Hi this is my first fanfiction so guys please be easy on me
All characters of FSOG belong to EL JAMES

I am sitting alone as always as Kate has decided to ditch me as always and is busy making out with some guy with bad breath sometimes I don't even get Kate and I don't understand how she is my friend but she tells me quiet often that I should seriously loosen up and thats what I am trying to do here sipping on my orange juice I just want to go home and cuddle in bed and read "Gone with the wind" or "Pride and Predujice" both of these books are my favoriate and I could read them several times and I have...
You might be thinking I am very anti social while I should be making out here I am thinking about "books".Kate teases me that I should start having sex with my head starts pounding and I am looking all over the place but I just can't find Kate,Oh well,whatever.
I decide to go to the bathroom and freshen reapplying my makeup and opening the top buttons of my shirt I decide to go , oh there's a message for me I get happy that someone finally decided to message me and open my bag and start looking at my phone just then I bump into someonee..
I feel someone's weight over me...Oh my god what the fuck?
The next I know I am on the floor of the bar,flat on my back and Mr gorgeous is on top of heart rate accelerates "oh my god"I say as I try to look annoyed but I am not I actually feel good like this my body pinned underneath eyes stare into mine and I know that I will never be able to break eye contact with them,My voices suddenly becomes thick and full of want..I just want to kiss this man!
Just then someone shouts my name I try to reply but I don't dare open my mouth since my mouth and Mr gorgeous's mouth is too close already.
Mr gorgeous gets up and now I feel exposed I wanted him to stay right there I felt good I am sure the alcohol is talking and I will be back to normal tomorrow.
Mr gorgeous introduces himself to me "Hi,I am Christain Grey" for a minute I am dumbfounded oh what the hell,I just want to kiss you but I sadly can't say that after all I don't even know him..wait a minute why does that name sound fimilar?
Out of nowhere I hear Kate's shriek and I am embrassed then she rushes towards us with her mouth open like she just saw a ghost!"Your Christain Grey?",Christain clearly looks irritated but reply calmly "yes" again Kate butt's in before I could utter a word "I am so honored to meet you my name is Kate and this is my bestfriend Anastasia Steel"Now I get it sooo he's THE CHRISTAIN GREY! Oh god.