A/N: So, Natsuki and Yui-chan's relationship seems to advancing much faster than the others, but really it's already been forming for 10 years. That, and I don't think poor Natsuki can handle being in a unrequited relationship for very long. Anyway, we finally get Satsuki! I'm so happy because I love him. Anyway, this chapter will be from my beloved Sa-chan's POV, so please enjoy.

Chapter 17: Not the Prince

Natsuki might not know about Satsuki, but his alternate self was aware of everything that happened in Natsuki's life. He was aware of Natsuki's emotions, but often didn't understand them. He especially didn't understand the boy's feelings towards that girl. She'd been around forever, always being loud and annoying. But despite her irritating personality, Natsuki followed her around like a puppy. Usually, Satsuki tried to ignore her presence and got as far away from her as possible whenever he came out. He didn't really have anything to get mad at her about because she never directly did anything to Natsuki. That didn't mean that Satsuki trusted her, though.

And he was probably right not to, because lately she was causing Natsuki all kinds of worries. All the time recently, Natsuki's thoughts were about the little girl. Satsuki, that meant, was forced to watch through a lens as Natsuki fretted over the Kurusu girl and her teacher's relationship. Satsuki was less naive than Natsuki, he realized what his counterpart hadn't. The feelings were jealousy. It was obvious to Satsuki that Natsuki had romantic feelings towards his 'friend'. And he believed that the girl had to have realized it, too. What was she thinking, getting all friendly with that older idol when she easily led Natsuki around?

Currently, he was watching through Natsuki's eyes and feelings as they rode on the bus to the city. They were going to something with that bird-thing Natsuki liked so much. The girl - Kurusu - sat beside them being loud about something. She was so friggin' annoying. All girls were too infuriating for Satsuki, but for some reason this one got even more under his skin. He took in her cute dress and long, curly blonde hair because that's what Natsuki did. Natsuki thought Yui looked incredibly cute today, Satsuki thought her cute appearance didn't make up for her stubborn personality. The two friends chatted about various light topics while Satsuki wondered again what the game was with this girl. Did she like Natsuki? She certainly sent mixed messages.

When they got off the bus, it was at a crowded terminal close to the theme park they were heading to. Natsuki was going to offer to hold Kurusu's hand so they didn't get seperated, but it only took one push for the glasses to come off and Satsuki to gain control. Forget sticking around that girl, he was off with a melody he'd been thinking of in his head. He would find a quiet spot and compose, it had been a while, after all.

As he was sitting - he wasn't sure how much time had passed - he was interrupted by an excited voice. "Oh, good. I'm lost. But what are you doing here?" Satsuki glared at her, he vaguely recognized the pink-haired girl from Natsuki's class. He ignored her and went back to writing, thinking she would probably leave sooner or later.

When she didn't move, he said, "Move. You're in my light." She stumbled back but didn't appear to be going anywhere. He tried to be clear, "Go away. I'm composing." Still, she didn't seem to be going anywhere. He could ignore he, he supposed. Then, something hit the top of Satsuki's head, before falling down onto the bench beside him. It was a wrapper from a piece of food, he realized. Someone had the audacity to throw trash at him. Satsuki's calm disappeared, replaced by anger. Who did these kids think they were, acting so inconsiderately? He hated people who carelessly threw their things wherever they pleased without thinking about others. Satsuki didn't hold back his anger, he expressed it. So, he went after the two guys and punched the cement wall by the one who'd hit him's head. Then, he grabbed the perpetrator by his collar.

"Throw your trash in the garbage," He said. "Or shall, I throw you away with the rest of the garbage?" He took the wrapper that had hit his head and shoved it into the gaping mouth in front of him.

"There you are!" He heard the familiar voice behind him and turned towards that annoying girl with the intention of speaking his mind, but instead Natsuki's glasses slid on, returning the body to it's original owner. Satsuki sat back and tried to cool his still angry self as Natsuki tried to grasp to change in situation. The guys Satsuki had threatened were still shaking in fear, but Natsuki unknowingly tried to engage in conversation.

They ended up at a cafe with the pink-haired girl as well. Natsuki was eating a cute parfait and trying not to care that the two girls were whispering to each other. Satsuki was less forgiving, and his anger was back. How selfish off them to make Natsuki worry like that.

Natsuki's glasses fogged up when he tried to drink a cup of tea, and as he reached to take them off Satsuki thought this would be his chance to tell them off.

"Don't take off your glass, Natsuki!" Kurusu loudly protested. She didn't want him to appear? Well, that was in her best interest.

"What?" Natsuki asked, confused.

"I'll cool it down for you!" She said, leaning over and blowing on Natsuki's tea. She placed her hands over Natsuki's on the cup and her breath hit past the cup so it hit their skin. Satsuki experienced a quickening heartbeat along with Natsuki. He clicked his imaginary tongue. What made Natsuki react like this?

"You're so considerate, Yui-chan." He said, and genuinely meant it. Satsuki wish he could make Natsuki more cautious, otherwise he would just get hurt.

Suddenly, a sneeze caused the glasses trapping Satsuki to fly onto the table. Satsuki could finally speak his mind.

"You're annoying." He said. "Unlike Natsuki, I'm not a nice guy. Don't whisper in front of me!" He held up his fist as he glowered at both of the girls. Standing up, he hit the tree beside their table and the top crashed down. He meant to scare the bystander away first. She was trembling, so he figured it was working. "If you understand, get out of my..."

Before he could finish, he had taken the backseat to Natsuki again. The loud girl must have put the glasses on while he wasn't looking. Once again, Natsuki had to look around in confusion and put the situation together again. Satsuki started thinking of his piece again while the group headed to Carnivalworld. He didn't pay much attention to what was happening until he realized they'd ended up at a concert.

It was for the idol HAYATO, someone who was quite popular a few years back but was waning slightly to other stars. He watched the performer through the lens, but it was obviously a second-par performance. Then, the microphone the singer had been holding flew out of his hand and a distance from him on stage. The crowd became increasingly unhappy as the performance halted. The sky had even become cloudy and rain and lightning filled the sky.

A shove from the disgruntled crowd made the glasses fall off for a third time that day. Quite an unusual amount, but Satsuki wasn't complaining. He, instead, felt he had to do something about the disastrous performance he'd been subjected to.

"HAYATO!" He yelled, the idol looked down at him in surprise. Satsuki, as a musician, couldn't let go the emotionless, fake song. "Why do you sing such insincere songs?"

Without waiting for a response, he ran forward and jumped over the gate seperating crowd and stage. He easily dodged the few security guards who tried to contain him, then sent them flying. The next move he made was hoping onto the stage so he could face the other musician head on.

"You're bathed in light, but your true feelings are deep in shadow." Satsuki said, HAYATO stared at him without saying a word. Satsuki continued, "It annoys me. I don't try to fool myself. I am Shinomiya Natsuki's shadow. Listen to my song." He challenged the singer further with his eyes, but was surprised by the equally determined blue eyes that met his. Well, he didn't hate that spirit. HAYATO nodded, in acceptance of Satsuki's proposal. He then turned to his crew to allow the performance.

Satsuki had performed before, but more importantly he gave everything to his music. He was 1000% confident in his performance, because it was his true self in song form. He sang without feeling the presence of anyone else - it was just himself. The song he had written went off perfectly, and when he finished he regained the awareness of others around him.

He saw the Kurusu girl looking up from the area directly before the stage with a worried expression on her face, he realized she was gazing directly behind him. He turned around to see the pink-haired girl with the dreaded glasses. She jumped under his gaze, and Satsuki had an idea. Lately, the loud girl had been causing Natsuki a lot of stress by spending time with that old guy. He'd just test her by doing the same thing. He grabbed the pink-haired girl by the wrist and pulled her towards him so that he could wrap his other arm around her waist.

"Let's have some fun." He said, looking into the surprised yellow eyes of Natsuki's classmate. He planned on kissing her, but for some reasons feelings he'd only experienced through Natsuki came up. Even though he wasn't looking at her, the blue eyes of Natsuki's crush flashed in his mind. Damn it, he ignored it and leaned in. Then, the feeling of her breath when she blew on the tea earlier came back and he really couldn't move forward anymore. That girl, what had she done? Just then, something slid over Satsuki and a pair of sunglasses attached to a Piyo-chan hat caused Natsuki to return.

Satsuki watched the really short girl and wondered what it was that had stopped him. Natsuki's feelings didn't usually create a barrier like that. And there was certainly nothing stopping Satsuki from getting mad at her, she always did everything in her power to get ride of him.

Natsuki and the blonde in question went ahead of their pink-haired friend, and it was clear that the girl was pouting. Natsuki had no idea why, though, so his mind was full of worries.

"Yui-chan, did I do something to upset you?" He asked curiously. She glared at him, but didn't yell like usual. Her cheeks were puffed out like a fish.

"No," She said. "It's not you I'm mad at." Me, then? Satsuki thought. So, she was mad at him? Usually, she just got rid of him and went back to banter with Natsuki. Satsuki didn't think he'd ever seen her thinking about him after Natsuki had come back. The expression she had as she pouted about his actions wasn't bad...

What was he thinking? There was nothing cute about that girl, it was just residual feelings from Natsuki. Natsuki was the one who was in love with Yui, it's just that Satsuki had a name for those feelings. He needed to take a metaphoric step back, Satsuki forced himself to think about a new song instead of a pair of angry blue eyes.