Warning- This chapter is rated M, love scene in second half of chapter.

Blue Lagoon

Chapter Twelve

Emma couldn't sleep that night, she basically showed how much she cared for him by signing away her freedom but he failed to see that.

When she finally did fall asleep it felt like a second and the ship was moving, she made her way to the deck everyone was present, except Killian. She dared not ask where he is, she should have known not to have feelings for him. He was a pirate he doesn't know real love and if he did she doubt he would give her the time of day.

He was all man, and she was barely nineteen, there was no way he would fall for her. Especially, since she's untouched. Yeah, he would not want a virginal girl on his hands, he probably wants a woman with more experience.

Emma began her chores not knowing how she was going to spend her last days of freedom.

Killian was at a loss as much as Emma was, he doesn't want to condemn her to that life he should have spoke up as soon as she made that deal. But now it was too late, he thought of several different possibilities of getting her out but Rumplestiltskin would find a way around it and take her anyway.

Smee entered the cabin and leaving a bottle of rum then took his leave. From what he's seen the captain has feelings for miss Emma that he won't admit too, and Emma wouldn't admit hers either. Though she'd be a little more shy about it giving that fact that these are probably foreign feelings to her.

He knew of the deal she made, now he felt like he must do something to make the captain see and fight to keep her. Gods know that his captain deserves happiness, and the captain told Smee to set sail where ever. An idea formed in his head.

A day later, Emma heard whispers among the crew something about an island. She only listened halfheartedly, she had just finished mopping the deck when someone yelled out, "LAND!" everyone's head snapped up and rushed to the bow of the ship. There in the distance was an island, with nothing but sandy beaches and green lush jungle.

To the pirates it was time to kick back and be lazy for few days, to Killian it was a place where he and Milah spent time alone together, and to Emma somewhere to say good bye to freedom.

Killian heard they were heading to land, he left his cabin to investigate. They were headed to Blue Lagoon, or that's what he liked to call it. He remembered this one spot in the middle of the island there's a lagoon that's so beautiful it puts all other lagoon's to shame. Lot of memories with that lagoon, he glanced at Emma then who, like the rest of the crew, was looking at the approaching island. Maybe he can make new ones with her.

He couldn't hide from her forever and he couldn't be mad at her, either. She was only doing what she thought was right. He decided then and there he was going to make the most out of her final days, hopefully he'll think of something.

Emma could feel the men's excitement, they but bounced of the walls. Like taking an eight year old into a candy shop and saying "go nuts." Pretty much would describe what she was seeing now.

She saw that Smee was at the wheel of the ship, she approached him, "Why are the men so excited about this island." she asked.

"This place is like our own island, no one has discovered it and we come here to fool around, drink to our hearts content, and talk about old times. The captain calls it the Blue Lagoon." he explained.

"Don't you guys do that at bars?" she giggled.

"Well yes, but here it's just us. No one to tell us we're being to loud or rowdy. And not as many drunken bar fights." they both laughed at that.

"Blue Lagoon." she repeated. Now that the island was closer she could see it was the perfect name.

They dropped the anchor in a shallow part of the water, they would have to get in the long boats the rest of the way. Emma got in the long boat with half the of the crew, the second one contained the rest. She couldn't Killian on any of them, did he stay on the ship? Maybe it was for the best. What good is it when you feel something for someone but they don't return the feelings?

It didn't matter now. She was going to enjoy her last days whether she was alone or not.

Once ashore, the men threw off there boots and starting getting rough with each other, Emma watched in amusement and did the same thing. She took off her boots and removed her corset, leaving her only with her long white blouse and leather trousers that stretched passed her knees.

The men then began to set up along the beach, chairs, hammocks, piles of wood, food, and rum.

"Mr. Smee?" Emma called, "This island is safe right?"

"As far as I know, miss. Nothing has ever happened to us here, of course we don't stray from the beach." he said.

"I see, thank you." she smiled. He nodded and joined the men.

Emma wanted to see this place, she'd only seen islands like this in television, books, and the occasional postcards. She managed to slip away unseen, or at least, that's what she thought.

The jungle was rich and green, large over sized leaves, colorful flowers, the sounds of birds, and little animals. Emma didn't realize how much she explored but in the distance she could hear falling water. She followed the sound to a beautiful blue lagoon.

This must be why Killian called it that, for the water was so blue yet it was crystal clear. A water fall fell from a ledge, and from what she could see there was a cave behind the water fall. How romantic this place could be, the ideal place to be with the one you love she thought sadly.

"It's interesting how none of my men can find this place, but you found it with no problem." Killian's voice came from behind her. Causing her to gasp in surprise.

He was leaning against a tree, watching her exactly how long has he been there? "Where did you come from?"

"Well let's see, when two people love each other very much-" he began sarcastically.

"No, no! that's not what I meant!" she interrupted. "You weren't on any of the long boats, and I didn't see you on the beach."

"I have my ways." he winked at her.

She rolled her eyes, "Why did you follow me?"

"No one is going to hear you scream all the way out here, I thought it best if I followed so in case you got injured." he said casually.

He walked over to the waters edge and began to strip his clothing. Emma turned away when he started unbuttoning his pants, "What are you doing?" she asked, back still to him. As if to answer her question she heard a splash of water. She turned to see his form swimming in the water. He came up for air.

"Why don't you join me?" he asked, grinning at her.

"How about no." she said irritably.

"Oh come on, darling, live a little." he coaxed her.

Oh he knew how to push her buttons, "Fine, turn away until I say."

"Not going to happen, love, I want you undress right here with me watching." he said.

"You've got to be joking." she said, appalled. "I didn't watch you undress."

"That's fine with me, cause as soon as you join me you'll get to see all of me." he smiled.

Emma stood there pondering on making a run for it, he was in the water it take him some time to get to shore. "Don't even think about running, love, I know this island better than you think. I'll come after you, undress you myself, and carry you in here." he threatened. Then again he liked the sound of that, he was now hoping she would run. He didn't care if chased after naked.

"I think you're bluffing." she said, sort of bluffing herself. Would seriously run after her?

"Try me." he said, sounding a little deadly.

And she did, she bolted into the jungle. Too easy he thought.

Emma looked back to see if she was being followed, nothing behind her. She stopped to listen for any sound coming after her, nothing. Well, what do you know, he was bluffing!

As she turned to head to the beach she slammed right into him, and sure enough he was naked.

She was completely dumbfounded he hadn't bluffed at all. Emma was doing her very best to keep her eyes on his face, but the temptation to look at him was gnawing away at her.

"I warned you." was all he said. He then picked her up threw up of his shoulder, "Killian put me down, now!" she yelled, beating her fists on his back.

"Sorry, love, I gave you the option to stay or run, and warned you what would happen of you ran." he chuckled.

"Urgh, you're an ass!" she groaned.

"Insult me all you want, darling. But deep down you wanted to be chased." he said.

Emma kept her mouth shut because though she won't admit it, she secretly wanted to run to see if he would chase her.

He brought them back to the lagoon and as he threatened he sat her on her feet, and he was going to undress her.

"Wait, can't we talk about this." she begged, would he force himself on her? She hoped he wouldn't.

He turned her so she was facing him, she kept her eyes on his face. Completely under his spell. He slowly descended down on to one knee, his eyes never leaving hers as he undid the laces of her pants. And with such gentleness he slid them down her legs, she held his shoulder for support.

Her legs were smooth he thought as his fingers slid down, he made sure she didn't loose her balance. Now her pants were off, the blouse he'd picked out for her was a bit long for her. It looked like a short dress. He stood back up, he could see she was trembling.

"What's wrong, love." he asked tenderly. She was looking away from him, she had a far away look in her eye.

"I'm scared." she whispered.

"Of what?" he coaxed her.

"Everything." she looked back at him with tears in her eyes. She was afraid of losing her freedom in a matter of days, she was afraid what would happen to her, afraid of what would happen to Killian, afraid that she is now falling for him.

Killian pulled her close, holding her to him. And in his embrace she felt safe like his arms were a barrier that protected her. Killian knew he had to figure out something, but for tonight he wanted her to just live for the present.

He wasn't going to try to sleep with her, although he wanted too desperately, tonight they will just go with the moment.

"It's alright to be afraid, love, but for now let's forget about tomorrow. Forget about what's coming and just pretend we are the only two people in the world." he whispered, trying his best to smooth her.

Emma faced him then, he was right she wanted to make the moments count. "Alright." she said.

His hands found the hem of her shirt and slowly pulled it up, watched her face for any kind of hesitation but she gave none. He pulled the shirt away revealing her nude body, he was taken aback to the night they met when his men brought her from the crocodile's palace.

Gods, he thought she was beautiful then but now seeing her and all her glory in setting sun, she was absolutely breath-taking. The sun was making her hair shine gold, her tan skin glowed in the sunlight, it took all his strength not to take her then and there.

He dove back into the cool water to calm himself, he emerged again waiting for her to join him.

Emma bit her lip out of nervousness, she closed her eyes and walked into the water. She stopped when the water became waist deep, unsure of what to do next she looked to Killian for help.

The water only came up to his chest, he stood full height waiting for her. Emma decided it was enough feeling scared and just live, all her life she's done everything by the book. Now was the time stop living by the book and go with what feels right.

She dove head first into the water, opening her eyes seeing the deep blue under world. Killian did the same, the two swam around enjoying each other's company.

For the rest of the afternoon well into the evening, the pair swam, played, and talked about each other. Sometimes the two would gaze at each other, Killian would brush his knuckles across her cheek.

The third time he did it Emma caught his hand and kissed the inside of his palm. He pulled her closer so he could kiss her, their lips locked together passionately. His coaxed her mouth open so he could get better access, she opened and his tongue invaded her mouth.

She moaned in response, their hands caressed each other's backs, they came up for air locked in the lover's embrace. Emma let her hands wander along his chest, toned and flawless. Killian's hands smoothed along her back, feeling her the blades of her delicate shoulders, then traced her spine to the curve of her back.

This wasn't meant arouse one another but feel each other and show love that grows between them. He kissed her shoulder, letting his lips linger causing her insides to turn to liquid. Her hands wandered lower tracing his stomach she went lower.

"Emma," he said, his voice full of lust. "Go any lower and I won't be able to stop myself." She knew he wouldn't but she wanted this, wanted him.

With such gentleness she grabbed his hard cock, he let out a hiss thinking she hurt him she let go. "I'm sorry."

"No, you didn't hurt me. It just felt really good." he assured her. Fear came back into her eyes, he mentally slapped himself she was being brave and he scared her. Then thought of something, "Emma, have you ever been with a man." he asked.

Emma kept her head down, not wanting to embarrass herself farther. He tipped her head up to look at him. "No." she said, barely coming out as whisper.

Now he knew why she was afraid, this was all new for her. In simple motion he scooped her in his arms and he carried her to the cave behind the waterfall.

When he brought her in, Emma was in complete awe. The cave floor was covered in lavish rugs and pillows, the rugs were Persian with red and black designs, red and black pillows with gold stitching designs. All the pillows were different shapes and sizes, and to top it off beautiful crystals stuck out from different parts of the cave. Giving the cave a soft romantic glow.

Emma was speechless. She had never seen anything so beautiful, and she was here with Killian.

He walked to a pile pillows and laid Emma down on them, she couldn't believe how soft they were. He loomed over her wanting nothing more than to please her, it wasn't about satisfying his lusts anymore he wanted her pleasure before his.

"Emma, we don't have to this tonight if you're not ready." he told her.

"I know, but I want too. I want you to show what love feels like, please." he couldn't deny her anything.

He leaned down and kissed her, their tongues were locked in a dance, and hands were exploring. His lips left hers trailing to her neck, he nibbled at her neck then smoothing his tongue over like the first time he kissed her.

He was making her hot, a fire burned inside her belly and spread thought out her body, and making her wet between her legs. A fire he could only douse. His lips finally came to contact with her breast kissing it first, he loved the taste of her so far. His mouth finally covered nipple, and she let out a gasp.

She read about this but experience was very different, he sucked at the bud gently biting it then lapping it with his tongue. He made her cry out each time and did the same thing with the other breast while massaging the one he kissed first.

She squirmed under his touch, she was loving this how she wanted to stay in this moment forever with him. He kissed his way to her flat stomach, she was so soft there. He had an image go through his mind, that they were in the exact same position except she was round with child, his child. He liked that idea but now he wanted to focus on the present.

He went lower finally reaching her center, before he did anything he looked at her wanting her approval. She was looking at him with lustful eyes, begging him to go on. He lowered his lips to her. She let out a pleasure cry, nothing had ever felt this good in her life. Then he began using his tongue, she almost died of pleasure over load. Her dreams were a poor comparison to this.

He licked her the center of her, by Gods she tasted so sweet like honey. The more he licked the more sweetness she provided, when she orgasmed she filled his mouth and licked every last drop. He came over her and her eyes were closed and her breathing was starting to even out, he wasn't done with her yet.

Emma opened her eyes to see Killian over her, she knew what was coming next. He could see she had a little fear in her eyes, he leaned down to kiss her and she relaxed again.

He guided himself to her entrance, and he slowly entered her body. Emma and Killian gasped at contact, for Emma feeling was alien and painful, for Killian she was deliciously tight he had fight the urged to ravish her. This is her first time she needed gentleness and care, not to be ridden like an animal.

He ceased his movements so that she could adjust to him, he kissed her neck, her face, and her lips trying to making her focus on anything but the pain. Emma could feel the pain start to lessen, she used her legs to push him in deeper the pain was no more.

He sensed this he slowly began moving again, finding a rhythm they found together. They both increased the speed and now both were moaning, groaning, and crying out in pleasure. Both orgasmed at the same time, Emma would never ever forget this moment for as long as she lived, and Killian though he's had sex before but this the first time he's made love and he wanted to be with Emma now and always, and for once he was fully satisfied.

Killian rolled to his back bringing Emma to side, she snuggled to his side he brought both his arms around her. Neither of them said anything, words were not needing at this point.

The pair laid in each other's arms for a while, touching and caressing then they made love again all though out the night.

Cora watched the couple, in her crystal ball, up till things got hot and heavy, and she ceased watching. She wasn't interested in the love scene that will take place. Hopefully now Hook will be satisfied with the girl and toss her away.

He wouldn't dare fall in love again not after what happened to Milah, maybe he needed a friendly reminder so he would speed things up. She knew Hook he wouldn't resist the temptation of getting his former love back. And surely once he's reminded he won't need Emma anymore.

I tell you love scenes are difficult to write, but it has to be done. Another chapter for you readers! Enjoy! Please leave a review ;)