DISCLAIMER - This story used by permission from original author Dana0715. Her works are found on other forums. She is not an author on this site . And she no longer writes (too much RL stuff going on). This is a story she started a couple of years ago that she is letting me finish. It began as her idea, I just tweaked it to make it more my own way of telling a story and I have free rein on how to end it. She wrote the Buffy/Spike chapter, Buffy/Xander and the very beginning of Buffy/Angelus (that I have basically beta'd with additional help from Max333). I will completely write the rest of the Buffy/Angelus and Buffy/Giles chapters.

Summary - Buffy has been sprayed by a Euros demon and this causes her hormones to run amok. Spike killed the demon but finds that Buffy is in a strange predicament. What's a vampire to do with a horny slayer? Takes place sometime during season 2 after Angel becomes Angelus and Spike is supposedly wheelchair bound. There will be four different pairings in this fic, so should have something for everyone. Spike/Buffy, Xander/Buffy, Giles/Buffy and Angelus/Buffy.

No profit is made off this fic and the characters all belong to Joss Whedon. I personally think the man is a friggin' genius!

Buffy had been fighting this crazy Euros demon for the past thirty minutes and her frustration was growing by leaps and bounds. He was a big, blubberous looking monster that breathed green icky smelling smoke. Buffy had already been doused with it several times and she knew she would spend the night in her shower just scrubbing the smell off.

"Hey Chubbo!" she yelled from behind the...looking it up and down, she couldn't remember where it came from. He looked like a green, glow-in-the-dark version of Jabba the Hut. She had a sword in her hands, swishing it in the air a few times threateningly, "Word to the wise Chubbs. You want people to like you? Then you REALLY need a breath mint!...or twelve…"

It was like he understood her and became increasingly angry. He reared back and roared loud and long, the green smoke encompassing Buffy again making her cough and making her eyes water.

"You know... "(cough, hack!) She waved a hand in front of her face in disgust, wrinkling her nose, "Mouthwash can be your friend too! You should try it sometime. I'd recommend extra strength." she commented. She felt like she was coughing up a lung before the coughing finally settled to the occasional hack.

Talk about second-hand smoke!

Once the coughing subsided, she realized her body was feeling... well, very, VERY warm. And really... aroused? What the...?

Buffy ducked away from the monster when it tried to paw her. She tucked, rolled and was back on her feet, breathing hard.

Geez! What's my deal? She was asking herself while poising to strike again. She knew from the information Giles told her that she would have to take off the monster's head in order to kill it. But getting close enough was causing a problem due to being blinded by that freakin' green smoke all the time. And now, her breathing was changing, and places on her body were... tingling. Like... well, it was the strangest thing. The area between her legs was getting increasingly damp and throbbing and...

Oh. My. God! Buffy was trying to keep her mind in the fight, but holy shit! She was about ready to come.

Now, this was crazy! That green smoky stuff was making her... Okay, this was REALLY giving her major wiggins. Why is this happening and WHY is it happening NOW of all times? She is NOT supposed to lose her head like this during battle! She had been trained better than this!

Her brain wanted sex, and so did her body, and the fight had just left her. She smiled slightly at the monster and dropped her sword on the ground, because her hormones refused to let her stay in the fight. The monster pawed at her again, and once again, she was able to at least make herself tuck and roll away from him. But now, she realized in utter horror that her sword was several feet away from her on the ground. And she was breathing hard and feeling more tingles throughout her body as she stood and smiled seductively, "You know Chubbs... you're actually kinda cute!"

I did NOT just say that! She thought, shaking her head a little to clear it.

Then in a motion almost too quick for her eyes to follow, the head was suddenly severed off the blubberous demon, green goo spurted out everywhere and with Buffy's quick reflexes, she dove into the bushes to avoid the spray of slimey goo. Once she no longer heard all the wet plops of goo hitting the ground, she raised her head and peeked over the hedges to see who her hero was.

The monster was dead, the head severed, and Spike was standing in the midst of all the green goo holding Buffy's sword that she had dropped.

A vampire that's supposed to be wheechair bound looking completely healthy, decadently sinful in all the black leather, and holding a slayer's sword? Ohhh! This was NOT good! A really bad combination if truth be told.

"Well!" Spike commented nonchalantly as he peered over at Buffy with a cheeky grin, "That was a bloody mess eh?"

Oh crap! The sight of Spike... SPIKE of all people, her nemesis, her arch enemy... God she wanted to do him here and now!

And where the HELL did that thought come from? She hated her traitorous body right now! But she had to admit the whole demon-warrior in black leather thing that he had going on worked for him!

"Ahhh!" Buffy cried out as her body was nearing orgasm simply at the mere SIGHT of a nice male form, even if it was demonic. She fell to her knees as her body demanded satisfaction, and then she fell forward on her hands where she was in an all fours position, her head thrown back, mouth open. She began rocking forward and back a few times... it felt incredibly good with her tight jeans rubbing against her, but it just wasn't enough!

Spike walked toward her and waved around the sword, taking a few practice swishes in midair as he commented on her predicament knowingly, "Hmmm, let's see... there's a Slayer on her hands and knees in front of me, incapacitated one might say... what's a vampire such as myself to do? I could cut your pretty little head off, mount it in my trophy case... or I could..."

He sniffed the air, then grinned wide, chuckling and slapping his leg, "Well, isn't this a fine kettle of fish, eh? You're aroused!" In almost child-like delight, he asked, "Did I do that to you, luv?"

Buffy was now lying in the fetal position on the ground... in a public park no less, a dead demon just a few feet away from her, and Spike standing over her, running a thumb over the edge of the sword to test its sharpness. Finally, he squatted next to her, the sword just above her head.

"You know, I always say the best slayer is a dead slayer... but that Euros demon gave me a FUN idea." Spike reveled in his power at that moment, with Buffy moaning on the damp grass as he held her sword just above head. Amusement of this situation was not lost on the blond vampire. He tilted his head to the side thoughtfully, "Didn't your Watcher warn you of that green smoke and what it does?"

Buffy closed her eyes and whimpered. Spike was just too damn close to her, and she was fighting with everything she had within her to keep from jumping him and riding him like there was no tomorrow.

And that mental picture just made things much, much worse. And to her embarrassment, she could tell Spike could smell it on her too.

He leaned toward her like he was whispering a secret, "You see luv... The more you ingest or breathe of that smoke, the hornier it makes you. Nasty smelling shit, but apparently... " he looked her over quickly, ideas obviously coming to mind as he licked his lips, "It works huh?"

Buffy writhed on the ground as Spike smirked down at her prone form, "Need a little help there, luv?"

"Go to hell!" Buffy seethed.

Spike tsked her, clucking his tongue, "Aw! Now, now Buffy! That's no way to talk to a vampire that holds your life in the very balance. So!" He stood quickly and with a swish of his black duster, he stalked around her, taking more practice swings in the air with the sword, "Which sword do I use? The one in my hands, or the one in my pants?" He stopped, turned to face her and pointed the sword in her direction. A corner of his mouth quirked up, "Believe me pet. The latter would be a lot more fun! Would you like to choose Slayer?"

She didn't answer, gritting her teeth, trying to fight it and not winning. Spike was an impatient guy that lost interest in games quickly. So he tossed the sword aside nonchalantly, "You didn't answer quick enough pet. I guess it's dealer's choice!"

To Buffy's horror, her body wasn't obeying her commands. The fight or flight response she was supposed to have didn't make an appearance. Instead, Spike quickly knelt next to her, turned her roughly on her back, pinned her arms above her head and was lying on top of her within seconds ... and by God she was moaning and wriggling against him, dry humping against her arch enemy!

Spike loved this new side of the Slayer and he chuckled, "Little impatient there luv? Don't you know we vamps can go all night if we have to?" He whispered in her ear, taunting her, "That would be the ultimate torture, don't you think? Keep bringing you to a point where you're about to come... where you badly need to come and then not letting you, then biting you, drinking a little taste from you, weakening you each time,...doing it over and over. That is the best blood tasted, pet, when a woman is near orgasm or actually having one. The blood pumps hard through the body and it's so delicious! I'll have you going insane by sun-up."

She still had her strength now though and she used every last bit of it. She flipped them to where Spike was on his back and she was straddled on top of him, pulling out a wooden stake from her waistband and pointing it threateningly at his heart.

She really hated her life at the moment, her arch nemesis beneath her while all she wanted to do was grind herself into orgasm on top of him…what would Giles, Xander or Willow think? She could never try to explain…it had to be between them…or she'd kill him for it.

"Here's the deal Spike!" she was breathing hard and helplessly grinding herself against him to get some relief, but keeping the stake against his heart, "Get me off and you live. Got it?"

"Oooh! Kinky! I almost wish Dru was here to see this!"

"I'm not into voyeurism Spike." Buffy began to whine a little, amazing even herself, "Angel has lost his soul due to sex with me and I can't ask him to do this because he WOULD kill me. But you... you I can control. And you're available."

Spike gave her a chagrined look, "Not really pet. I'm technically with Dru. Remember?"

"I meant you're HERE and underneath ME. So..." she ground against him harder, causing a harsh expletive to come out of his mouth, "We have a deal? You become my bitch for the next few minutes and you live?"

Spike always secretly found Buffy to be incredibly sexy. Even vampires noticed hot blondes! And since Dru was more interested lately in Angelus... and Angelus was taunting him while he was in a wheelchair by pursuing Dru right in front of his face... well if Angelus can take the love of his life, he can take Angelus's and throw it in his face later. Angelus probably thought Spike was still somewhere within the factory in his wheelchair. What Angelus didn't know was that Spike took these nightly jaunts to get his exercise. He snuck out every night, then would sneak back before anyone noticed he was gone. Then he'd seat himself in his wheelchair, feigning sickness again.

It's amazing what some people think they can get away with when they believe you're weak and wheelchair bound!

Decision made, glancing down at the stake poised at his heart… and the gorgeous blonde riding him, he muttered, "You got a deal Slayer."

They couldn't get each other's clothes off fast enough. Buffy got Spike out of his duster and red long-sleeved shirt, then his black undershirt, then worked quickly on his belt and pants, need coursing through her in waves.

She needed him inside her NOW!

Spike, with ideas of revenge against Angelus upmost in his mind, began tearing Buffy's blouse and bra off in his haste.

"Hey! That's my favorite blouse!" Buffy exclaimed as she noticed the tear in the front.

"You wanted to shag me, this is what you get Slayer. Hard, fast and rough! And it's not like you don't have a closet full of clothes!"

Spike flipped them to where he was on top again and began pulling down her jeans with one hard tug. He almost bit his own tongue off when he saw her black lacy knickers. Who knew innocent little Buffy liked sexy underwear?

He pulled those off as well, tossing them lightly toward his clothes on purpose while Buffy was distracted. He'll keep those as a trophy! Since Buffy already had him unbuckled and unzipped, he only dropped his pants to his ankles.

When he was about ready to take her, he noticed she was still holding the wooden stake in her hand. He quickly batted it away, causing it to roll several feet away.

"You won't need that love. I only intend to kill you with pleasure for tonight."

He really wished he had a Polaroid camera. She was naked, legs spread, dripping wet, the aroused smell of her in the air and so incredibly hot.

For him! Even if it is because he's the only one there to help in this predicament and she's high on some kind of hormonal smoke... still, it's perfect!

Buffy was tired of waiting and exclaimed, "Fuck me damn it!"

Instead, he decided to make her beg as he lowered his mouth to her dripping folds and began dipping his tongue into her.

Her fingers speared through his platinum blonde hair and pulled, "Oh yeah!" She moved her hips against his mouth and Spike pinned her hips to the ground, using his hands to keep her still, keeping her helpless against his ministrations.

The feel of his cold tongue on her heated core just made it that much more erotic, cooling her down and heating her up at the same time. Since a vampire's core temperature was upper sixties Fahrenheit, he would feel really cold to her at first, but would warm up due to being in close proximity of her body temperature. She knew all of this due to her experiences with Angel.

Buffy was so close to coming she couldn't stand it. Spike wasn't letting her move and he controlled the tempo and pressure. Her thighs were squeezing his head as she tried to make him make HER come.

"Spike!" She cried out, "Do it! Damn you! Get ... me... off...NOW!"

He stopped, his mouth covered in her juices and as he raised his head, he licked his lips, "Say please!"

"What?" Buffy was about to fight against him and all he had to do was lick her again and she was back into being a helpless mound of hormonal putty.

"Beg me little Slayer... I'll give you what you want if you just say please. And you have to say the exact words 'Please Spike'... I wanna hear my name called out AND you begging."

"Beg YOU? You've gotta be kidding MEEEE-" she cried out again when he licked her slowly again but not letting her get off, it just wasn't enough pressure.

She tried to settle her breathing and said, "Spike, I'm going to fucking kill you for this, I swear to God!"

His mouth was hovering above her heat, taunting her, "The deal was if I make you come, I live. You're not really going to kill me love. Not when you're this desperate. Angelus has surely taught you by now that we love making Slayers beg... it could be for their lives or just simply, begging for THIS."

She was warring in her mind. She could toss Spike on his back again and have her way with him. She could do that easily enough, she still had her full strength.

But she had to admit to herself she liked this. She liked being held sexually captive like this. She liked a man having control.

And somehow, Spike seemed to know that before she did.

Maybe he and Angel have talked. Angel now crows about his conquests, now that he's Angelus, and he might have bragged to Spike about their times together.

He licked her again, lapping up her juices and looked like he was thoroughly enjoying what he was doing.

"You taste like the finest ambrosia, pet... I could just do this all night. So if you want relief Slayer, you better start doin' some begging. I was not doused with the hormonal smoke... you're the one needing this, not me."

God this was so humiliating! Her body was screaming to come, Spike had about 130 years of practice under his belt, so to speak, and knew of numerous ways to sexually torture a woman.

And he would know how to make them come harder than they ever have too.

"Please?" she finally asked meekly.

"What was that?" Spike cocked his head to the side to listen, still hovering above her tauntingly.

A little bit louder, she said "Please Spike... make me come. Please?"

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it pet?"

His mouth fastened to her clit and he tongued her hard and fast.

"OhmygodohmygodohmyGOD... YES! YESSSS! AHHHHH!" she cried out in the night on what was probably the highest, best orgasm of her life. Spike still held her hips down with his hands, not allowing her to move and forcing her to take whatever he dished out on her.

He stayed with her until every last spasm subsided, then like a cat, he crawled up her body until his cock was cradled between her legs, right at her opening and he pulled her hair to get her attention. She opened wide eyes, looking into his.

She began moving her hips to try and get him inside her and he still held back. Breathless, staring at Spike's pallid features, currently in its human form, she sighed and said, "Dru is a lucky girl if this is what she gets from you each night."

Something about that statement actually touched him, but he would never admit it to her. Instead he took her mouth with his, making her taste her juices on his tongue and he rammed his cock inside her, making her take his full length right away, barely giving her time to get used to it.

Damn she was tight… and her hotter body temperature surrounding his cooler member almost made him come on the spot! He hadn't been with a human woman in about a century and he forgot how hot they get when fully aroused. Spike's mind was reeling with the tight, hot feel of her. He knew Angelus was her first... but had she not been with him since? That was about a month ago.

Her inner muscles squeezed him, a trick she had learned from Angel, and Spike hissed, his face vamped out in the pleasure and he licked a trail down her throat, severely tempted to bite the jugular where he could see her pulse beating.

"Do it!" Buffy panted, moaning and moving her hips in time with Spike's, "Drink me... but not too much."

"You don't know what you're asking Slayer."

"I do... Angel did it too and... it made me soar. I would have an orgasm, and he would drink me… I would feel all floaty at the same time, and..."

Spike drove his cock hard inside her again, making her yelp in pleasure, "It's called loss of blood pet. Drain too much and you die. There is a fine line."

Buffy was meeting him thrust for thrust and ran her fingers through Spike's hair. She was beginning to really like his Billy Idol look, even when he was vamped out.

"You know the limits Spike... do it. Do me! Now!"

She arched her neck herself and Spike looked down, noticing the bite mark on the left side of her neck that he knew came from Angelus. Angelus had marked her as his, and here he is rutting into Angelus's property! He knew marking her or having anything to do with her now is a death sentence for him. Spike wasn't a stranger to danger, nor to dealing with Angelus. The thought of stealing something belonging to him held a lot of appeal.

So that explained why most of the demons kept a wide berth from the Slayer… not only due to her reputation, but Angelus's mark protected her.

Spike couldn't hold it back anymore. He bit her at the base of the neck at the jugular vein, over Angelus's mark and sucked.

"Mmmmmm... yes! God, that feels so..."

Spike had slowed down his thrusts but she was nearly there, nearly coming, he could taste it in her blood. She whimpered underneath him and whispered... "Please... Spike."

He stopped sucking the blood and just began licking the droplets on her throat while pumping into her, finally making her come again. Her voice was hoarse now as she cried out, her inner muscles were squeezing Spike's cock until he finally with one last stuttering thrust came in hard spurts inside the Slayer.

He collapsed on top of her, his face reverting back to human form as he nuzzled her neck, smelling her unique scent mingled with her blood.

He raised his head and realized that Buffy had passed out. He checked her pulse and realized it was still beating, but faintly. The loss of blood and the explosive orgasm caused her to faint. He smirked down at her. Even Slayers had a hard time handling that kind of hormonal overload. A human woman would have been dead by now. But the Slayer's metabolism will help her fight back.

Spike noticed dawn was getting close. He got up quickly, grabbed his clothes and dressed, placing her lacy underwear in his jacket pocket. He left her there because it was another ten minutes before sunrise and he needed to get back to the factory fast.

"Sorry to leave you in the buff, pet, but if I don't go, I'll burn alive. Hope to see you again soon!"

And Spike took off into the night.

As Spike arrived back at the factory just as the sun was coming up, Angelus and Dru met him at the door and Spike quickly ran in and began to pat a few of the flames that licked at his duster and stomped his feet to get the smoke out of his boots.

"Well love!" Dru exclaimed happily, "Looks like yer up and about and all healthy." She sidled up next to Spike seductively and played with one of his shirt buttons, then walked her fingers up his chest to grab his jaw in a hard grip. "When did this happen? Hm?" She pouted prettily but her eyes were all menace as she met Spike's eyes, "And why didn't you tell me?"

"It was your TLC pet." he assured her, carefully removing her hand off his jaw and keeping a grip on her wrist. "I need to speak to Angelus alone. Go on to bed, luv... I'll be there soon."

She leaned over and sniffed Spike. Her eyes narrowed, "You've been with another woman haven't you?" She began to vamp out, showing her demonic self, jealousy rolling off of her in waves, "I smell the Slayer on you Spikey."

Spike grabbed her by the back of the head, tugging her hair hard, still keeping a firm grip on her wrist as well, as his eyes flashed and he vamped out too, teeth bared. "Darling... you have no right to question me while bedding Angelus."

Her face reverted back to its sweet human form as she lowered her eyes demurely and nodded her head, "You're right Spike... I'll make it up to you."

He removed his hands, point made as he also reverted back to human form. "Right then... later! Right now, Angelus and I need to chat. Run along."

He gave her a playful smack on the rear, sending her giggling on her way.

Spike smiled in nostalgia as he watched her leave, "She's a nice handful isn't she?"

Angelus was deceptively calm, but inwardly, was anything but calm. "What's this about Buffy, Spike? I smell Buffy all over you too." Using a dagger, he cleaned his fingernails as he leaned back against the wall, looking to all the world like a man of leisure. But Spike knew better than anyone what Angelus was capable of when angered. The dagger could be used on him quicker than he could blink. Angelus raised his eyes from his fingernails, glaring at Spike. "What have you been doing?" he asked conversationally.

Spike smirked. Revenge is SWEET! He pulled out the lacy black underwear from his pocket and dangled it under Angelus's nose, "Smell that? You were right you know. She is one horny bitch."

Angelus had Spike pinned against a wall in seconds, his face vamped out, anger in his stance.

"The Slayer's mine Spike!" He pushed Spike against the wall one more time for good measure as he growled, "I don't share well with others."

Spike shrugged and chuckled wryly, "Yeah, well, apparently SHE doesn't see it that way. And by the way..." In a quick martial arts move, Spike pushed Angelus off of him hard, then dusted his lapels, smoothing wrinkles that Angelus made, "Dru is mine. I'm just showing you how it feels. Now ...I took something of yours the same way you took something of mine." Spike stood toe to toe with Angelus, back straight. Angelus was a few inches taller, but Spike's menace made him more dangerous at that moment. He pointed a finger under Angelus's nose, issuing a warning. "Keep your hands off Dru from now on or the Slayer will become my plaything. Just like last night." Spike waved the lacy panties again, knowing it was like waving a red flag in front of a bull, but he did it anyway, "Fuck with me and I'll fuck with you." Spike walked away, placing the panties back in his coat pocket. He stopped a few feet away and turned back to Angelus, narrowing his eyes, "Do we understand each other, mate?"

Angelus seethed, "This isn't over Spike."

Spike smiled, "I hope not! It's too fun. I'm in full form now. So just TRY and stop me!"

Spike walked away from Angelus, swaggering to his bed where Dru was waiting.

Angelus knew he wouldn't have time to find Buffy and avoid the sun too, so he vowed to himself that he will pay her back tonight... and if he had his way, he'll continue showing her that she NEVER gives herself to another man again.

She's HIS, damn it! Heart, body and soul. And he won't share her with anyone!