I know it has been a long time and I know that the chapter is pretty fast paced and well...shitty but that's mostly because I CAN'T WRITE GRUVIA OR NALU

I don't know why but...I just can't

so I hope you won't get mad at me :X but my exams are exhausting me and the fact that my laptop broke and I lost the first version I've written didn't exactly lift my spirits up



on a sad note...Ultear...if you have read CotS you know how much I LOVE badass Ultear and how much I've wanted for her to be the godmother of Jelly's and Erza's first child...but now...

my Ultear...I hope Mashima pulls out the biggest nakama-crap he knows just so that she is alive

she can't die...she just...can't. I forbid her to die!

Passerby: well I plan another story and I guess... I'm gonna have to turn the rating to M at some point...xD

Hiru to Yoru: thanks :3

DiamondAnime: Gray Juvia Natsu and Lucy will own this chapter and things will get messed up a bit ;D

Sky Slayer: Kesh, they're also my perfect bbys and I also can't

Lozin99: OMFG help you're flattering me! xD well, I already plan a new one...a really long and serious one with about...15-20 chapters a'la 5k words per chap, but I'm gonna do this after all my exam are over and I'm still working on the plot

Arcobaleno-lover: because after what he'd done with Erza, details like this vanish...xDDD who can blame him?

maya: yeah probably gonna do it like What's Behind^^ thanks :3

dancingteddy: Well I've typed with ' ... ' since forever, I'm even using it in my essays and my teacher are not bothered so I got so used to it writing "..." looks so...wrong :x

ScarletAnastasia: Wendy will be in the next chapter and then Erza, Jelly and her will have a family-bounding session^^

severedserenity: well this chap is a little bit fast-paced since I really had a massive writer's block and had to write the final chap of COTS first...and yes...Wendy is their daughter and nobody can tell me otherwise

rosella ice: Sorry, I had a lot to do and exams...urgh .


Jellal almost flew through the forest. His legs began moving on their own as he passed countless shadows and trees, tightly holding the hand of his wife and dragging her with him. Erza had due to his speed trouble to keep up with him and almost stumbled on a few roots but he seemed in such a hurry that she didn't mention it. She just tagged along and felt his sweaty hands and heard his panting breath as he felt the nervousness wash over his body.

Finally arriving at the open field he let go of her hand, his eyes wandering around in the dark as he began to walk forward in a hasty pace. Erza stayed back and helped him search for some sign of the humans or Gajeel.

'I don't think they're here' Jellal whimpered as he measured the time. Only 2 hours until sunrise…they had to re-do the effect of the spell soon…

Erza crossed her arms and nervously looked around. This thing was truly upsetting him and that made her sad and uneasy…the night had been so good and she wanted to remember it that way…

Suddenly, a cry echoed through the night.


'I take it back, they're here' he quickly muttered before he grabbed her by the wrist again, sprinting in the direction where the cry came from.

'Come' he turned around and pulled her hastily with him.

'Juvia wait for me! We'll make 40 babies!' Natsu chased after the bluenette with big hearts in his eyes while she just tried to get away from him as fast as possible. She, on the other side, was chasing after Gray who ran away from her in panic. He didn't know what happened with his rival, but whatever it was, he was afraid the same would happen to him. Behind Natsu, Lucy shouted again and again but he didn't seem to care, something very odd for the pink haired man. Natsu grabbed the arm of Juvia and held her back, making an attempt to stroke her cheek but Juvia just kicked him in the crotch, making the pink haired one cry in pain.

'Get your dirty hands off of Juvia!' the panicking woman shouted and just wanted to get away from this mess… She followed the direction Gray headed. He seemed to be the only one sane this night even though he still pushed her away.

Gajeel sighed as he flew in acceptance behind the truss. The pink one had already recovered and sped up again while the blonde clung onto his torso, dragging her along with him. 'Natsu, drop this! We need to talk!' her voice echoed through the night but the man didn't pay attention to her. Juvia managed to get out of his grip and got away. 'DON'T TOUCH ME YOU CRAZY WOMAN!' the man shouted and instantly chased after the bluenette while shouting at the blonde.

Lucy stood there, her mind in a fuzzy dizz as anger began to boil inside of her.

'WELL THEN GO AWAY! WHO NEEDS YOU ANYWAY?' She lost it at this point and broke down on the grass, hugging her knees. She fought the tears, she didn't want to cry about him…but why did he change so much in a few hours? She just wanted to kick against a tree and never see his face again…but she knew she couldn't do it. She felt something was off…that he didn't act on his own accord…she managed to hold back the tears but her fists clenched in the soft grass as she made her decision. She will force him to face her and then she'll demand to know why he changed his mind. Yes. Lucy pulled herself together with a determined look on her face, wiped the dirt off of her dress, and began chasing after Natsu, Juvia and Gray.

'Oh god that's not good, that's really not good' Jellal muttered and walked in circles, his hands crossed behind his head as a look of sheer desperation was displayed on his face. Erza was standing behind him, watching her husband losing his sanity over the problems of some mortals…but then again it's his fault for messing with love…

She sighed and looked at the 4 humans. The blonde one was left on the ground but managed to pull herself up and chased after the other 3… Where the hell was Gajeel and when will he finally manage to get everything alright? Despite her amusement she hated to see Jellal suffering like this, in no time, he'd make himself responsible for the curse he put on those humans and then probably have a long phase of depression, a thing she wanted to avoid with all her power.

'Don't get so worked up, you need to have a cool head to manage all of this' she advised him and heard a loud sigh of frustration.

'How could I not get worked up on this? I have no idea where Gajeel is, I can't see him, and I messed with the love of 4 mortals. That pretty messes with my mood'

Gajeel met up with Juvia and Natsu as they ran through the field, Juvia chasing after Gray and talk with him, but instead Natsu declared his never-ending love for Juvia who declared hers for Gray…

Gray, on the other hand, was hoping to find Lucy….

Said blonde appeared with an immense speed behind the trio, anger written all over the face.

'NATSU! COME HERE WE NEED TO TALK' her voice echoed through the night as loud as the roar of a lion.

'GET YOUR MAN OFF OF JUVIA!' the bluenette shouted back hat her, just as loud as Lucy did.

Juvia cursed Natsu and declared her love for Gray, Gray cursed Juvia and declared his love for Lucy, Natsu cursed Lucy and Gray and declared his love for Juvia….and Lucy…Lucy cursed all of them.

It all felt more like the dream of a drunkard than the events of a simple midsummer night, but this is how things were.

Juvia was too close for Grays liking, so he sped up but tripped on the root of an old oak tree and fell to the ground, Juvia crashed against him and wrapped her arms possessive around his chest as Natsu tried to pull her in his arms while Lucy hit the back of Natsus head. This has got to be a joke. Gray closed his eyes and felt a strange presence and then suddenly, he sneezed. It felt like he got dust in the eyes and he rubbed them, but then his eyes settled on Juvias face. All he could see were her blue waves dancing in the wind as she kicked Natsu in the face, her passionate cry of disgust…and her eyes, blue like the sea sparkling with anger. Then, she raised her voice and spoke the words he wanted to hear most.

'JUVIA ONLY BELONGS TO GRAY-SAMA NOW GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF ME!' Gray grabbed her hands and she turned around in confusion as his hands started to caress her cheek.

'Went better than expected' Gajeel smirked and turned his attention to the furious pink-head who consisted of pure jealousy now. 'Now it's your turn, turn around you bastard he smirked and grabbed the flower a little bit tighter. After the man would see in the blonde's face, Gajeel had his peace again. The man finally turned around to shout at the woman who was hitting him on the back of his head and Gajeel took the opportunity, trying to smash the flower against the man's eyelids, but then suddenly, the man turned around again and before Gajeel could stop, the blonde got a whole load of dust in her eyes, sneezing and trying to wipe off the breeze. Gajeel gulped with a sigh of despair. This is not good…

The blonde's eyes turned to the scene before her and then her brown pupils widened as she approached Natsu slowly…

'BACK OFF OF MY JUVIA' the blonde kicked the pink haired man in the gut, causing him to land in a bush while Juvia just managed to cry out a big 'EEEEEEEEEH' as her eyes widened in shock.

'WHAT IS UP WITH ALL OF YOU?' She yelled out in anger and panic as everyone suddenly got a major crush on her.

The dark haired one got up and stood protectively before Juvia as he observed his new rival.

'Looks like Gajeel's here' Erza said while her husband gave up on his sanity, laying himself down on the floor. He didn't even want to look at the drama before him. Erza sat down beside him and held his hand really tight, offering him some emotional support.

He was all tensed up, the fact that his first action for 'the sake of Magnolia' was cursing the wrong man to fall in love with the wrong woman and therefore creating a love triangle that would annoy the hell out of Laxus … Even though Jellal felt jealousy because he thought that Erza and the ruler of Magnolia had an affair, everything vanished and he knew she has always been faithful to him. Before his leaving he swore an oath of allegiance to Laxus grandfather, like every King of the fairies did to secure the safety and friendship between fairies and humans. Laxus mental state was one of his top concerns for now….

Gajeel facepalmed himself and went to the bush where the pinkie lay, now that he hold still, he could finally make sure that he gets a load of dust in his eyes, maybe, with a little bit of luck, he'd look at the right person.

While Lucy and Gray both were pulling on Juvias arms, Natsu got up again. Storming in between them and stopping the fight while blushing furiously. Lucy took the opportunity to take the hand of the still shocked Juvia and made an attempt to sprint into the night, but Grays hand held Juvia back.

'Gray – I was so wrong, let us not be rivals anymore' Natsu clung on onto Grays arm while getting on his knees 'Let us elope together!' the pink haired one spoke in the most dreaming voice Gajeel had ever heard.

'EEEH?' Juvias eyes widened and her Jaw hit the ground. Didn't Natsu have a crush on Juvia a second ago?


Juvia shouted but was held back by Lucy who still wanted to drag her into the night.


The 4 of them continued bantering, trying to rip Juvia in halves while Natsu clung on to Gray, whispering sweet things in his ear.

'This is getting out of hand' Gajeel thought and approached Gray, only acting on pure luck and hoping that the black haired man would look at Juvia…

Sadly, he looked at a pink haired man first…

'N-Natsu….' Suddenly, his hand went to Natsus face and cupped it gently before Juvia could jump between them, smashing Grays hand away while Natsu and Gray just smiled dreamingly at each other.

'OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD' The fairy slowly had enough of all of this and with a big cry of desperation he approached all of them, hitting the flower against the eyes of everyone, not caring if any of this would turn out alright but that was his Limit. Getting the last bit of dust out of the flower he let it fall on the ground and flew away, shaking his head.

'Screw the order, I have enough of this…' he grumbled and vanished in the shadows, he tried and it was his kings fault for messing with love…

The 4 humans rubbed their eyes and finally, fell down on the floor before they could open them. The dust had been enough to knock them out all at once so that right now, Juvia was lying on top of Lucy and Natsu still hugged Gray.

Erza spent her time watching the 4 fighting humans and their constant changing of crushes. That was better than any comedy she'd ever seen in a theatre…

She could spot Gajeel flying around them and casually trying to hit one of them in the eyes but then, he seemed to give up and started to massacre the flower in the midst of the battle.

The dust settled in everyone's eyes and they all fell to the floor…unconscious.

Her husband was still lying on the ground, not wanting to look at the disaster he'd see and so he just stared up into the sky, trying to forget.

'Jellal something happened, Gajeel knocked them out' Erza said and in an instant, he stood up.

This was his chance, if they'd got dust in their eyes and they're unconscious…

'…we can drag them to separate secluded areas' he mumbled and a slight sign of mischief displayed in his eyes as he gazed on the opportunity in front of him.

Seeking for approval from his wife he looked around, only finding her already running towards them. She seemed to have got the same idea…

Smirking, he followed the whirlwind of scarlet hair

As they both arrived at the scene, they instantly grabbed the couples, starting with the pink haired and blonde one first. Jellal threw the man over his shoulder while Erza carried the women away to a secluded area about 300 meter away from their current position.

'I just hope that they'll finally look at each other because really…Now I want this night to end' Erza said to him while they were on their way.

'I feel the same, if all this mess didn't have happen then it would have been perfect, but thanks to Gajeel…' he started to trail off in some thoughts but suddenly, Erzas elbow smashed right in his kidney. 'Ow – what was that for?'

'It's not only Gajeels fault, who again made me fall in love with a donkey and caused a love-quadruple?' she snapped back at him while he just blushed and looked away. They laid the man and the woman down under a tree, making sure there was no way they'd miss each other's eyes but Jellal wanted to make sure of it.

'Do you have anything to tie them up?' he asked her but again, she thought ahead of him. Using the belt she wore because it matched her outfit to tie them together.

'Two down, two to go' she said smirking as she admired their work.

'Well let's get back before they wake up and fall in love with a grasshopper' Jellal said casually and began walking to the spot where the remaining couple laid.

They also tied them together in a safe distance under another tree, this time, using Jellals belt and tying them up just as tight as they did with the other's.

'Now, let's sit back and watch, the overdose of the dust will make them dizzy for a bit' Jellal said relieved, offering his hand to his queen and guided her to a small hill where they'd wait for the four humans to wake up.


'Gah, what was that?' Natsu growled and opened his eyes, looking to his right where he heard a sneeze. He tried to move but found himself buckled against something and the sleepy man needed a few moments to realize that he was tied up against another person

'I don't know' the person said and soon, he found himself looking into two chocolate brown eyes. Instantly, his heart began melting and he wrapped his arms around her before she could react. It was the same with her, and she began responding the hug just as tight as he did. The belt made it quite difficult for them to stand up so they had to work together to get rid of it but they finally managed to untie themselves.

'Why were we tied up anyway?' Lucy asked curiously and tapped against her head, feeling a massive headache coming up. 'I feel like I've had the strangest dream ever' she commented and remembered the things that happened to them. She remembered him running after Juvia, then cuddling with Gray…and she remembered herself trying to elope with Juvia. 'Natsu, please say to me that all has been a dream?' She clung on to the clothes on his chest and pulled him closer, but then she felt two strong arms wrapped around her. 'Who cares, the most important thing right now is that we're together' she heard him whisper and blushed, responding the hug just as tight as he did. 'And whatever Laxus, your father, or that icy bastard say, we're going to get married in a few days'

'Wha…what happened?' Gray whispered and tried to move his hands, wanting to rub his eyes.

'Why can't I move…what is this pressure….' He mused before it occurred to him.

'WHY AM I TIED UP WITH JUVIA?' he shouted and tried to wring himself out of the belt that was buckling him and Juvia together. He moved and moved and accidently hit her against the head, making him stop in an instant and apologizing to the woman beside him. 'She looks kinda cute when she's sleepy' he thought and a blush crept up on his face before he shook his head again. 'Now's not the time Gray, get out of here and find Lucy, You have to – '

The eyes of the woman slowly opened and he could see two blue orbs staring at him with such amazement in her eyes. His heart skipped a beat, why was he feeling so odd? Is he still dreaming this odd dream? Juvia blushed and he tried to look away, but found himself captive in her eyes.

'Gray-sama' she whispered and leaned on to him and for some strange reason, he didn't have anything against it….no, rather the opposite happened, he found it comfortable and somehow…right. What had happened to him? 'Juvia…' he managed to whisper before his arms wrapped around her body, pulling her closer.

'I don't understand what or how this happened but…I don't want to change it' he thought while she cuddled closer to him.

'See, that turned out pretty good' Erza chuckled while her husband shot some relieved prayers into the sky.

'FINALLY' he said and pulled her in a quick hug. 'About damn time' He grinned from ear to ear and captured her lips in a quick kiss as he pulled away laughing and going for a longer hug again. Erza wrapped her arms around him, enjoying the joy he seemed to feel about the solution of all this mess. 'I hope you don't want to mess with the love of humans again' she stated amused as he pulled her into an even tighter hug 'and if you do, don't let Gajeel be the cupid'.

'Don't worry I learnt my lesson' he said and pulled away.

'Now, my Queen, don't you think it's time to go back to our subjects and announce the good news?' he said and offered her his hand which she gladly accepted. He bowed and placed a light kiss on her knuckles as she just chuckled at these formal gestures. 'let us go, my king' she played along and in a dramatic manner, they went back to the forest where their subjects were waiting.

'You still have to meet Wendy, you know?'

I apologize to everyone who ships NaLu and gruvia because I write them so horribly...