
We all packed up and began heading home when I heard Kim threatening Jared that she didn't want to see any "overgrown fur balls" until the end of the night and I couldn't help but laugh as he nodded reluctantly.

An hour later had me sat in Leah's room with her, Kim and Em looking through clothes they'd all brought with them. We sat around and I helped each girl pick an outfit before they all turned on me.

"Come on then Bells, you can try some of our stuff but you are a lot smaller then us" Leah suggested.

"No way. I have the perfect dress right here in my case" I smiled before pulling out a leather dress. The leather of the dress was soft which was needed for the skater style skirt and the top was a bandeau design with a plunge front. They all gasped at the dress and stroked the material.

"I cannot wait to see you in that" Kim sighed dreamily as I pulled out my gold heels to go with it and gold accessories.

"We better get a move on, it's 7pm now and we need to get there by 9 so we don't have to queue" Emily exclaimed, that's an hour to get ready and an hour to Port A. I might text the guys and tell them to book us all rooms what dya think?" Emily piped in.

"Yeah sounds good, don't let them pick anywhere shit though" Kim grumbled "Last time me and Jared stopped out there it was a dive"

"Oh I know! I was talking to some guy a while back and he mentioned about building a luxury apartment block in Port A, I could ring and see if he has enough for the night?" I smiled.

"Sounds good, let us know how much though Bells" Leah said quirking her eyebrow, clearly realizing I'd just put it on my card.

"Sure Sure" I grinned "Back in a sec"

I moved in to the hall and rang Dan Smith. He answered almost immediately and said how good it was to hear from me. I explained about the apartment and how many and he said he had enough for us and he'd leave the keys at reception under my name. I questioned how much but he told me not to worry about it but he did want me to do a shoot for the official launch of the apartments and he readily agreed to Sean and Mark working on it with me. It was common knowledge by now that this was the first stipulation of a shoot.. I thanked him and hung up an excited buzz.

I practically ran back in to the room and threw myself at Leah bouncing up and down and squealing with excitement. She didn't have a clue what I was excited about but joined in anyway.

"Hey what's going on?" Kim and Emily pouted at being left out of the good news.

Leah snickered and replied "Absolutely no idea but I love her when she's like this"

I finally calmed down enough to explain "I rang and got us all free rooms at the luxury apartments for tonight including room service and I got myself a huge photo shoot for the official launch of them!"

Emily and Kim joined in the hug and we rushed through getting ready so we could celebrate. I curled my hair and put on gold glittery eye shadow with a deep red lipstick. I finished getting dressed and walked back in to Leah's room to see them all looking hot as usual.

"God Bells, I love that dress!" Leah said as soon as I walked out.

"You look so hot right now" Emily piped up.

"You can come back to my apartment anytime B" Kim said waggling her eyebrows in a Quil like fashion.

I laughed and we all headed downstairs to find a car we didn't know waiting outside. I went to the drivers side to speak to him.

"Hello, can I ask who you're waiting for?"

"Yes I am looking for a Miss Swan"

"Oh, that's me, how can I help you?"

"Ah Miss Swan, lovely to meet you" he said before stepping out of the car "Mr Smith sent me to escort you to your destination"

He opened the door and I just looked at him like he was nuts.

"Excuse me?" I questioned.

"Mr Smith sent the car to pick you up as a gesture of gratitude of you agreeing to work with him" he smiled.

That was good enough for me I looked back to Leah, Kim and Emily stood on the doorstep and smiled "Limo anyone?"

I dove in to the car quickly followed by the others. We had an amazing trip to Port A drinking Champagne that he had put in a cooler for us with a card saying he'd ring Mark with the details.

Once we reached Port A we got straight in to the first nightclub with no problems and made our way to the bar. We had round of shots, JD and cokes and tequila slammers and were feeling pretty drunk 5 clubs later. We entered club number 6 around 1am and immediately hit the bar for more of the same. We were laughing and joking when I heard Kim point up to one of the suites upstairs where the guys were all sitting looking buzzed.

I pulled her out to the floor and danced like we always do, grinding and practically dry humping each other.


Me and the boys were feeling pretty tipsy and it took a lot to get us this way. We'd finally holed ourselves up in an upstairs suite of a club, Jared trying to get hold of the girls.

"None of them are answering" he said with an edge of panic.

"Come on Jared, they're clubbing, leave them be" Quil chastised.

"Yeah you're right" he said sitting back and taking another shot.

It was another five minutes or so with Paul, Quil, Seth, Collin and Brady all hanging over the railing watching for hot chicks on the dancefloor when I heard Collin.

"Fuck me! Check those two chicks out, they are fine! That brunette has some serious moves"

We all joined them to check it out when I realized that chick was Bella and with her was Kim. They were all over each other and fuck if it wasn't hot. I glanced over at Jared to see him in a similar state of arousal, practically panting with want. He bolted down the stairs and pulled Kim to him practically fucking her right there on the floor. I looked around for Bella and noticed her heading to the ladies room.

I waited for her to come back and head back to the floor now dancing with Kim and Jared. Kim and Jared said their goodbyes to Bella and some guy pulled her back in to him and began grinding on her. I could see her try to pull away but he pulled her towards the bathrooms instead. I was fucking livid and already halfway to them when I saw him pulling her.

I followed him to the mens room and heard her whimpering and him threatening her.

"Look you little bitch, just let me fuck you like a good little slut and then it will all be over. You've been avoiding me sweetheart. I told you I don't like that. You certainly didn't tell me you were leaving" he said menacingly.

I couldn't take it anymore, I slammed the door open and grabbed him by the throat, pinning him to the nearest wall "Look fucker, you speak to my girl like that again and I swear I will fucking kill you"

I gave him a few choice punches and he ran as soon as I turned to check on Bella.

"You okay Bella honey?"

She threw herself at me, sobbing uncontrollably "I thought he was gonna actually rape me Jake"

"It's okay, I've got you now. Lets get out of her baby"

I picked her up and headed towards the exit.