Please treat this as a gag rather than a serious storytelling... Just have fun with this!

Standard disclaimer applies.

Yep. She was yelling; and pacing. She was pacing back and forth and yelling at him. But for the life of him he had NO idea what she was yelling about. Not a sound was seeping through to his consciousness. All he could concentrate on were the drenched clothes she was wearing and how they clung to her body. Oh, sooo very tight. Those tiny shorts and that top, it was almost see-through from the water. And were those unicorns on her bra?! Crap. She was coming in closer. Yep. Now he could see more clearly. Those WERE in fact tiny unicorns riding on rainbows that he could see on her bra. Booooobies. Now that she was yelling in his face and not pacing, he could see her cleavage more clearly.

Poppycock. She was silent. And glaring at him. Oh, my. His gaze fell down to her breasts again. He will be dying as a happy man. Ohhh, nooo. She crossed her arms under her chest, pushing them up. NOW he will be dying as a happy man. He reached out his right arm and squeezed one of the unicorn-clad objects. Oh, damn, so soft. A drool escaped his open mouth.

Lucy couldn't believe this. All was going so nice, they had two boats, one for each pair, obviously. But then… She grit her teeth. Then the boys decided that it would be fun to have a speed run. With the boats. In the freaking lake. And they launched their magic into the water. Of course this could not have ended as they expected. The boats did not manage to keep the pressure applied to them from the magical bursts and they broke. They broke in half. Leaving the four of them in water. Now they were drenched.

Gray and Juvia quickly run from the scene using Juvia's water shielded bubble, leaving the grumpy Natsu and pissed off Lucy alone. Juvia will not stay near that girl. Gray just looked from inside the bubble as Lucy summoned one of her spirits and the short-skirted horned spirit-girl picked up Lucy and Natsu and brought them to the nearest sanded area in sight. Well, I would rather deal with angry Juvia than angry Lucy. With this, Gray decided not to be near the other pair.

Drenched and very angry, Lucy paced in front of Natsu, admonishing him on why, how and what was wrong with everything that had happened in the last 10 minutes. She looked at him still yelling. Of course, he wasn't paying attention to her, he was truly zoning out on everything she had just said. Just you wait. She stomped towards him, and stood in front of him, hands on her hips. She complained again to his face. What the hell was he looking at?! She crossed her arms and his eyes instantly wided in appreciation. When his hand reached for her very feminine form and he started drooling, Lucy thought she had experienced all that was embarrassing when it came to the spiky-haired guy and his behavior.

Lucy raised her hand, ready to strike the boy to the gates of hell. Just when the motion almost reached its target, Natsu's hand stopped it and held her wrist. Damn his reflexes. Well, that wont stop her, she tried to repeat her plan with her other hand. The result was the same. Except now Natsu had scrunched his face in disapproval. How is he supposed to enjoy the softness of the unicorns, when his both hands are busy?!

Lucy struggled to free her wrists, but Natsu didn't seem to feel her effort at all. She decided to use her other extremities. She kicked him in the shin. That didn't work. Well, maybe she should try to sweep him off his legs. She aimed for his knee. And all was going well, until his leg buckled and his face came nearer. Lucy's eyes widened in shock. He was now freaking motorboating her! And the downward motion of his leg didn't stop. In fact, now they were laying on the ground. Her arms over her head, her wrists still held by his hands. And his face still between her breasts. Lucy heard Natsu groan in enjoyment. Damn it, now she was starting to enjoy this as well. Darnation you, sexual attraction. "Took you long enough," smirked Natsu and kissed her lips with an appetite that burned Lucy up ohhh so deliciously.