1. Different

He was quiet and surly, among many other adjectives that didn't go well with the typical characteristics of being a "businessman." People angered him, never understanding him or his introverted personality. But animals did.

Neil was different…a horse of a different color.

Animals never looked at him the way people did, always thinking they knew everything about everyone. Animals never lied, yelled, or nagged.

Animals were… different.

It only made sense that he should make his living caring for animals. Who needed acquaintances, friends or even a family when you could enjoy the company of animals? Neil certainly didn't.

A/N: I never realized how SMALL of a number 100 was until I decided I wanted to try my hand at these 100-word drabbles...100 words is like NOTHING! Very challenging, indeed. I had to keep deleting some of my favorite words to keep it at 100 :'(

I know a lot of people compare Neil to the stereotypical anti-social animal-lovers such as Gray and Vaughn, which is true to a certain extent...but I feel like they're all different in their own ways, you know? Just like Mary/Maria, Gina, Candace, etc. They all fit the same mold as being "oh, that shy bachelorette in Harvest Moon," but they all have different stories and personalities, even if they do have similarities. That's just me, though. So I wanted to delve into Neil's character a little bit, and hopefully show how he is an actual character and not just a clone of Gray or Vaughn!

Updates will come very regularly to this (hopefully daily or every other day), so if anyone out there enjoys this, I won't keep you waiting too long! Thanks for reading! If anyone has any advice, constructive criticism, or just want to review...please, by all means do so! Feedback is fantastic and much appreciated.