AN: Hello everyone! Man, Harry Potter Femslash has been a little dead lately :(, It's messed with my muse. Anywho, this story will not be long, no more then two or three chapters.

Warning: Might change the rating later on

Chapter 1

Mating pheromones, were the subject of Professor Hagrid's lecture on the first day of sixth year, which also happened to be the beginning of spring. Hermione could not help but to snort at how appropriate that was. Nevertheless, she thought that his coverage of hormones was surprisingly enlightening but on the other hand, it was bit well, frightening to her. So she could not help but to sit with her chin dug into her palm and listen as Hagrid, permanent blush in place, babbled on and on about how moths and other lowly creatures knew where to find a mate by only the slightest stimulation of pheromones produced from their bodies.

Hermione found this utterly ridiculous, that a mere scent from something could prey upon the will of another. If this was true then a scent could cause one to become infatuated, if not in loved, with someone of whom one otherwise might not have given a second thought. Love at first sight could easily be called love at first smell. That thought made her chuckle as images of cartoon wolves floating in the air with hearts for eyes gliding toward the beautiful female.

If that was proven true, then a handsome man may marry a homely woman just because her natural scent got his blood racing and his cock hard. Also a married man, may wish to stray because some primitive part of his brain was stimulated to mate with some random passing stranger. He would not be able to help himself from the animal attraction.

The male would have three choices. The first one was to just give in to the primitive side of the brain and mate with the other person which would in the end cause him to lose his bond mate. The second one was to remain faithful and return home to his wife and finally the third and probably the most popular one was masturbation.

Hermione blushed, of course she knows that when the conditions allow, masturbation was a very satisfying method of deactivating what could be an otherwise compromise of marriage but the act itself was just so naughty and personal to one's self.

Flushed, Hermione paused in her inner musings and glanced downward at the ancient textbook weighing down two small steady hands.

Another way persons use scents for lures and/or weapons is by using Perfumes or Colognes. There is no association of pheromones with most perfumes other than they can elicit stimulation of the libido. Perfumes merely mask pheromones and are more associative in that a fragrance can evoke memories of another time. An example of this, one only has to catch a whiff of the fragrance worn by say one's grandmother as she kissed them. The child would then associate that particular scent with feelings of love and contentment that they experienced.

She remembered catching a whiff of pine needles whilst hiking through the Forbidden Forest and having a flood of warm memories of her mother invade her senses. It was amazing how something so simple as a sniff in the air could bring one through time. She huffed in amusement, who needed a time turner when one had what the good Lord give them.

Suddenly a thought popped up deep within her conscious, Hermione had read this particular book from cover to cover, not once, but twice and there was only one thing that puzzled her. None of the ninety chapters included animaguses. Did the animagus of the person heighten certain senses?

She could not help but to ponder if Sirius Black's animagus Padfoot had a role in the man's human form. If the canine did play a part then that would mean Sirius's sense of hearing and smell would have been off the charts for a human. She sighed, if Sirius was still alive she could simply ask him. She felt a pang of sorrow at their long dead companion.

Deciding to not dwell on the past for too long, she thought of instead of whom else she could question or test. She pondered for a few long moments then chocolate eyes brightened finally an epiphany.

"Ahh, Professor McGonagall. Of course!" A grin broke out across strong English features. Professor McGonagall's animagus was a common household feline, better known as a cat. Would that mean she had sight in the pitch darkness of the night? Could she smell certain scents from long distances? How about her hearing would those human ears be able to hear a pen drop in the next room? She sighed deeply, so many questions left unanswered. Feeling a burst of excitement, without command a knee started to bounce and Hermione inwardly groaned, cursing the deep seeded thrust for knowledge that plagued her curious mind. That was it, she simply had to find out. Whether by asking or testing.

She figured testing would be a less invasive or personal way of going about it. If she were to come right out and ask the Professor. The older woman might clam up and leave out much needed information. She shook her head that would do at all. No, she would have to be sneaky to gain what she wanted.

Pink lips parted and pearly white teeth slightly bit down on a peeking tongue, Hermione's mind was going ninety to nothing as various pros and cons of experiments rushed through. She had to be careful Professor McGonagall might not take to kindly to being observed and experimented on as though she was a simple lab rat. She cringed at being on the receiving end of that famous Scottish ire.

Yes, she defiantly needed to be careful.


AN: I know, it's been a while since I've been in this fandom. I promise I'm working on my other three. Oh let me know if ya'll want some sexy times.