Kensi awoke expecting to feel the arms of her partner wrapped around her but instead felt the emptiness of the bed around her. For a moment she panicked until the delicious smell of pancakes wafted through the air to her bedroom. She yawned, stretched, then got up from her bed and headed to the kitchen. She was greeted with the sight of Deeks carefully measuring the pancake batter into the frying pan.

Kensi stood in the doorway a moment, just watching him. Her eyes swept over his face. He had a somewhat pained expression on his face and his forehead was wrinkled in concentration. She was suddenly concerned about his health. Kensi knew he had been tortured but she also knew that he didn't have any permanent or even really visible damage. The worst of the damage was inside his mouth. As soon as Callen had extracted both Sam and Deeks from the Russians they had been tended to by medics. They also went to a hospital briefly to which both Sam and Deeks strongly objected. Callen hadn't told Kensi what sort of treatment they had given Sam but he had told her that the doctor had filled the cavities where the Russians had drilled in Deeks teeth. The doctor had said he had done the fillings to the best of his ability but that since he was no dentist, Deeks might want to have some cosmetic work done. Other than that, his scrapes and bruises should heal up nicely.

She decided that even if she had to force them down his throat, Deeks would take the pain reliever the doctor had quickly prescribed under Callen's urging. Finally, Kensi entered the kitchen. Deeks looked up and tried to grace her with his trademark grin but it came out as more of a grimace. Kensi frowned.

"Is your mouth hurting?" she asked, concerned.

"No Kens, I'm fine. I made you some pancakes." He said, trying to distract her.

"I don't believe you." She said firmly.

"What? Look, they're right here. I even put in chocolate chips. Your favorite."

"No you idiot. I don't think you're 'fine.'"

"Look Kensi, it's just a little scra-"

"Shut up. Let me take a look."

Kensi walked towards him before he could object any further and took his face in her hands.

"Now open up."

"Kens, there's nothing really that you can-"

"I know. I just want to look."

Deeks sighed heavily before slowly opening his mouth. Kensi could see where his teeth had been filled and she could also see a cut on the inside of his right cheek. Deeks winced as if keeping his mouth open for this long was hurting him then closed it.

"Oh Deeks." Kensi said, his face still in her hands. "I am so sorry."

She looked up into his eyes which were staring intensely back at hers. Suddenly, Kensi couldn't resist the overwhelming urge. She stood up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips softly to his just like he had done not too long ago. He sighed and rested his hands on her hips. Once she pulled back, he was the first one to speak.

"It was almost worth getting tortured just to be able to kiss you again."

Kensi felt her heart twist and she kissed him again, this time more fully. She kept one hand on his jaw while running the fingers of her other hand through his hair. After several moments she pulled back, not wanting to hurt his mouth any further. She was about to release herself from his embrace when he wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"Oh god, Kensi." He said, dropping his head to her shoulder. "You have no idea how much I missed you. How much I was worried about you. The whole time I was being tortured, every minute, every second, I just kept thinking, "Is she safe? Is she okay?". And I just…" Deeks stopped, choking back a sob.

Kensi took his hand from around her waist and pulled him to her couch. She made him lie down, then she lay down with him. They held each other tightly, both letting go of the tears they were holding in, and cried together. Once they had both cried their hearts out, Deeks just held Kensi, stroking her hair or arm, rubbing her back, while Kensi clung to him with an iron grasp.

Time passed. How long, they didn't know or care. It could've been minutes. It could've been hours. It could have even been days and they wouldn't have cared. But finally after a while, Kensi smelled smoke. Then the smoke detector went off. Deeks shot up.

"Oh crap, the pancakes." He said. He got up from the couch, pulling Kensi with him. Together, they cleaned up the mess and turned off the smoke detector.

"Looks like our breakfast is gone. Wanna go out to eat?" Deeks asked.

"Sure. Then after that I was wondering if maybe we could stop by Sam's house? I didn't get to make sure he was okay yesterday and I also want to thank Michelle. She sort of kept me from going crazy with worry for you."

"Awe, Fern. I knew you missed me." He gave her his real trademark grin, wincing only slightly.

"Of course I missed you, dork. Now take me out to breakfast."

"Anything for you." Deeks replied. Then after a moment he added, "My piggy."


So, did you like it? Sorry for the shortness. I promise next chapter will be extra-long. Thank you all so much for the wonderful reviews and follows. I appreciated everyone's opinion. Review!