Welcome Back to the Land of Oz


I do not own anything from Supernatural.





Season 6


Sequel to "The Dimensions of Dreams" Dean gets some unexpected visitors while he's at Lisa's, more than one person is outted, relationships form, friendships deepen, Cas gets cleansed of pride, Bobby doesn't want to know why Dean's blushing


Having two people who had an idea of future problems that would be popping up was useful but despite everyone's opinion on the matter, there were some things Karen and Lily refused to tell more than one person. There were some things only meant for certain people's ears. And when the two started having chats with each of them, they had to grudgingly agree that no one else needed to know. The big things though, Karen and Lily told them outright. Samuel, Dragons, Eve, Purgatory, the souls, Leviathan, Naomi, The Men of Letters, the tablets. When the knowledge was needed, if they had it, they would give it. And as a result the future changed. It was better, easier.

Castiel still took in all the souls of Purgatory and double crossed Crowley, but he did it with the support of Dean, Sam, Bobby, Karen and Lily. He did it, knowing there was a time limit. And when he put the souls back after destroying Raphael and Sam's wall, his family was ready to wait for him to stumble out of the lake with amnesia. They helped him remember so he could transfer Sam's crazy to himself. But unlike what would've happened without interference, he traveled with them to help hunt down Leviathan. And thanks to that, when Bobby gets shot by Dick, Castiel is there to heal him. He becomes friends with a girl who calls herself Charlie and heals her when she's injured in helping them locate the first tablet. And when Lily privately tells him helping Dean kill Dick will put them both in Purgatory, he only questions if Dean will survive before she hits him and says they'll both survive if they follow a vampire named Benny to the exit. Due to the lack of guilt, he has no problem following his boyfriend and their friend out of Purgatory. He follows her advice about keeping off of Heaven's radar and does his best to hide he's an angel. After reuniting, he's introduced to the BatCave and realizes instantly, that this place will be their home. He doesn't worry about Naomi or the tablets because by this point, he truly believes that they can't be torn apart. The night all the angels currently in Heaven are forced to fall to Earth, Castiel proposes and Dean says yes.

Sam only has a few days worth of memories of being soulless. His memories of hell are intense and still require to be pushed behind a wall, but he has no trouble with resisting scratching at the barrier. Knowing Dean and Castiel aren't gone forever, that they'll find their way out of Purgatory is a huge relief. Having Bobby, Karen and Lily is a bonus as the four of them prepare for the two's return plus a special vampire.

Together they acquire the key to the hideout of the Men of Letters and start studying and training for what Karen and Lily warn is coming. When Kevin escapes Crowley, they take him and his mother there so he can translate the tablet without being in total seclusion or with only his mother around for company. After Kevin is done translating the demon tablet, they lock up the tablet and Kevin's notes in different areas to keep them safe. In the end, Kevin and his mother become family and learn to hunt with the rest of them.

Karen and Lily get their asses kicked into shape by Dean, Sam and occasionally Cas until the Winchesters are convinced the two women can defend themselves. They easily fall into a routine although there's the occasional awkward moment when one of them walks in on one of the two couples and sometimes, usually when the girls are the ones who got walked in on, things get thrown. Usually at Sam's head. Some time after Dean and Castiel's return from Purgatory, they check up on Metatron and convince him to leave Castiel out of his plans because he's part of their family. The night the angels fall from the skies, Karen pops the question to Lily and Lily says no. But before Karen can pout Lily takes out a ring and says she wanted to be the one to ask.

Two engagements, two simple and uncomplicated marriages (after they make Castiel an identity). Sam is Dean's best man. Benny is Castiel's. Charlie is Karen's bridesmaid and Sam is Lily's. And because they asked, Dean gives Karen away and Castiel gives Lily away. Attending as guests and witnesses are Kevin, Kevin's mother and Bobby.

Two years later, Castiel and Lily surprise their spouses with the knowledge they can have biological kids together. A month later, they discover Castiel's help with Lily and Karen having children has a welcomed side affect. Like what was discovered with Dean after Cas and the hunter completed the bond, Karen and Lily have stopped aging. That's when Dean tells Sam to come out of the closet now and settle down with a guy so Cas can help them too. Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, this prompts a search for Sam's soul-mate which irritates the younger Winchester immensely considering the amount of guys they try to set him up with. That is, until Karen and Lily pray one night for Sam's soul-mate to come find him and Gabriel is suddenly brought back to life.

And so, Dean, Castiel, Karen, Lily, Sam and Gabriel live the next couple thousand years raising their slow-aging children (as it turned out was also a side affect of Cas helping Lily and Karen). They keep the secrets of Heaven, Purgatory and Hell…the secrets of life and death. And they spend an eternity together.

The End

Did I overdue the ending? I feel like I overdid it or something.