Naruto groaned as her slowly woke up. For lack of better a better word he felt…broken. His hips were sore; his skin ached from feral bites from the last few days, his manhood felt…..over used surprisingly. His throat hurt from his screaming but overall he never wanted anything to change. He looked down to see Hinata perfectly content with herself as she snuggled into Naruto's chest, taking in his scent in her sleep brought a small smile on her face. Naruto however much he didn't want to, needed to do a few things that day, he had to go to the council to declare his clan, he needed to fight off Danzo and him probably wanting to enact the CRA, he would have to begin construction on a bigger house because there was no way in Kami that after a near week of doing the "jiarya dream" that she wasn't with child. And Naruto knew it wouldn't just be one.

*flashback time!*

"Ok Naruto I am going to be teaching you some very important things today, starting with the Kyrubii." Majora said looking towards his student.

"What are we learning today Majora?" Naruto asked somewhat curious. Over his training he could now access the full power of the kyrubii's chakra, along with going into 9 tails mode very effectively, so what else could there be?

Poor diluted fool

"Well as you know there are hundreds of thousands of types of summons, but do you know where we get those contracts?" Majora asked. Naruto merely shook his head.

"Well we get them from the summoning world, when someone tries to summon anything without a contract they are taken to the summoning realm to a random part and by chance if they are strong enough said person will be trained to be a Sennin much like the ones in Konaha." Majora said. Naruto snorted remembering the perverted old fool. But then got really excited at the possibly of being the first summoned of an animal.

"But I already signed the toad contract. And they are really strong so I am not sure I want a chance on getting a random, weaker animal to summon" Naruto said slightly saddened.

"And that's where our demons come in." Majora said grinning behind his mask. Naruto snapped his head up

"What do you mean Majora?" Naruto asked slightly confused by the masked man's sentence.

"You see, you won't get a random animal, and it won't be weak either, you see before our demons were sealed for the first time ever they lived in the demon world, where they had kids and a family and they lived happily. But when they come here and are sealed then their families are taken over to the summoning world to be used as the summons for the holder of their 'clan' leader." Majora said crossing his arms.

"So, I get demon foxes?" Naruto asked

"That would be correct Naruto." Majora replied.

"That's awesome Majora! Does that mean you have a turtle summoning contract?" Naruto asked as the thoughts of Majora's demon came to his mind.

"It does, and I will pass it on to me children, which reminds me Naruto." Majora said slightly nervous.

"What Majora?" Naruto asked on what else there could be to say to him.

"Because of our demons we will have kids in numbers based on our demon." Majora said. Naruto nodded slowly wondering where the masked man was going with this.

" because I have the turtle I will be having 12 to 16 kids each time, while you will be having 6 to 8 kids." Majora said. And Naruto being the soul mate to Hinata hugger did the only thing he could think of to remind him of her in these types of situations.

He fainted.

*flash back over!*

Even now to Naruto the thought of having 8 kids running around here a year from now would be very….stressful to him. He had always wanted a family but the thoughts of him not being the father he wanted to be, or him dying on a mission and leaving Hinata and them to fend for themselves was the most terrifying thing Naruto had ever faced.

Even more so than the battle where he took his cloak from. Here's a hint, it was very PEIN-full.

But the thoughts of birthday parties, playing ninja with his kids, seeing Hinata make ramen for dinner for him and his kids, throwing potential suitors for his daughters off the Hokage Mountain all made him feel very warm inside. Naruto then knew that no matter what he didn't want to miss those things and if it was with 8 kids, the more the merrier.

Hinata stirred on Naruto's chest causing Naruto to chuckle at her antics. Hinata rubbed her eyes and looked up at Naruto who smiled wide at his bride to be.

"good morning Hinata-chan.' Naruto said.

"Good morning Naruto-kun." Hinata said smiling. It near brought a tear to Naruto's eye on how someone so gentle (outside the bedroom) and so kind could make him want to scream her name from mountain tops, she gave him such strong emotions that he couldn't begin to fathom them.

And with Hinata by his side, there wasn't anything he couldn't handle.


Majora crawled on all fours on the cold ground, he was beating, broken, tired, hungry, and shamed on what had been happening for the last week. He could move his hips an inch let alone what his wife wanted him to do.


Majora loved the women with all his heart, in fact it was her that got him to unlock his potential from his demon sealed inside him, she had traveled with him for three years at the same age Naruto was when he left the village. She had followed him out of the village and confessed to him her feelings, in part she had always been a good friend to Majora but never would he have thought that Shyvanna could love him. He of course returned the feelings and left the village with her, she was very helpful, from food, to training, to healing his wounds in general.

Then it happened.

You see, all jinjurkii when they are sealed with a demon have an emotion to lessen to strain on the seal to release its chakra. For Naruto, it was anger. For Majora it was…lust. The feeling began when he walked in on Shyvanna bathing in a river after a trading session. Take into account she was the love of his life, the first girl he ever loved, the first human he saw naked, the fact he was a virgin, teenage hormones, and the demon living in a two bedroom apartment in his stomach.

It was bound to happen.

And happen it did for an entire month.



If though it was Shyvanna first time as well, she thought only one word to describe the skill and stamina he had when it came to love making.

Unfortunately for Majora, it was "addicting."

Majora could only smile at the memory now as he crawled to his door. Then he felt a hand grasp around his ankle, sending a chill through him as he turned around he saw his wife standing over him with a saddened face.

"Please don't go, come lay down with me." Shyvanna said. Majora was depressed slightly to see his wife sad so he crawled back into bed and they cuddled for the rest of the day.