Just to clarify, Beca was eleven weeks pregnant when she miscarried- one week before it is seen as safe to tell you so much for your continued support throughout this story, it means so much! There will be plenty of new projects from me in the coming future, so keep reading (follow me on Twitter for updates, RhyleighGrace)! All the best, Rhyleigh :)

"It's a girl!"

"She's beautiful", Jesse breathed, as his daughter was lifted into the air for her parents to see. Beca was a mess of sweat and tears, as she laughed and cried. "Oh my God, Bec, she's gorgeous".

Beca held her arms out for the squirming baby, in awe of how beautiful the red faced, screaming baby was.

"Oh my God, hello baby girl!" Jesse leaned forward as Beca cradled her gently, soothing the baby with just her touch.

It was worth it. Nine months of a sore back, sore boobs, and stretch marks. Nine months of raging hormones (with Jesse taking the brunt of it, the poor guy), and nine hours of drug-free labour, all for the baby girl in her arms.

"Hey there Allie", Beca almost sobbed, as her baby's eyes met her own. "Oh my God!"

"She looks just like you", Jesse said softly.

"She's so beautiful", Beca cried.

"She's perfect", Jesse confirmed. "Welcome to the world, Allie Swanson".

"Ally Claire Swanson", Beca corrected.

(She wasn't sure if Jesse had been joking when he said he wanted to name their baby, if it was a girl, after the characters in The Breakfast Club, but it had stuck. Allie Claire had been the winner, and Jesse had been surprised that badass Beca Mitchell, hater of all things good and fun in the world- like movies- had wanted to name their child after characters in a movie.)

"Welcome to the world, Allie Claire Swanson".

Their friends flooded into the room the moment Jesse stepped out, having spent the last nine hours camped in the waiting room. Chloe was the first one to react to the baby in Beca's arms, as she held her own arms out.

"Beca, she's gorgeous!"

"Want a cuddle?" Beca offered.

(Chloe didn't know why Beca felt the need to ask such a ridiculous question, but put it down to baby brain.)

"She's so perfect", Chloe cooed, rocking the baby gently in her arms. "She's so beautiful, Bec, oh my God!"

Aubrey smiled at her, reaching over to pat Beca on the shoulder. "You did good, Beca".

"Thanks, Aubrey". Beca smiled.

She was tired- physically and mentally- but there was no way she was going to go to sleep and miss her daughter's first day. There was no way that she was going to nod off and miss her daughter meeting her aunts and uncles for the first time.

"Why didn't you name her Amy?" Fat Amy demanded, peering into Chloe's arms.

"She can't have the same name as her favourite aunty", Beca objected. And just as expected, there was outroar.

"What?" Lily squeaked.

"Aca scuse me?" Stacie scoffed.

"What?" fire shot through Aubrey's eyes, and she glared at the tiny brunette (Beca glared right back, because her hormones were all over the place and she could take on Aubrey Posen if she wanted to).

Chloe just smirked, because she had already been told that she had been made godmother.

"She'll have several favourite aunties", Donald predicted. "But only one favourite uncle!" he puffed his chest out, grinning.

"Don't worry, Benji, you're still godfather", Beca assured the other boy, seeing the way he deflated slightly.

"I just got off the phone, Bec, my parents can't fly in until tomorrow morning", Jesse reported, coming into the room with a stressed look on his face. "I spoke to Dad, I heard my mother abusing the airline on the other phone".

She chuckled. "God I love your mother".

"I do too, but God, she's a nutcase". Jesse grinned, plopping down on the bed and motioning for her to move over. "Hey, move over a bit".

"Are you serious?" she asked him incredulously. "I just pushed your kid out of my vagina and now you want to take up room on my bed?"

Stacie started to chuckle, as she rocked the baby. "She's so gorgeous", she cooed. "I want a baby".

"Shouldn't be too hard for you", Fat Amy murmured, just loud enough for Beca and Jesse to hear.

"Amy!" Beca said, aghast, and Fat Amy shrugged.

"I tell it how it is".

As Allie was passed to her Uncle Benji (who held her gingerly but with a look of total adoration on his face), there was a knock at the door.


"Hey buddy!" Beca said warmly, as her little brother flew into the room.

"Hi Jesse!" five year old Nicholas giggled, as Jesse hoisted him onto the bed. "Can I see the baby? Mum and Daddy said I could see the baby".

"You want to meet your niece?" Beca said, motioning for the baby to be back in her arms.

Nicholas nodded eagerly, leaning forward to peer into the face of the little pink bundle. "This is my niece?"

"That's your niece, little man". Jesse nodded, ruffling his messy curls (just like Beca and Michael, the little boy had inherited untameable curls. Jesse still cursed her father for that gene). "This is Allie Claire Swanson".

"What do you think?" Donald asked the five year old, wrapping his arm around Lily's waist.

"She's pretty".

"She is, isn't she?"

"You've got to help us, buddy", Donald told him seriously. "We've got to keep boys away from her, alright? We don't want Allie dating until she's fifty".

"Yeah". He nodded enthusiastically, making his father laugh from the doorway.

"One day Allie will meet someone who changes her for the better and shows her a completely different way of life than what she's used to", Dr Mitchell said to the young couple, smiling at his granddaughter. "Beca, she's beautiful".

"Thanks, Dad".

"Take care of her, Jesse. You have no idea how amazing being a father can be". He clapped his son in law on the shoulder and Jesse nodded.

"I will. I always have, and I always will".

The baby was scooped up by Aubrey then, and Beca leant against Jesse's shoulder, taking in the sight.

This was all because of Jesse. She was the girl she was at that moment solely because of the nerd beside her. He was the one who had taken a sledgehammer to her walls on more than one occasion, breaking them down and proving to her that there were other ways to react. He had made her think that not all marriages were bad, and she had allowed him to slip a wedding ring on her left hand.

Most importantly, he made her a mother.

(Allie was a bit of a surprise, she'd be the first to admit it- and it scared her shitless. But she wasn't that college girl anymore. She was married with a successful job and a successful husband and aca-children were inevitable, it seemed.)

"Hey there beautiful girl", Beca said softly, once the baby was back in her arms. "You're so perfect".

"You're so perfect", Jesse echoed.

They were broken once. But they had been brought together by a beautiful baby boy, their godson and Beca's baby brother. And five years later, they had a baby in their lives again.

But this time, it was theirs.

Jesse looked lovingly at Beca, but Beca was too infatuated by the baby to notice. It was at that moment that Lily took a photo, presenting it to them two days later when they were bringing Allie home.

It was that photo that made everything alright. Whenever either of them were having a bad day- whenever Allie's crying in the middle of the night felt like too much- they looked at that photograph, framed in their hallway.

That photo proved to them that they were stronger than either of them thought.

All because of that little girl.