Disclaimer: Anything you recognize belongs to JE.

A/N: This is just a short two-part story. Part two will be posted on Monday. I AM going to update Sparks Fly soon, this just popped into my head and I couldn't focus on SF till I got this written down.

The Price:

What it Means to Love a Soldier

Looking around at our friends and family, I still couldn't believe I was here. The air carried the heady scent of flowers, and Ranger's men were in their various formal military uniforms. I'd never seen them all like this before. They were our friends, coworkers, and I considered them all my family, but seeing them as the soldiers they were was unnerving. Peering around the chapel from behind a door in the back, I saw my parents, grandmother, and sister near the front. I was surprised, but grateful, that my mother was not only here, but being quiet and respectful. She'd never much liked Ranger, even after Joe had moved on and started dating a teacher. She thought I would only end up hurt, that he would never want to settle down and marry me, give me the quiet home life she so wanted me to have. I guess in that aspect she was right – we would never settle down and have 2.5 children and a white picket fence. My stomach clenched at the thought, and I ducked back behind the door to sit down.

"Steph? Are you doing ok?" Tank asked me quietly. Today I wasn't Bombshell, Bomber, or Beautiful. Today I wasn't even Babe. Today I was Stephanie Manoso, and I needed to straighten my back and act like it. I swore to myself that I would do Ranger proud, today of all days. I would keep it together. For him.

I gave Tank a small nod. "I'm fine. Just needed a moment. How much longer?"

"Shouldn't be too much longer. Maybe ten minutes. They just need to finish getting the band set up." I nodded again and looked away. Tank closed the door to the chapel, and as I listened to the quiet murmurs of all the people I knew, and some I didn't, I closed my eyes and remembered the day Ranger proposed.

He had invited me out, which was a pleasant surprise, because lately we'd spent most of our time holed up in his apartment. I mean – our apartment. Ever since we'd given in to the mutual need for the other, we never quite seemed to make it out the front door. Ranger told me the place was nice, so I dressed up in a shimmery midnight blue cocktail dress with dark silver heels. I'd pulled my hair up, and when Ranger greeted me, he wrapped his arms around me from behind and trailed light kisses along my exposed neck. I turned and gave him a playful shove, telling him if he kept that up we'd have another cancelled date on our hands. His lips tilted up at the corners, like he was thinking about smiling but trying to contain it, and pulled me out the door before we lost control of the situation. Standing in the elevator, I glanced up at him and he was watching me with a strange look on his face, one I couldn't quite place. I didn't think I'd ever seen Ranger look like that before. It was a combination of what looked like love, and happiness, and nervousness. That couldn't be right. I had to be reading him wrong. Ranger didn't get nervous. I pushed the thought away and focused on how happy I was. Everything in my life seemed to be falling into place. I was working at RangeMan, living with the love of my life, and I got dessert from Ella every night of the week.

When the elevator doors opened I realized we were in the lobby, not in the garage. I gave Ranger a questioning look, and he tilted his head toward the front doors. I turned and let out a small shriek. A limo! I loved limos! I grabbed Ranger's hand and pulled him eagerly out of the building, a giant smile on my face. When I looked back at Ranger, he was just smiling in amusement. We climbed in, and he pulled me close, wrapping one arm around me and gently tucking a curl behind my ear with his free hand.

"Babe." And that's all it took. That one little word, and the rest of the limo ride was a blur.

When the limo stopped and we came up for air, I looked out the window and then back at Ranger, giving him a teasing punch.

"Ranger! You said we were going someplace nice!"

He smiled at me, all 200 watts. "This is someplace nice, Babe. This is where we met. Remember?" And with that, he was pulling me out of the limo and into the small diner where we had first met several years ago. We still came here occasionally – whenever I could convince Ranger to sully the temple with greasy diner food, anyway – but something was different tonight. I knew what it was when he opened the door and I saw that he must have rented out the whole place for the night, because the lights were out and candles were flickering on every surface. And sitting in the booths were my friends, my family, even a couple former skips, all looking at us and smiling. Speechless, it was all I could do to keep my feet under me as Ranger tugged me to the one empty booth, the one in the back, the one where everything started for us. He sat me down, and then knelt down in front of me, on one knee. Holy crap – on one knee! Omigod. Omigod. Breathe, Stephanie, I had to order myself.

"Stephanie," Ranger started, that happy, nervous look back on his face. Omigod, Ranger was nervous! I couldn't believe this was happening. Ok, I told myself, shut it and focus.

"Five years ago today, you walked through that door, and changed my life forever. My life was completely under my control, and then you swept through and turned it all upside down. You were utter chaos, and I had no idea what I had gotten myself into. But little by little, you brought light back into my life. You gave me something I didn't realize I was missing until I had it. You gave me your heart. And tonight, I give you mine. You are my light, my heart, my love, and I never want to live another day without you beside me. I never want to live another night without you in my arms. Marry me, Stephanie."

The room was silent. Every single person seemed to be holding their breath, watching and waiting.

"Yes, Ranger. I will marry you." I whispered, seeing only Ranger, tears running down my cheeks.

"Huh? What'd she say? I can't hear!" I heard Lester call out, and that broke the stillness.

"She said yes!" Ranger boomed out, sweeping me up in his arms and swinging me around, kissing me endlessly. I heard cheering break out and I was laughing and kissing Ranger and holy crap we're getting married!

"Damn skippy she did! Let's get this party going!" Lula shouted. And we spent the rest of the night at the diner celebrating with our family and friends. It was one of the most amazing nights of my life, and I never wanted it to end.

Two months later, Ranger got called up on a mission. We were in the midst of wedding planning, and decided to just get married down at the courthouse before he left and have the big celebration once he got home.

That was one year ago today.

Tank brought me out of my memories with a hand on my shoulder. "It's time."

I took a deep breath, stood up, and smoothed down my dress.

I turned to Tank, and gave him a hug. I think we both held on a little too tightly. I released him, cursing myself for already having tears in my eyes. I hugged the rest of the guys too – Bobby, Lester, Ram, Cal, Hal, Woody, and Junior. I heard the music begin, sounding vaguely patriotic, and took my place at the back of the line. They opened the doors to the chapel, and I thought, this is it. It was time for my walk down the aisle.