
Summary : Singing is a dream came true for her. A talented musician and composer, Kuroko Tetsuki hid herself from the world eyes behind her stage name, HEAVEN. The name alone held so much reputations in bringing a song to life, which could change one view of life. Hidden from everyone, she suffered from an incurable disease that slowly brings her closer to her death bed at each ticking second. Along the way, she encountered many challenges and the renowned band, The Generation of Miracles. As love triangle, hardships, friendship and many other walls had given her the chances she thought she could never have. She never gave up in reaching for her dreams. Each tear fell made her stronger, each step made her even stronger.

Pairings : Aomine Daiki x Kuroko Tetsuki , Akashi Seijuro x Kuroko Tetsuki , Midorima Shintarou x Kuroko Tetsuki

Warnings : Heavy Angst , Character death.

Song In This Chapter : REFRAIN by Miyano Mamoru

Everyone in the dome were in tears. It was not because of the song he sang, it was because of how he was trying so hard to continue singing despite the sorrows he has been enduring past few weeks. They all knew what happened three weeks ago and it was not enough time for the singer to move on and put a smile on his face.

Daiki, music is my life. It brought everyone together, no matter who they are. The joy and happiness in delivering the songs through singing is a dream came true for me. So, please...keep singing... for your dreams.

His voice shook as he tries his best to hold back the tears and pain. Every memories he had with her, came back to him. Rewinding and repeat over and over. Never in his life, he felt like he's falling apart completely. Trails of tears made its way down his cheeks as he kept singing. The snow melts upon falling under the stage lights.

Can you hear my voice? I am here, thinking of you
Just once would be good enough. I want to see you.

The last part of the song hits him hard. It's what he wants so desperately but he knew it's impossible. Aomine falls onto his knees as he tries his hardest not to fall apart but he did, clinging onto the microphone stand, he cried. No one was able to say a word at how devastated when they saw him breaking apart in front of them.

Even at this point, he still manage to sing till the end, only with the last piece of strength in him.

"...if my wishes could be granted...I'd only wish to see you..."

Yep, please review :)