Title: through the years and far away
Fandom: Rise of the Guardians
Characters: Jack, Tooth and mentions of the other Guardians
Genre: General/Romance
Warnings: Author is not a fluent english speaker.

stella cadente

The stars are her only confidants.

When there is no one else around - not many teeth to collect, no tiny fairy to guide - Toothiana likes to speak with the stars shinning high above. She knows they are as alive as every creature breathing on the earth, they are alive and they are her friends since a long time ago; when she used to cry over wings and feathers that started to grow on the body of a girl too young to know better. She speaks to them; tell them her secrets, her worries… Talks excitedly about her other friends, the nice Russian man who creates wonder like no other, the pooka who is proud but kind, the one who spreads dreams on all of the land…

Talks about the boy who stole her heart just a second too quickly.

Her lilac eyes stare at her distant friends, a lovely glimmer inside them while she speaks about him. The way the Northern Wind loves the winter spirit and carries him around with grace and speed, the tiny freckles covering his cheeks, the blue coloring his eyes, the youthful laugh that brings a shiver to her spine and – suddenly, but not so suddenly – she realizes how pathetic she must sound, lovesickness consuming her from inside and devouring everything on its way. It's embarrassing, humiliating to think so much about one person, to have her knees going weak and her heartbeat grow faster. It's so against her own moral code of always remaining strong, of always behaving like the queen she is, that it almost makes her want to cry.

The stars shine brighter as if comforting her, their light covering her form and bringing hope to a heart that breaks from too much love overflowing.

Little did she know that – where winter grows stronger – a boy confided the same troubles to the Moon, his heart beating fast and body trembling, too many emotions he was not used feeling.

When a shooting star crosses the sky, they make the same wish.

Author's Notes: Oh god I'm so late with this I'm sorry! D:

If everything goes as planned, I'll be able to post all the missing ones today or tomorrow.