"Land of the free, and home of the brave." Nearly every American at one time or another echoes these words, found in our National Anthem. Unfortunately, their meaning is muted by a growing problem among us...racism. While many claim bigotry (or racism) ended with the civil rights movement of the 1960's, it merely sublimated itself into our subconscious, hiding under false pretenses. in my opinion anyone who wants to and has a strong conscious on this can be prejudice or racist. this act is terrible and cruel. I feel no one no matter if they're white black purple gray tall short thick thin should be discriminated against EVER! The most base and crude form of stereotyping is that based on the color of skin. This prejudice formed from man's in fear of that which is different. I feel that racism is wrong for several reasons but these are the top three. I feel its wrong to judge before you even know the person you're judging. I also think that it is not worth the time and effort to hate someone because they're a different race or have a different culture. I feel that there is history to a person.

"Don't judge a book by its cover" many people say this all the time i know I've heard it at least 20-40 times in my lifetime and said it plenty of times as well. We seem to live in a society where it's normal and accepted to judge people for all sorts of things- their choice of clothing, the food in their grocery carts, how they parent, who their friends are- the list goes on and on. Times were rough back in the day and still is now with people who judge others. I think if you judge someone else its because it in most cases the fact that there is something about you that you don't like. Or in other cases your jealous and if its not a logical reason you're doing it then you're just plain wrong and mean.

"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear." this is a quote that Martin Luther King Jr. said in the civil rights movement. The first time a white person saw a black person, they immediately formed the assumption that simply because that man's skin color differed from his own, that man is different and therefore evil. This opinion came to be before any other signs of the black culture and lifestyle were seen. We now understand pigmentation of the skin to be genetically not a flaw, just a superficial difference that bears no meaning whatsoever to a person's mental, physical, and other abilities. To categorize a person on the tone of their flesh is futile, for it says nothing of who they really are. To further complicate matters, once the culture of African tribes was noticed, it distanced them from the whites of the time even more. Europeans had no idea of any lifestyles other than their own, and considered the religious practices of the Africans to be pagan rituals, denouncing the Christian God. Ceremonies, methods of living, all were viewed as less than human, on the basis that they differed from what the Europeans deemed to be "right." These simplistic views began the hate towards black people that still exists today.