Hey Guys...thanks for staying with me through all of this :) I really appreciate that...and if you ever have a prompt or something you would like me to write you can pm me :) Thanks so much for reading! I hope you like this "finale".

"Okay…so this is what happened. After I got brought back to life, I was 'debriefed'."

Sam and Dean exchanged puzzled glances. "Debriefed? By who?" Dean asked.

"By Joshua…You remember him, right?"

Sam nodded and put an arm around Gabriel's shoulders. "The angel in the garden who talked to God…" Sam smiled fondly at the memory, it was one of the very few angels that didn't treat him like an abomination.

"Yeah, well, anyway, he basically told me that Metatron took over Heaven and made all the angels defenseless fledglings. It was my job, as the only remaining archangel, to take him down and reverse the spell." Gabriel sighed. "However if I completed the mission, it would rip my wings and halo off. Literally. I'd be mortal…like you yahoos."

Sam kissed his temple encouragingly. "You did good Gabe…you saved all your brothers and sisters."

Gabriel shrugged. "I'd do it again in a heartbeat. It was worth it." Gabriel smiled sheepishly at Sam and kissed him sweetly. "It's really no big deal."

Dean grimaced a little at the scene playing out in front of him. "Can we get back to the story?! Please?"

"Right." Gabriel snickered and nodded. "Well basically Metatron was a hell of a lot harder to fight than I had anticipated. Before this, back in Heaven, he wasn't even allowed to carry a blade he was so clumsy!" Gabriel shook his head. "He 'confessed' to me that he and Naomi had completely erased everyone's minds and had-"

"Son of a bitch!" Dean cursed and stood up quickly. "That bitch Naomi did this?! I'll fucking kill her! Oh God…She's with Cas right now!" He started rummaging around for angel blades. "I'll end her. I'm going strip her piece by piece and-"

Gabriel stood up to stop Dean but cried out in agony when his stitches ripped open. "Dean that's not-" He tried to explain that she was innocent but couldn't explain before he fell to the ground, unconscious from pain.

Dean barely registered what happened before he saw Gabe on the floor. "Sam take him to the hospital. Take your mustang." His voice was cold, he refused to be undeterred from his current mission of killing Naomi.

Sam picked Gabriel up and rushed him out the door, too concerned about him to fully understand what Dean had said.

Dean was just picking up the angel blade when Castiel and Naomi appeared. "You!" Dean's eyes narrowed. "Do you know how much pain you've caused Castiel?! Heaven?! Humanity?" His voice rose as he stepped closer, pushing Cas out of the way.

Naomi lowered her head and stared at the floor. "I-I know….I'm very sorry…I never meant for it to go this far…"

Dean gritted his teeth. "Yeah well…It's a little late for apologies."

Cas realized what Dean intended to and jumped in front of Naomi. "Dean! No!" He cried.

Dean slashed forward, stabbing Naomi only…instead of hitting his intended target, the blade pierced the chest of a trench coat clad angel. Dean's eyes widened in shock as he caught Cas, lowering him to the floor. Chokes caught in Dean's throat as he tried to cover the wound and piercing light. "Cas…baby…n-no….why….why would you…" Tears ran down Dean's cheeks as he watched Castiel die before him, unable to stop any of it. Unable to save Castiel from death.

Cas reached up and cupped Dean's cheek. He could feel the painful pinch in his abdomen and warm blood from his mouth trailing down his chin. A small smile kissed his lips as he looked up at Dean. "After all the…the death I caused in Heaven….I…I needed to save….just one…..I-I love you….I love you Dean Winchester…"

Cas blue eyes fluttered closed for the last time as a bright light flashed through the room.

Dean sobbed and held Cas' empty vessel in his arms. "Cas…please…I-I love you….Come…Come b-back…I need you….." Dean's skin felt like it was on fire and he could smell the singed clothes and skin the Castiel's wings had left behind. He held Cas, rocking him and sobbing, until he had no tears left. Then he picked Castiel's lifeless vessel up, bravely facing Naomi with a tear stained face. Dean turned and walked out of the motel room, not saying a word.

Naomi stood there for many minutes, clutching the chair and feeling the hot burn of tears falling down her face. "O-Oh father…What…What have I done? How…How could I have become….How did I let things become so corrupt?" She sank to her knees and held her face in her hands. "We were to protect your creation…not….not d-destroy it…I'm…I'm so s-so sorry father…"

Dean carried Castiel to the Impala like a bride. The bride he could never have, the bride that was cut away by a knife, the very knife that he had wielded. He laid Castiel in the backseat gently and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. "I'm so sorry…" he murmured.

Dean drove to a shady pond on the outskirts of town. He buried Cas under the weeping willow, singing to him softly.

"Hey J-Jude….Don't…Don't make it bad…."

The pond reflected the orange and pink hues of the sunset casting a soft glow over Cas' grave. It was like a Cathedral… Dean thought. Cas would like that…

"Take a sad song….and…and….make it….better…."

He covered Cas' grave handful by handful, willing Cas to wake up. Please Cas…I…I can't….Fuck…what did I do?!

"Remember to let her…into your heart…then you can…s-start…to make it better….."

When Dean had spread the last of the dirt over Cas, he laid down next to the grave.

"So...So let it out and...and l-let it in...Hey Jude...be-begin..."

He listened to the birds chirping and watched the last edges of twilight ebb away. "How…How's this Cas? Perfect view of the sunset and….and it's dark blue."

Dean smiled sadly as he looked at the mound next to him. "Like….like your eyes Cas…" His voice cracked.

"Promise me you'll come back…I-I need you to come back…" Consciousness ebbed away from Dean's grief stricken mind.

"I love you Cas."

He raised his handgun to his temple, tears streaming down his freckled cheeks. Dean looked up towards heaven with his tear filled, green eyes.

"I'll see you soon Cas."

Gabriel sat up breathing hard and grabbed Sam's arm. "Naomi's innocent! Sam...You have to call Dean! She was only trying to help!" Sam quickly dialed Dean's number and shook his head after a few minutes. He looked back at Gabriel and bit his lip. "I called twenty times…He didn't answer…."