Chapter 3: Piss Sucks

A/N: I'm really sorry about the last chapter, guys. I forgot to review it and there were a few mistakes, one being Finn's grade. He's a sophomore. I fixed the mistake and apologize for any confusion it may have cause. Enjoy and keeping reviewing— feedback is my fuel.

Finn sat pathetically in his fourth period, geometry. Math. The boy's worst subject. It had only been four days since the start of the school year and Finn was already lost. There was, however, one good point; he shared the class with Bonnibel Smith, the girl he had crushed on since he was twelve. He had the extreme pleasure of sitting next to her in the back of the room, occasionally stealing glances out of the corner of his eye.

She was so heartbreakingly beautiful. Her skin was flawless white, and was so healthy that it had a pinkish undertone. Her face had sharp features and crystal blue eyes, not unlike Finn. Her hair had been dyed pink and fell to frame her delicate face. She was smart and sweet and so out of reach.

Finn never stood a chance and he knew it. She was popular and he was a nobody. And, give Bonnibel's list of exes, he was exactly her type, either. Still, the boy couldn't help but fawn over the girl.

A dull tug in his lower stomach brought Finn back to reality.

I gotta pee...

Finn loosely crossed his legs, not wanting to rudely interrupt the teacher. He tapped his foot as he waited for the woman to finish. Finn was shaking by the time the woman assigned a few problems and sat down at her desk. Finn rose and picked his way down the aisle, leaping over legs outstretched to trip him. Once the boy received permission, he grabbed a hall pass and headed out the door.

Finn walked down the quiet, empty hallway. Just as he was about to turn a corner into the restroom, a hand clamped over his mouth. Finn's eyes widened and he gave a shocked, muffled cry. The hand's owner snicker and pulled Finn into the restroom, Finn struggling all the while. By the farthest wall stood two other guys, who were grinning broadly. Finn recognized them as Donny the Jerk and Big D, which meant Ash was probably the one dragging him.

The suspicion was put to rest when Ash walked out of the last stall in the row. He hadn't flushed.

"Let me go!" Finn cried, muffled by the hand.

"Shut up!" his captor commanded as he shoved him towards Ash, who put him in a headlock.

Finn saw that the guy who had captured him was Trami, Big D's cousin.

"Hey, chump. Miss me over the summer?" Ash growled.

"Let me go!" Finn pleaded again.

"What a little bitch," Donny sneered. "Let's just beat the shit out of him and be done with it."

"Save that shit for after school, moron," Big D said, scowling at Donny.

"Let's finish this quick; the little fuck won't stop squirming," Ash said, tightening his grip.

"Leave me alone, or I swear to god I'll—," Finn was silenced by a rough shake.

"You'll what?" Ash demanded. "You can't do anything, dumbshit."

Finn was dragged by the older guy into the last stall. Ash forced Finn onto his knees, and Finn found himself facing a disgusting, yellow-filled toilet.


The rest of Finn's sentence was lost in water as Ash shoved the younger boy's head into the toilet. He was met with resistance and grabbed a fistful of Finn's hair, pulling the boy's head out and dunking it back in, letting his screams be silenced by the filthy water.

Finn's tormentors laughed fiendishly at the poor boy's predicament.

"D, flush it!" Ash breathed between laughs, pushing Finn's head further in the toilet. Big D walked in and slammed his foot on the lever, laughing as Finn's screams grew shriller as the water swirled.

One minute and two flushes later, Ash let go of Finn and he and his group ran out of the bathroom, cackling all the while. Finn pulled his head from toilet, gasping for breath and allowing his silent tears to mix with the tainted water. His face, hair, and the collar of his shirt were soaked.

"Why would—" Finn pulled his knees to his face as the bell began to ring. He sat there for a few minutes before rising shakily and making his way over to the sinks. He washed his face and hair out with hand soap and then rinsed the suds out.

He looked at his reflection in the mirror, saw his damp hair and red-rimmed eyes and was reminded of how he had told himself things would change just a few days earlier. With a frustrated, hurt cry, Finn rammed his fist into the mirror, grimacing as his flesh was torn. He looked at himself through the cracked, bloodied glass and hated what he saw. With an angry sigh, he tenderly washed off his new wound and wrapped it with several layers of paper towels.

Why did I do that? It's gonna need stitches.

He reached into his pocket, pulled out his horribly outdated cellphone, and called his mother.


"Finn? You shouldn't be using your phone during school. You know that."

"Yeah, I know. It's just—," Finn stopped as angry tears began to fall. He sniffed hard.

"Honey? What's wrong?" his mother asked worriedly.

Finn cleared his throat.

"I-I... Something happened. Can you just come pick me up?"

"Of course, sweetie, I'll leave right now. I'll be there in a few minutes."

Finn heard his mother grab her keys.

"Thanks, mom. Bye."

Finn hung up and wiped his eyes. He made his way to the entrance of the bathroom and, before exiting, looked both ways to make sure it was safe. The blonde boy sped to his empty fourth period to grab his backpack, sighing with relief when he saw that his teacher had left the room. He wouldn't be pressed to answer questions just yet.

Finn hurried to one of the back staircases. Suddenly, he heard someone call his name. The boy cringed and tensed up, turning around to see an out of breath Kindle running down the stairs.

Oh. It's only Kindle.

"Finn! I've been looking everywhere for you. I didn't see you at lunch, so I—oh my god. What happened?" Kindle was staring, horrified, at Finn's right hand. Blood had began seeping through his makeshift compress, turning it from white to a grotesque red.

"I just hurt my hand," Finn answered, staring down at his shoes. He'd need to clean them sometime soon.

"Can you... elaborate?"

Finn groaned dejectedly and slid down against the wall. Kindle sat down next to him.

"Ash and his group of dicks... they fucking pissed in a toilet and gave me a freaking swirly! I washed it all out and all, but I got so mad. No, not mad; just really, really sad and upset with myself, and a punched a mirror. It's all good though, I think I'll just need a few stitches."

"That's awful," Kindle said as she put a hand on Finn's shoulder. He looked at her, taken aback by the genuine worry shining in her eyes.

"It's all good. I'm pretty used to Ash and his bullshit now, more or less. Piss just really sucks."

Kindle snorted.

"You're weird, Finn."

The friends sat in comfortable silence that was broken by the ringing of Finn's phone. The boy answered.

"Yeah. Okay, mom, I'll be out in a second."

He hung up and turned to Kindle.

"I gotta go. My mom's waiting outside."

"Here, I'll walk you out. No, shut up, Finn. I insist."

They walked down the stairs and out one of the back doors and towards the Merten's navy blue Honda.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow," Kindle said as she pulled Finn into a hug.

Finn, who was pleasantly shocked by the act of affection, let himself melt into the hug. Kindle smelled of cinnamon, a calm and pleasing scent.

"Yep," he answered and broke away from the hug with a smile. He waved goodbye and slipped into the front seat of the car. He buckled up and turned to his mother.

"Friend of yours?" she asked, grinning cheekily.

"Yes, mom," Finn answered, playfully rolling his eyes.

"Very nice. She's cute. And what was so important that I had to leave work to get you? You seem fine. And why's your hair all wet?"

Finn held up his ruined hand and his mother pressed a hand to her mouth to avoid shrieking.

"Finny, what happened?" she demanded.

"I-I... I really had to pee so I wasn't watching and slipped on some moron's wet paper. My head went straight into the toilet. I washed it out with soap and stuff, but I was so miffed that I punched a mirror and... yeah. I never even got a chance to pi— I mean, urinate."

The woman gave her son a stern look.

"Let me see it, honey."

Finn unwrapped the toilet paper to reveal the fleshy, bloody, inch-deep gashes on his right knuckles. He laughed at his mother, who went pale and looked as if she was going to vomit.

"It's going to need stitches. You're lucky I'm a nurse; we can head to the hospital and I'll stitch you up there myself. Sound good?"

"Yeah, mom. Thanks."

Mrs. Mertens smiled at her beloved son and began pulling out of the building's drop-off lane. Finn looked back at the hellhole known as high school.

Three more years.

Three more long years.

A/N: Finn's a real man! You may think that he remained too calm, given his deep wounds, but remember that this is Finn. In the show, he always seems to have a ridiculously high level of pain tolerance. It may have been a bit exaggerated, though. Apologies if it is.