed his anxiety. He knew Russia's government did experimentations on some people, he still remembered what they did to Laika, and he feared that possibly Russia himself would have gotten mixed up in it as well. Not that he hasn't heard some rumors of the same kind in his country, in fact he had sickening feeling it was happening, but that didn't mean he didn't fear it as well. "You sure it's not a test for an experiment?"

Russia gave a small smirk, "No, this is an actual medicine."

They drove in silence for a few minutes until he pulled into a parking garage. Thankfully it wasn't packed with citizens. Before Russia could put a hand on the door handle his pregnant boyfriend grabbed his other wrist. He turned around to see a slightly annoyed Korean glaring at him.

North spoke in a slightly annoyed voice, "You still haven't answered my question."

Russia put his hands behind his head in a relaxed position, "And you haven't answered mine, either. I'll answer yours if you answer mine, da or da?"

North rolled his eyes, "Doesn't seem like I have a choice."

"What exactly happened? What did I do?" Russia looked at his boyfriend with anxiousness.

North's nose twitched, which tends to happen when he is mulling something over, in this case it was deciding if he should tell about the events prior to the pregnancy as well. In the end, he sighed, giving in to divulging the rest of the story.

Russia initially was puzzled that it happened once before, and for such a long period to boot, yet he doesn't recall a single thing about it, not even realizing that months had passed. It soon contorted into shock and bitter grief when he was told of the events and what he had done to the Korean, from the secret scheme involving South Korea to the abuse and rape. He bit his lip so hard from trying to hold in his cries of despair that blood started dripping down his chin in a constant stream of red. He let out a strangled cry and apology, rendering the Korean's lips to flatten into a grim line.

"I'm… sorry. I'm so sorry!" Russia continued to cry, trying to hold it in all the while. "I didn't mean for any of that to happen!"

North, with a down casted look, stared at his feet, "Even with… Yong-Soo?"

"Even him! I would never harm a child! I wouldn't wish ill will on a child, let alone one that hasn't even come to this world!" Russia was on the verge of total despair and was finding it harder and harder to hold back his sobs.

North Korea looked over at his Russian and lightly bit his lip wondering how to comfort him. Russia continued on, "Believe me, please!"

Russia then said in an almost whisper, "…if you don't want it… I understand."

The peninsular nation gave a harsh glare and matching tone to the Russian, "Ivan. Look at me."

Russia wouldn't pick up his head, still wiping away his tears. The smaller of the two grabbed his chin and forced him to look into his eyes, "Damn it, Ivan! I said look at me!"

Even though he may have been gritting his teeth and trying to stay strong, North Korea still had tears in his eyes as he spoke, "I still want it! Yeah, the circumstances may not have been fucking ideal, but it's still our child damn it!"

Russia leaned over as much as he could in his seat to hold the Korean in an embrace with his head buried into the other's shoulder letting his cries out, whether they were of distress still or relief the Asian couldn't tell, perhaps they were both. He let himself shed some tears as he held the other gently and brushed his fingers through the pale blonde hair. He left a lingering kiss on the other's head; he knew for certain he was never the best at consoling, but it seemed to do the trick for the Slavic nation.

Russia pulled back, letting his boyfriend wipe away the tears still left on his cheeks, and gave a small smile, "Does this mean you forgive me?"

In an attempt to lighten the mood, North sarcastically feigned uncertainty, "Depends if you answer my question."

Catching on to the sarcasm, Russia couldn't help but let laughter escape his lips, causing the other to giggle slightly at the other's adorableness, though he wouldn't admit that aloud.

Russia's smile faded and he leaned back into his seat with a heavy sigh, "Where to begin…"

With the Korean holding his hand in encouragement, he started his story, "Well, it started around World War I… you know, I had a revolution then, and it caused me to have developed this… split personality, I guess you could call it. When the revolutionist grew stronger, my "other" self would take over… I was such a cruel man when I became that, as you now have seen. Once the revolution was over… I thought that side would fade away… but it never did. It would just keep appearing… sometimes at the worst of times, and I would never remember what happened. My bosses had tried finding a way to keep that under control, especially when… during World War II when I completely lost it. Eventually… they found out it was a parasite that some nations could get. Heh, the only reason they even knew was from old records from the ancient times. They developed this medication that suppressed that, and hopefully… over time it would cure it, so I wouldn't need to keep popping pills. But… they're not exactly good with making sure I always have them, sometimes they don't refill it until days, weeks even, after I call. And that's when… when I fear the "other" self will appear…"

North Korea nodded along to his explanation, sometimes rubbing his thumb over the other's hand to help the other continue. He hesitantly asked, "So… back in September, that's what happened? They didn't fill your prescription in time?"

Russia nodded his head grimly. "And… okay. I'll say this was the first time, but the one that just happened was because I forgot to take the pill."

North kept a hold on the other's hand, "So… you normally remember to take them?"

Russia rolled his eyes, "Yes, sweetheart. I'm terrified of that… "other" self, parasite, whatever you want to call it. Of course I remember. I just so happened to put them in there and forgot to take one."

"Alright then," North began, which made the Russian look at him quizzically, "How about I put in a word with my boss so that he makes sure your boss gets you your pills on time?"

Russia quirked an eyebrow at him, "Why would you need to do that?"

North gave him a tone that suggested the reason was obvious, "Because one, I want you to get better and the only way that will happen is if you are able to get your pills without pauses, and two, if you go into that state and something happens to me or the child, your boss is going to have a shit storm coming his way from my boss for not warning us about that and it would be his fault. So it's in the best interest of all of us if I can do this."

Russia just chuckled and ruffled the other's hair, "How did I ever live without you, my sassy little kitten?"

North smirked and gave him a peck on the lips, "Come on, we'll be late." And with that he exited the car.

In the doctor's office…

"So, have you been doing any heavy lifting in the past month?" The doctor ran through his check list.

North rolled his eyes, "I can't even lift a finger without this one doing it for me." He glares at the Russian playfully, who has a sheepish look on his face.

The doctor chuckles, "Now, now, that's perfectly fine. Have you been eating well? Drinking enough?"

"I didn't think I needed more." North laid back in his seat.

The doctor gave him a skeptical look and then jotted down notes, "Remember you're eating for two," he pointedly looks at Russia, "Make sure he eats and gets enough fluids."

"Have you been drinking any alcohol at all?" He eyes the Korean from over his glasses.

"No." He rolls his eyes. Does he think I'm that stupid?

"Any food cravings?" He looks at both nations, his white eyebrows arching in question.

North Korea was about to speak when Russia cut in and said, "Pickles. Oddly."

The trigger happy Korean glared icy daggers at Russia before saying coldly, "Seems like someone wants an early grave."

The doctor chuckled lightly before commenting, "I'd prefer if our nation was alive and not horribly maimed."

North Korea rolled his eyes before eyeing the Russian again, while said Russian was wondering where he kept the key to his secret bunker so that he could hide from the inevitable mood swings. Also he wondered how many jars of pickles he should stock up on to keep the other happy. You know, just in case.

"Alright then, time for the ultra sound." The doctor then instructed the Korean through the procedure.


"Why didn't you want to know?" Russia questioned after they exited the doctor's office.

"Might as well make it a surprise." The Korean stated calmly, "Well, at least for me."

Russia pouted some before he grabbed the other's shoulder, "Hang on, I forgot something, I'll meet you at the car."

The Northern Korean would have pulled on the other's scarf to lead him back, fully knowing what the Russian was really up to but he decided there was no harm in the other knowing. He had been waiting in the car for another 5 minutes by the time Russia came back, seeing the amused smirk played on the other's face.

He pouted slightly, "Why are you so cheery?"

"Hmm? No reason~." Russia gave a toothy smirk, feeling quite accomplished.

He noticed his pregnant boyfriend pout and narrow his eyes before huffing and crossing his arms. "Thought you didn't want to know?"

North Korea stuttered, "J-just shut up and drive."

Russia's home

The rest of the day was spent with North Korea tailing Russia trying to get him to slip up on what he knew. He'd admit he was curious, he just didn't want to get excited out in public. This did nothing but bewilder the other 3 countries in the house, considering their previous nervousness this morning. Sometimes now they were saying snide remarks about how both of them were going through mood swings at this rate, causing a few giggles from Russia and a heavily flustered Korean. China and Vietnam still kept a close eye on the two; they may not act like a family, but North Korea was still like a little brother to them.

Finally, nearing ten o'clock at night, when Russia and North Korea were settling down for bed, North Korea decided to just be blunt. "What is it?"

"What is what?" Curse that Russian playing these games, he thought to himself.

"You know what I mean."

"I'm not sure that I do, Hyung-Soo."

"Do you really want an early grave?"

"What probable cause do you have?"

Now he was getting annoyed, and perhaps desperate, so the Korean did the only thing he knew could work: whining. "Ivan…"

The loud laughter that ensued gave the Korean a fluttery feeling in his stomach, "What is so funny?"

Russia ruffled the other's hair, "Whatever happened to wanting to be surprised?"

The Korean looked down at the sheets clenched in his fists with a noticeable blush dusting his cheeks, "I… just didn't want to out in public…"

The Slavic nation pressed a kiss to the other's temple, "I hope our son is just like you."

"W-…eh?" Whatever he was going to say, North Korea didn't seem to remember as he suddenly realized what was just said. He then smiled fondly, "I think he'll be fine. He's got strong parents to look after him."

Russia giggled for the umpteenth time that day, "Who knew you could be so motherly, Hyung-Soo?"

North Korea stuttered in embarrassment, "J-j-j-j… Good night."

He flipped over and pulled the blankets up to his chin. He would have buried himself if it weren't for his lover's strong arms wrapping around him in security and warmth. His eyes drooped before they closed in bliss, leaving a faint smile on his lips.


Tokyo, Japan

Japan sat at his table overlooking the skyline with a phone in his hand. "Good evening, South. What are you doing calling so late?"

Ever since his and England's temporary separation, he's been living in his flat with daily visits from his boss to check in on him. So far, England has yet to contact him, which he didn't mind; meant that he was finally keeping his word. Now he was starting to realize that pregnancy meant multiple bathroom breaks and weird food cravings at the most inopportune times, and it didn't help that he finally felt free to give in to these desires.

"Hey, Japan…" That sounded odd. South was usually so cheery, no matter what time.

"Are you alright? Did America and you have a fight?" He pursed his lips in worry.

"No, no… Had my ultra sound today." He could almost hear this tone of sadness through the speaker.

"Is that so? Do you know if they are boys or girls? Or both?"

"One is a girl…" South Korea trailed off on the other end, and Japan could have sworn he heard a chocked back sob coming from the taller Asian.

It was silent for many moments, causing Japan to worry, "Hey, South? Is everything okay? Yong-Soo?"

He heard a small sigh before the other responded, "The other… had no heart beat."


Well, hello there. It's been awhile. So, might as well say this. I nearly fell out of the fandom between the last and this update. For two months I was so depressed and lacked motivation that I completely abandoned Hetalia, I didn't have the heart to delete these stories, and I'm so happy that I didn't. I'm back and with more vigor than ever!

Part of this new vigor of mine is also thinking about my very first story I wrote on this site, The Twin Diaries, which is still currently the most reviewed and loved story, this one being a close second. Well, I decided after reviewing that old work that it is, crappy to put it lightly. I still like the premise of the story, but I realize just how choppy and rushed it was, and I see so much potential with it than just its current 7 chapters.

So, I would like my viewers to leave their input. I'm thinking of rewriting The Twin Diaries; it will have more chapters, more content, better development, and just generally much better than what it is currently. You can either leave your input in a review or you can go to my profile and answer the poll there. The original story will still stay up, but a new, rewritten form would be up.

Please review and have a nice day.