Warped Tour 2012. The beginning of the rest of my life.

The minute I felt the body of Austin Carlile, my hands started to tingle. The tingling went up my arms, into my chest, down my core and into my legs. For a second I felt like I was on fire but that didn't stop me from letting go of him. I didn't let go until it stopped. I didn't see anything wrong with me. But, the second Austin belted out the last few lyrics of "Second & Sebring", he looked into my eyes. He could tell what had just happened.

Since the set was over, he signaled me to come back stage. He waved off the security guards and they let me pass. I came over to him, he grabbed my hand and pulled me behind a wall where nobody was. He said, "I saw it. I saw it in your eyes. What happened to you my dear?" I was stuttering because of how excited I was to see him but I told him what happened. I told him how my body felt. I told him everything. He then asked me to do him a favor and sing to him. He said it was the only way to truthfully find out what happened to me.

At this point, I'm completely and utterly nervous. I'm about to sing in front of one of my heroes. Literally. I say okay and sing the chorus to "When You Can't Sleep At Night". It was so angelic, Austin's jaw dropped. "Congratulations. You're one of us now." he said after I finished. I wasn't sure what he meant by that. Was I apart of the band now? I just didn't understand.

Austin then asked me to take a step back. He spun around about 10 times, creating some sort of fog around him. When he stopped and the fog cleared, he wasn't Austin Carlile. He was a whole different person. He held out his hand, and as scared as I was, I held mine out too, grabbed his hand and shook it. As we shook hands, he introduced himself.

"Hello Jessica. I'm Apollo, God of Music." he said. "Where's Austin?" I replied. "I am him," he continues. "And you're now Apolla, Goddess of Music." Now, I'm speechless. I have no idea how to react to such wondrous words. "You mean we're now some sort of couple?" I asked him. "Exactly, my lady." he replied. "Now, remember how I spun around before? You need to do that." I follow his orders and spin around majestically about 10 times. Smoke appears and slowly fades away after I spin. I have now officially changed into Apolla, Apollo's other half. He grabs my hand and guides me over and into the tour bus at the back of the stage. We walk through the bus until we cross paths with a full-length mirror. We stop, turn and look at ourselves. "Look at how beautiful you are. You're perfect." Apollo tells me. I turn and look him in the eyes. He does the same. We both slowly lean in, gradually closing out eyes the closer we get. We finally reach each other's lips and kiss passionately; so passionately our bodies start glowing gold.

This really is the beginning of the rest of my life.