Gravel and Wine
Prologue: Tokyo

The sound of the silver Mercedes slamming headlong into the RX-7 echoed throughout the busy streets of downtown Tokyo; from where she was sitting on the opposite side of the intersection, she wondered if the sound of the two cars colliding could be heard all the way back in Los Angeles. She had arrived just in time to see it happen and watched, with her heart wedged up in her throat, as the Madza rolled several times before coming to a stop on its roof; it's driver dangling from his seat.

Han was trapped. Han was trapped. That was the only thing that kept racing through her mind. Han was trapped.

Maybe, if she moved fast enough, she could get him out of there. She had seen enough wrecks to know her way around the nasty parts of the damage. She was pretty tiny; she could wriggle in there and maybe be able get him back out the way she gotten in. It could work. What could go wrong? She left her Nissan where it sat, in park, in the middle of the street—other drivers be dammed—and ran toward what was left of Han's car. She was almost to him when something out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. The man from the Mercedes was walking away, like nothing had happened.

"Hey!" She called out, so close to the RX-7 that she could hear Han struggling against the seat belt. The driver turned back, for barely a fraction of a second, and winked at her. He fucking winked, like some creep who tried to hit on her at a bar. He winked and just kept on walking, tucking his cell phone into his jacket pocket as he went. He had time to make a phone call, but could hang around? He was leaving the scene of an accident, she was pretty sure that was illegal, but she had more important things to worry about, things other than him. Han. Han was more important and was only a few steps away. Han would always be more important, there was nothing more…

The heat from the blast was like touching the sun and the explosion sent her flying, knocking her back at least ten feet and she landed hard on her backside. Gasoline, nitrous and fire had never been a good mix; she had seen it before, but never on such a grand scale. Through the flames and the pieces of debris that were still raining down in the street, she could barely make out what was left of the RX-7. Han couldn't have made it, there was no way he could've survived such a blast. Her heart broke and crumbled into a million tiny pieces. Off in the distance, she could hear shouting, sirens and people running about, but none of it really mattered at that point. Her ears were still ringing, head was throbbing and her heart ached something fierce.

Numbly, she reached into her back pocket and pulled out her cell phone; the screen was shattered, a spider-web of tiny cracks crisscrossed the LCD screen, obviously she had landed on it, but who really cared? It could be replaced in two seconds. Han couldn't. Thumbing at the damaged screen, she pressed 'one' on her speed dial and brought the phone up to her ear, listening to the soft ring. It barely rang once before someone on the other end picked up.

"Baby girl?" Came Dom's gravelly voice. "Vanessa? Vee, are you there baby girl?"

"Dom…I…Han…it's…Dom, I…" Vanessa's voice broke and the tears began to fall. She was surprised she had gone this long without crying, without losing it somehow. "Dom, what do I do? Han…Dom, what do I do now?" She whispered, her fingers curling around the thin gold chain hanging from her neck.

"Come home baby girl, come home. We'll make this right, I promise you." Nodding, even though Dom couldn't see her, she told him she'd call again before she got on a plane, ended the call and stood on shaky feet. The crowds were gathering, she needed to get out of there and fast. Limping away, Vanessa tried not to look back over her shoulder; she slipped up once and took a quick look backward. It felt like her heart had finally just stopped beating all together. This wasn't what Han deserved, none of this was, but there was nothing she could do at that moment on her own.

She needed her family—their family—to fix this.

A/N: *waves sheepishly* I honestly don't know what I'm doing here, all I know is I saw the new movie the other night and the ideas wouldn't leave me alone. I haven't written/posted anything on here in forever, so please be gentle with me. I only own Vanessa and any other OCs that might come along in later chapters. This first chapter was really short, just an introduction of sorts, obviously there are spoilers for the new movie in there, but the next chapter should be longer and will take place in one of the previous movies. I hope you all like it, leave some reviews and let me know.
