AN: This is another request for a pairing By one of my online friends. I really have enjoyed writing this and I hope she's happy with the result, we shall soon see! Anyway I hope you all enjoy this story!

The Runt and the Master

Atsushi Murasakibara sat at his desk looking out the window, munching on shrimp flavored chips, one of his favorite snacks. Actually Murasaki liked almost any snack he could get his hands on. He ate constantly, he was almost never seen without food in his mouth or chewing something, but that wasn't always the case.

Murasaki was an orphan, he'd been left on the doorstep of a orphanage in a basket with a note pinned to his blanket that said Murasakibara Atsushi. The headmaster at the orphanage took that to mean that was his name and so he was called.

The orphanage wasn't a horrible place to live. There were other kids there and some of them were nice to him, but most of them were kinda cruel, especially one of them.

You see when Atsushi was younger he had been very small, a bit of a runt in fact. He was quiet and rather girly looking with his lavender hair and eyes, and he was often mistake for a girl. Some would even say he was beautiful. Which caused him to be bullied frequently. That was how he happened to meet Seijuro Akashi for the first time.

~ Eleven years ago~

Atsushi was playing in the sand box by himself at the park next to his orphanage. Murasaki played alone a lot, his last friend had been adopted, which left him without any friends at the orphanage...again.

Though Atsushi was a beautiful child he wasn't a big talker and he didn't put on a show like the other children did when people would come to pick kids to adopt on Visit Day.

Most times the couples would mistake him for a girl, and then change their mind once they realized he was a boy. No one wanted a shy, tiny, boy who looked like a girl. Those all seemed like attributes that best fit a girl. He couldn't help it he was unbearably shy, and he kept to himself. Even when potential parents would speak to him he was just too shy to answer them so he was never picked to be adopted.

As Atsushi played alone in the sand box the tears he had fought so hard to hold in finally rolled down his pale cheeks into the sand. He was happy his friend had been adopted but he was lonely without him. Suddenly a ball hit Atsushi in the head pushing him forward into the sand castle he was building. More tears began to fill Atsushi's eyes even though he was trying to fight them.

Hey "girl" looks like you didn't get adopted again!" Jubei sneered.

Jubei Sakamoto was the orphanage bully and Atsushi was his favorite target. He was about 7 years old but he was strong and mean. Atsushi was tiny and only 5 there was no way he could stop Jubei from hitting or teasing him, so he tried to run back to the orphanage to the safety of the headmaster. He was running when the ball that Jubei had hit him with earlier hit him again in the head and he hit the ground hard. His little chin scraped against the pavement cutting it open. Atsushi tried to get up but, Jubei stepped on his back pinning him down.

"Aww look the little "girl" fell over!" Jubei mocked, laughing as Atsushi struggled under his foot.

It was all too much for Atsushi, and he began to cry in earnest. Tears ran down his cheeks stinging the cut on his chin, he continued to struggle but he just wasn't strong enough to push Jubei off.

"Stop crying ya little "girl"!

Atsushi turned his head to see Jubei about to hit him with his ball again. He covered his head and braced for impact. Then without warning he heard someone call Jubei's name in a snide sing song voice.


Suddenly Atsushi heard a thud and felt the weight of Jubei's body fall away. He looked back and saw that Jubei was lying on the ground wiping dirt and grass out of his eyes.

"Who threw that! I'll kill you!" Jubei growled while continuing to wipe his eyes and scrambling to his feet.

Atsushi looked to see who had thrown a clump of grass in Jubei's face. He turned back facing forward and saw a red head boy with one red eye and one gold eye, and those eyes squinted with a deadly gleam. He was such a cute but he wore a evil grin that could scare a full grown man. He was pristine in his little white sports jacket and tie. He was slowly dusting his hands together, removing the excess dirt and grass. Atsushi's was grateful to the boy for helping him but he was scared for him too. He was bigger then himself but he was still much smaller then Jubei.

"I see you bully people everywhere you go Sakamoto." The little redhead stated coolly, placing his hands behind his back.

Jubei's eyes widen in fear but he quickly hid it and scowled back at the little read head boy.

"Mind your own business Seijuro Akashi! Tch! Besides you don't have your school friends here to back you up! Jubei said grinning.

Oh! So his name was Seijuro Akashi, what a strong name to go with such a brave boy. Atsushi thought. Still no matter how brave the boy was Atsushi couldn't let him get hurt because of him.

"What makes you think I NEED my friends Sa-ka-mo-to?" Seijuro replied still grinning.

"Y-you c-can't beat me by yourself?" Jubei said stuttering.

It was more of a question then a statement. Atsushi had never seen Jubei this way and he marveled as he rose to stand next to Seijuro.

"It's no real feat to beat an incompetent like you, anyone could do it even this little girl." Seijuro replied pointing to Atsushi.

Girl?! Atsushi thought! Oh well almost everyone thought he was a girl at first sight, so it shouldn't be so surprising that Seijuro did too.

Jubei looked from Seijuro to Atsushi.

"That "girl" couldn't beat me on her best day!" Jubei retorted laughing hysterically.

"Well since you like picking on children smaller than yourself, why don't you try me for today." Seijuro said calmly with a dangerous gleam in his eye.

Jubei must have seen the gleam too because he involuntarily jolted with fear, but quickly recovered and eyed his ball near him. Atsushi knew he was gonna try and throw that ball at Seijuro and then jump on him and beat him up, but Seijuro didn't even flinch. Atsushi grabbed the little red heads arm to stop him and tell him they should just run, but when he turned his face to the lavender boys and smiled so sweetly all his former ferocity gone from his beautiful mismatch eyes. Atsushi could do nothing but stare dumbfounded.

"It's ok he won't hurt me. Now just stay behind me." He said smiling at the lavender cherub.

Atsushi blushed releasing his arm, entranced by Seijuro's mismatch orbs. Just as he lets go Atsushi turned to see Jubei rearing back to throw his ball at Seijuro. His eyes went wide with fright and he pointed and squeaked.

Suddenly all the ferocity Seijuro put away returns, and he smiles his eyes once again filled with a deadly gleam.

Seijuro pushes Atsushi to the side, spins around then kicks the approaching ball back at Jubei where it hit him in the chest sending him sprawling. Atsushi had never seen anyone move that fast let alone a kid of 5 or 6 years old, at least not in real life. Seijuro positions himself in a fighting stance like the fighters do on TV. Jubei struggled to get up clutching his chest.

"I'm gonna kill you Seijuro!" Jubei growled.

"Do not address me by my first name we are not friends." Seijuro said glaring at Jubei with contempt.

Jubei growled and charged at Seijuro full speed. Just as Jubei tried to grab Seijuro, Seijuro grabbed Jubei's collar and dropped to the ground rolling on his back. Pulling Jubei with him and flipping him over his head sending him flying behind him. He released his grip on his shirt and Jubei landed onto his back, hitting the ground with such force he bounced. Jubei rolled on the ground groaning and crying.

Seijuro lifted himself from the ground with the grace of a gazelle and calmly walked over to Jubei dusting off his white jackest. Jubei flinched seeing Seijuro come into view above him.

"No no no! No more I-I give up!" He whimpered.

"I had no intention of striking you again, but if you continue to beg like a dog, I might reconsider. It goes against my better judgement so I do not hit defenseless people. Though if I see you bullying anyone again especially a girl I really will beat you you to a it?" Seijuro stated glaring down at Jubei.

"O-ok, o-ok! Y-you w-won't! I-I w-won't! Just don't hurt me!" He replied cringing.

"Retreat you ridiculous infant." I barely even touched you. Seijuro stated.

With that Jubei got up as best he could and hobbled away. Atsushi couldn't believe his eyes this cute boy was everything he wanted to be. Fierce, strong, and a hero, his hero to be exact!

"Are you alright little girl? Seijuro asked holding Atsushi little hand. Atsushi was so happy and so impressed by the redhead that he wasn't even thinking about him calling him a little girl.

Atsushi blushed and gripped the end of his little shirt with his other hand.

"Oh dear me...You have a cut on your beautiful face." Seijuro observed.

Atsushi had forgotten all about the cut on his chin. He watched as Seijuro released his hand and he reached in the pocket of his shorts and pulled out a handkerchief. He took the handkerchief and gently wiped the dirt and blood off of Atsushi chin.

"That stupid ape Jubei! Tch! Hitting a girl! Seijuro snarled.

Atsushi wanted to tell him that he was a boy, but Seijuro was being so nice and it had been a while since anyone had been so kind to him. Plus he was afraid that the red head boy would be angry with him for not saying so sooner.

"There all better. The bleeding's finally stopped."

With that Seijuro leaned in and kissed Atsushi chin. Atsushi blushed bright red and balled up the front of his shirt in his little hands.

"You are such a cute little girl. What is your name?" Seijuro said smiling so sweetly at Atsushi.

Atsushi had to tell him. As soon as he said his name he would know he wasn't a girl.

"Atsushi Murasakibara..." He replied shyly looking down.

He looked up to see a confused look in Seijuro's beautiful mismatch eyes.

"But that's a boys name." Seijuro stated cautiously.

"T-that cuz I-I'm a-a boy..." Atsushi whispered turning his toe shyly.

" A boy?..." Seijuro stared with his brows knit in confusion.

Seijuro gently pulled the waist band of Atsushi shorts and under pants away from his body so he could see Atsushi's private part.

Atsushi balled his shirt in his fists even more lifting his shirt a bit till his little belly showed. It was sad but he was kinda of used to having people check him because they thought he was a girl but for some reason he was more embarrassed this time. He really liked Seijuro and he didn't want him to be mad at him.

"You are a boy...Ah well you're still beautiful." Seijuro said caressing Atsushi cheek.

"Though it won't do for you to let people bully you like this. You're a boy...Act like one." Seijuro said sternly.

Atsushi lip quivered and tears began to fill his big lavender eyes.

"Do not cry! This is for your own good. Come give me your face of resolve!" Seijuro said.

Atsushi did his best to stop his tears from falling. He didn't want Seijuro to hate him so he sniffed and put on the toughest face he could muster. Which wasn't very good but still he tried. Seijuro snickered seeing the silly look on Atsushi's face.

"We are going to have to work on that, but you receive an A for effort. Come I'll escort you home."

Seijuro took Atsushi's hand in his and started walking. To the main entrance of the park. When they got there Seijuro requested that Atsushi point the way. Atsushi did so and they made their way down the block. It wasn't long before Atsushi stopped in front of the orphanage. Causing Seijuro to stop too. Seijuro glanced up at the building they now stood in front of, then back to Atsushi.

"Atsushi...this is where you live?" Seijuro questioned.

Atsushi nodded and Seijuro smiled gently at him, squeezing his hand a bit tighter.

"Ok then let us go." Seijuro said pulling Atsushi toward the front door.

Atsushi didn't move. He didn't want Seijuro to see how the other kids treated him, that he really didn't have any friends, but most of all he didn't want Seijuro to know that he'd been at the orphanage all of his life and still no one had adopted him.

"What's wrong Atsushi? Don't you wanna go home?"

Atsushi's lavender hair swept his shoulders as he shook his head no.

"Do you not like the orphanage Atsushi? Seijuro asked.

Atsushi didn't answer. Seijuro grabbed him by his shoulders turning Atsushi to himself so they were face to face. The redhead lifted Atsushi chin so he could look into his eyes.

"Atsushi look at me." Seijuro commaned.

Atsushi lifted his gaze and looked into Seijuro's mismatched eyes.

"Don't worry things will get better soon ok, but I need you to do a couple of things for me.

Atsushi looked at Seijuro expectantly, and nodded in agreement.

"I need you to stay strong, do not let anyone walk on you. Sometimes saying no is all the incentive people need to let you alone. Look people in the eye let them know you mean what you say. Wordless stare into there eyes, you do that long enough with anyone and it will creep them out. And the most important thing. Eat as much as you can so you can grow big and strong. So big that no one will ever mess with you. Can you do these things for me, can you remember that?"

Atsushi steeled himself and he nodded his head vigorously. He was going to do everything Seijuro asked to the best of his ability.

"Ok now, I have to go, but I'll be back. Wait for me and remember to do all the things I told you till I get back. Ok?

Atsushi nodded as Seijuro let go of his hand and walked back down the stairs leaving. Atsushi wanted to cry but he promised Seijuro he would stay strong and wait.

Some of the children still picked on Atsushi but he did all the things Seijuro had told him to do. He was best at telling them no then staring them down till they cried and ran away from him. He was also excellent at eating constantly. The headmaster was worried the lavenderette was gonna get fat or eat them out of house and home. Jubei still gave Atsushi dirty looks but after that day he never touched him again. Atsushi wasn't big on fighting but he really enjoyed not being picked on every day, all the time. But what Atsushi loved most about all of the new things in his life was that Seijuro would come and visit almost every day. They played, and Seijuro taught Atsushi how to defend himself against people who were bigger than him.

After about a month of Seijuro's visits he showed up with a tall man in a black suit with a black briefcase. The man wore tiny glasses and spoke very well. Seijuro said he'd come to do some paper work. The man went in the office with the headmaster while the two little boys played. When he was finished he approached the two young boys.

"Ok Atsushi kun it's time to go." He said with a small smile playing on his lips.

Atsushi looked to Seijuro who was grinning at him with pride.

"Well you can't expect me to be going back and forth from here to home, and from home to here forever, right?" Seijuro said in mock annoyance.

Atsushi felt tears begin to fill his eyes. He ran to Seijuro and grabbed him hugging him around his middle, he cried happily into his shoulder. Seijuro hugged the lavenderette back and pet his lavender locks, smiling.

Atsushi looked up into Seijuro's mismatch orbs smiling with tears in his eyes. He had always wanted a family, and Seijuro had been the closest thing he'd ever had to one. Atsushi didn't know Seijuro's parents but they couldn't be bad if they had made someone as perfect as Seijuro, besides even if they weren't great he still had Seijuro and that's all that really mattered. Atsushi was the happiest he'd ever been in his short little life.

"I love you Seijuro..." Atsushi whispered so softy Seijuro almost didn't hear.

Seijuro's eyes went wide as he looked down at the lavender eyed cherub in his arms. He leaned down and wiped away Atushi's tears.

"I love you too Atsushi Murasakibara."

AN:I hope you like the start to my new story, and stay with me to see what happens with this pair. thank you for reading and please, comment, like favorite, follow and vote!