Hey guys, TakeonMe-Mow here again. I just wrote this and may or may not add to it. Review and tell me what to do with it.


I ran into the pub from the pouring rain. I shook my shaggy, blond hair and sat down at the counter.

"Yo Finn, what's up?" A man with deep, brown eyes and golden hair asked.

"Nothing much Jake, just finished my homework early," I replied, wringing out my blue T-shirt.

He raised an eyebrow. "Dude, you know you're too young to be in here,"

I rolled my eyes. "Come on man, it's not like I actually drink,"

"So the usual then?" He asked.

"Yup," He pushed a beer glass with apple cider over to me and then went to go take a man's order. I took a swig of it and looked around the room. All around were big, smelly tough guys who could chew me up and spit me back out. I gulped. I looked into the corner by the pool table and saw Bonnibel. What the heck is she doing here? She hates alcohol. She was making out with someone with dark hair. My heart sunk in my chest. I've had a crush on her since middle school, and now she was breaking my heart into two pieces. The dark head turned and I recognized it.

Marcy? What, why! Great, my two best friends going behind my back. They could have at least told me. Now my heart was ripped out of my chest, stomped on, chain sawed, and put back in.

Jake came back over. "Sorry about that bro, just had to take care of that. Dude, are you okay?" he followed my gaze over to the two girls. "Oh, sorry man. That bites. How 'bout a free apple cider on the house?" He said trying to cheer me up.

"You don't charge me anyway," I said blankly.

"Oh," he muttered and gave me one anyway. I drank it. Well this sucks buns .I looked out the window at the sheets of rain. The ambiance certainly isn't helping.

A girl burst through the doors, sopping wet, looking angry and scared. The girl had bright red and orange hair that looked like fire, and tan skin. She was wearing a short dress the color of her hair. She ran towards the bar and grabbed my coat, covering her body with it. I was about to ask what she was doing when another person burst through the door.

A large man, about six feet tall with a green Mohawk strode in, and he didn't look happy. The guy looked scary; lots of piercings, tattoos, and black clothing. He scanned the bar and saw the girl. He snapped her around and started yelling in her face.

"What the hell, you bitch? You embarrassed me in front of the guys!" he boomed.

Fire filled her eyes. "You were showing me off and your jackass friends were looking up my dress! How the fuck should I act?" Dang is she pretty. Wait, what? Stop it, Finn.

"You don't call them perverts and walk out? Do you know how that makes me look? You're my girl and you do what I say and respect me!"

"I. Am. Not. Your. Thing." She spat. "Do not yell at me and don't tell me what to do,"

He leaned down and sneered. "Or what,"

"Don't test me," she said. This is going to get ugly.

"Bitch," He spat. She slapped him in the face, hard. A murderous look came across his face. He raised his hand to hit her and she cringed. I stood up in front of the girl and took the punch. Dear glob this guy can hit. My head spun. I shook my head and regained my balance. The guy turned on me. Oh shit."Stay out of this, kid," I realized that everybody in the pub was staring at us.

"No, get away from her dude," I said. Jake came rushing out of the back.

"Whoa guys, no need to fight," Jake said, trying to calm everybody down.

"This isn't your fight, dick," he replied, eyes still on me.

Jakes eyes turned cold. "Look dude, get out of here before I call the cops. And I will call the cops,"

The guy looked at me, thinking for a second and then left.

Jake yelled,"Alright everybody, nothing to see here," Everybody returned to whatever drunken thing they were talking about before. The girl breathed a sigh of relief and sat down.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked the girl.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. He does that a lot. Thanks for saving my cheek meat back there," she said, pushing her hair back.

"No problem, it's what I do. I'm Finn Warden by the way,"

"Flamella Phyre. So what are you doing here, you look young," she asked.

"My brother works here and I hang with him after school. I don't actually drink anything, just apple cider to fit in. How about you? You look young," I replied.

"I am too young. I just came in here to get away from him. I'm only seventeen,"

"Same here. If you don't mind me asking, why do you hang out with that joker? He's bad news," I asked.

"He wasn't always like this. He changed awhile ago but I don't know why," She looked kind of sad.

"Hey, cheer up. How about we be friends,"

She brightened, "Really? You want to be friends with me?"

"Yeah, why not? Do you wanna hang at school sometime?" I asked hopefully.

Her smile faltered. "I'm home schooled. My dad doesn't like me hanging out with people my age,"

"That's stupid. Well just come here sometime, I'm always here after school," I said.

"Okay!" She glanced at her phone. "Oh shit, I had to be home 15 minutes ago! Sorry Finn but bye," She said getting up.

"I can walk you home if you want. That jerk might be waiting outside," I offered.

She smiled. "Nah, I'm fine. But thanks, Finn,"

"Don't mention it,"

"C'ya later,"

"Bye," I called. The bell tinkled as it shut. I sighed and took another sip of my cider.

Jake walked up to me. "Dude, are you okay? I mean with the whole Bonnie and Marcy thing,"

I looked over at them, who in the meantime resumed their make-out session. I didn't mind so much anymore.

"Dude, I think I have a crush," I said staring at the door.