Return to Hoenn

Chapter 23:Frantic Days

Sapphire swallowed hard and her fingers fidgeted unconsciously. She could feel her nervousness and blood rushing to her face. She kept her head down but the pinkish hue was not left unnoticed by Ruby. He wanted to say something but a sudden grumbling noise shifted everyone's attention. They expected it to be Sapphire but surprisingly, it wasn't. There was a still pause. Ruby clutched his stomach in embarrassment.

"Well it's only natural since you haven't eaten anything since," Caroline said with a motherly smile. "I'll bring you both, something to eat." She got up casually and left, leaving the two teens and Nene in the room.

There was an unexplainable tension in the air. It was a heavy silence. Ruby scratched his head. He suddenly had forgotten what he was supposed to say when his stomach interrupted him.

In the end, he just said, "Thanks for saving me."

Ruby couldn't make eye contact. He tried to keep his composure when he realized they were alone, excluding Nene who was now calm in her bowl.

"Y-yeah. No problem." Sapphire also wouldn't look at Ruby. Every time she sees his face all she could think about was the (accidental) kiss. The thought wouldn't go away. Her heart beat wouldn't slow down. She tried striking up a conversation to get her mind off of the topic. "So uhm—"

There was a sudden knock on the door which made the Sapphire jolt, almost falling off the chair she was sitting on. One of the nurses in the hospital peered through the doorway. "Excuse me. You have some visitors to see you."

Ruby and Sapphire turned towards the door to see who came. The first was Platina with bouquet of vibrant yellow roses with expensive looking wrapping. They were accented by small snow-white flora called heathers.

"I'm so glad you have finally woken up." The dark haired girl came in with warm smile on her face. "I was quit worried when I heard what happened," She said as she handed the flowers to Ruby before sitting down next to Sapphire.

Ruby thanked her and gladly accepted them. He admired the flowers for a few moments before placing it on the side table next to Nene's bowl. Sapphire's nervousness was changed to insecurity especially when she saw Ruby smiling happily at her gift. The next minute made it worse. Another person with short black hair came in, startling the Hoenn duo.

"Marge?!" They exclaimed in unison.

The older girl smiled calmly at them, unfazed by their reaction. It was completely unexpected for her to drop by. Though she and Ruby had become friends, it was only during the months after the Hoenn incident when they both competed in pokemon contests and before the crimson eyed boy left for Sinnoh. But since then, she had shown a completely different side of herself, a side she had to throw away when she entered Team Magma. Her clothes were no longer that black and red volcanic motif instead she wore a simple beige short-sleeved blouse with laced edges and long slender jeans that exuded her figure and maturity.

All eyes were on her as the former team magma admin came over to Ruby's side, opposite of the other girls. She shot a sly look at the young brunette before giving the boy a bundle of elegant white calla lilies and violet-blue irises.

"Long time no see Ruby." Marge smiled at him sweetly as she sat next to him at the edge of his bed.

"Yeah. It's been a while." Ruby smiled back.

The hell is she doing her?! Sapphire's eyes were filled with a fiery rage as she glared at Ruby's unexpected visitor. Marge could feel her piercing stare but shrugged it off. She found it amusing to see the young brunette riled up.

"How did you know I was here?" Ruby inquired, not noticing Sapphire's uneasiness and held back hostility.

Marge leaned a little closer. "Well, I have my ways." She said slyly and winked.

Her behavior and the distance between the two made Sapphire irritated. She felt her body boiling up with jealousy. She recalled the time Marge went together with Ruby to face Kyogre and Groudon as well as the times they competed against each other in contests. Not only that, the current situation seemed unbelievable. There was a beautiful dainty heiress, a seemingly harmless vixen, an overly affectionate pokemon and herself.

Arceus is definitely playing with me, she thought.

Platina glanced at Sapphire and noticed her agitation. She didn't know much about their history with each other but she could tell the brown-haired girl didn't like Marge that much.

Ruby turned towards the Berlitz heiress. "So Platina, how come you came together with Marge? Did you know each other before?"

Platina shifted her gaze and answered back, "No. We met each other at the lobby, by chance. I overheard that she was inquiring for your room number so I offered to accompany her here."

"That's right. We only got acquainted on the way here." Marge added.

"I see. So you know your way around this hospital?" Ruby asked.

"The owner's a friend of my father so I was given a special tour."

The three were taken back by her reply but they expected nothing less from the influential Berlitz family of Sinnoh.

"You sure know a lot of interesting people, don't you Ruby?" Marge commented with a slight giggle.

Ruby chuckled. "Not really…"

Sapphire was about to snap at any moment when Ruby's mom came in with a bed tray full of food. She was surprised to see Ruby's guests but she was glad they visited nonetheless. Marge introduced herself after she and Platina greeted her.

"I'll be outside. I still have to call your father to tell him you're awake," Caroline said as she set the tray on Ruby's bed and walked back towards the the door. "So just enjoy the company of your friends till I come back."

And with that she left again.

Ruby stared at the tray filled with food. There was a lot even if some of it was for Sapphire. He felt really hungry so he ignored it. With a sigh, he picked up the spoon to start eating but Marge took it from him.

"Ah-ah" She shook a finger at his face. "You're a patient here so relax."

Ruby's eyes widen. A reddish hue formed across his face as Marge moved closer to try and spoon-feed him.

Sapphire couldn't take it anymore. She stood up abruptly and snapped. "Will ya STOP flirting already!?"

For a moment, she sounded just like Emerald. Platina and Ruby flinched at her sudden outburst but Marge kept her composure. In fact she looked as if she was enjoying the girl's reaction. "Oh, so do you want to do it?" She suggested with a cunning grin.


Sapphire was completely flustered. She had mixed feelings about it. Jealousy, anger, embarrassment and anxiety were swirling around in a chaoitic whirlpool of emotions. Everyone was staring at her. She didn't want to do it but she absolutely didn't want HER to do it either.

"Well? We're waiting" Marge continued to tease her.

"Fine! Gimme that!" She stomped angrily towards the other side of bed and sat across Marge. Then she quickly snatched the eating utensil out of her hand. The former Team Magma admin handed it over without a fuss. Sapphire took a second to try and collect her cool but when she saw Ruby looking her. It made her even more nervous."Quit staring, will ya?!"

Ruby flinched and looked away. He didn't know how he got caught up in that situation.

Marge smiled and glanced at the clock. "Would you look at the time? I believe it's time for us to leave, Platina…" She winked at the long dark-haired girl who giggled at her intention.

"Yes. I quite agree." Platina stood up and waved goodbye at the two who looked dumbfounded.

The heck is happening?! Sapphire tried to put the pieces together. This was Marge's plan all along and I fell for it!

"And we'll be borrowing your Finneon for the time being, okay Ruby?" Marge went over to Nene who was watching their every move since the beginning. She wanted to protest but she felt a sudden chill telling her not to. In the end, she let the unknown girl take her away. Ruby didn't say anything. He was too shocked like Sapphire, by the turn of events. He just watched as they left the room.

Within moments, they were completely and utterly alone and in an awkward situation. The atmosphere felt tense. Sapphire was frozen next to Ruby. She was still holding the spoon full of food while her heart beat uncontrollably. What exactly… Am... I... doing…?!

*gulp* Ruby gathered up his courage. "Sapph… you don't have to do that. I can manage." He slowly and cautiously touched her hand to retrieve the spoon. The slight contact made Sapphire jerk away and throw away the utensil. Now, there was a bit of a mess on Ruby's bed.

Sapphire felt embarrassed. She quickly tried to look for something to help clean up.

Ruby hated messes but judging the situation, he let it slide. "Sapph. Don't worry. It's fine." But Sapphire continued to rummage through her stuff. Ruby sighed and searched for anything near him to clean up with. His eye caught a glimpse of a navy blue cloth. When he pulled it out, he realized it was the scarf he'd made for Sapphire. His fingers traced the silver embroidery at the end of it. He remembered her lending it to him before she fought the Salamence.

Sapphire felt a soft fabric in her bag and took it out. She unintentionally got Ruby's white hat that was found in the river that day. It was now fixed up and cleaned.

They looked back at each other with the items in hand.

"I believe this is yours."

"I think this is yers."

They said at the same time which made them even more flustered. Their hands trembled as they handed the objects over to their respective owner.

"…Thanks" Ruby said he averted eye contact. He knew his face was completely red. He didn't want her to see just how red. Sapphire smiled as she clutched the well-knitted scarf, not daring to look back at him either. Both of them were quiet. They could only hear their own hearts beat.

A grumbling noise broke the silence. This time it was both of them. They laughed. "I guess we should eat now…" Ruby pointed out. Sapphire nodded and took her share of the food. She sat back at her spot and began to eat her fill. Luckily there were extra utensils. Ruby found a table napkin hidden beneath the tray. He cleaned his bed as much as he could before eating.

They felt a lot calmer but there was still awkwardness between them as they finished their meal. Afterwards, Sapphire helped put the bed tray away and sat back down. That was when they realized they were back at the beginning; alone together in a room.

Ruby tried to find something to talk about. Then he noticed something wrong with his hat. He inspected it closely. It was fixed up but the stitching was sort of weird. Sapphire saw him looking over his white beanie. I guess he probably found out.

"Sorry…" Sapphire began fidgeting her hands again as she stared at the floor.

Ruby turned towards her, surprised by her sudden apology.

"I know I'm no good at stuff like that and I even had yer mom help me out too…" She forced a weak smile.

It struck him. She was the one that stitched it up?! She hates doing stuff like this but still she must have done her best. Ruby was a little taken back at the sweet gesture. "N-No. I really appreciate it… Thanks." He forced himself not to blush but he still hid his face in case he did.

Sapphire's heart skipped when she heard him. She smiled genuinely at his gratitude.

All of a sudden, Ruby remembered something. "By the way, that morning… Why were you in my room?"

The unexpected question made Sapphire nervous. She recalled poking, pinching and then…


Blood rushed to her face in a heartbeat. "W-well ya see… I was gonna wake ya up... and.."

Her trembling voice was obvious. Ruby stared at her scrutinizingly. "…You poked me in my sleep, didn't you?"

! ! !

"WHAT!? Ya were awake the whole time?!" Sapphire stood up in a hurry, tipping her chair over. She felt the sweat running down her back. Her heart was racing again.

"Half awake, actually." Ruby corrected but he was referring to the first time she poked him in his sleep on Pilo's back. He was really asleep that time in his room. So she really did. It was a random guess but I was right after all. He thought.

Sapphire could hardly believe it. "S-so ya know about the… the…" She couldn't bear to say it. It was far too embarrassing.


"The what?" Ruby was confused. Did she do something else other than poke me in my sleep?

Doesn't he get it? Was it all just some sort of accident? Should I even say it? Sapphire's mind was in total discord. She took a deep breath and explained what happened in fast forward speed. "All I did was poke ya over and over then ya started muttering something so I listened closely but then ya moved and… and.."

Ruby could catch a few of the details like poking and muttering but he was clueless to what was really bothering her. "Well? Spit it out already…"

"Ya moved and ya KISSED me!" Sapphire exclaimed, letting out all the anxiety building up in her which left her panting.


"EH?!" Ruby was completely shocked. He felt he was beginning to sweat. He never expected that. "What do you mean me kissing you?! I don't remember anything."

"It was yer fault ya moved that time in your room!" Sapphire was getting irritated. It was embarrassing enough having said it.

"I was asleep back then. I knew you were poking me only when we were riding Pilo! I don't recall anything about kissing..."

"WHAT!?" Sapphire was taken back. The agitation shifted to utter humiliation and depression. All that stuff that happened. He was really asleep! And I said those entire things?! "So... I g-guess that kiss didn't matter after all." She started to back away towards the door.

Ruby felt he did something wrong. "Saph, wait a sec!"

Sapphire turned around and ran towards the door.

Not again! I'm not letting you run away this time. Ruby clutched his stomach and groaned in pain.

Sapphire instinctively turned back. "Ruby! Are ya hu—?!"

When Sapphire was close enough, Ruby pulled her towards him and pressed his lips against hers. All the chaotic thoughts and emotions in her head went blank as she melted into the warmth of his soft lips. She closed her eyes and returned the kiss. An indescribable sensation ran through her body. Her wild heart beat followed a different rhythm. It was hard to tell if it was her heart beating or his. It didn't matter.

After a few moments, Ruby pulled away stared at her with unwavering eyes. "I love you."

The event was surreal. Sapphire was speechless as she continued to gaze into his crimson eyes. Ruby was controlling himself not to blush. But he lost it. A red coloration formed across his face. He looked away and tried to hide it with his hand.

"..Dammit" He cursed under his breath. Can't believe I really said that…

Sapphire thought it was really adorable. It was rare to see him that flustered. She smiled with a bit of her fangs sticking out. After a slight giggle, she lightly kissed him on the cheek which made Ruby's eyes widen and his face even more red. He looked back at her and saw her extremely happy.

"I love ya too…"

That night, Ruby was discharged from the hospital. All the bills were taken care of by Platina even though Ruby was against it. Prof. Berlitz himself offered it. It was gratitude for helping Platina and for that time on Father's day. Ruby couldn't refuse. Platina also gave back Nene who was overjoyed to finally be back with her trainer.

Dinner was at Ruby's house again in celebration of his recovery. Sapphire and her father were there as well. Caroline prepared a lot of food as usual. Everything was back to what it used to be when Ruby came back from Sinnoh; except for a certain development.

"Ruby, I heard it was just you and Sapphire in the room that late afternoon. So did anything happen?" Caroline turned to the two teens sitting beside each other as she casually popped up an awkward question which almost made them choke on their food. Prof. Birch and Norman were a little interested after seeing their reaction.

Ruby and Sapphire stopped eating and looked at each other then they turned to Ruby's mom. They decided to keep it a secret between them for now. It would be too awkward to let their parents find out.

Innocent smiles were plastered on their faces. "N-nothin' happened…" Sapphire spoke up. The adults looked at them with suspicion.

Seconds later of staring at each other, Prof. Birch sighed heavily. "Oh well. I guess only time will tell." Their suspicions changed to somewhat disappointed sighs and they continued eating. Then Ruby and Sapphire eyed their parents. It was as if they really expected something out of the two.

Ruby was relieved that they didn't pursue the subject any further. All of a sudden, his eye caught a glimpse of Sapphire's hand just hanging at her side. His smile got a tad sly. He reached for it and held on without as much as batting an eye. Sapphire, on the other hand, got flustered. She felt embarrassed and wanted to jerk it off but it only made Ruby's fingers interlock tightly with hers. The table cloth made the contact invisible plus the adults seemed engrossed in eating. They only thing that could give them away was Sapphire's face.

Ruby continued to drink the glass of lemonade with his other hand. Sapphire lost her appetite. She felt she had Beautiflies in her stomach instead of food. She kept glancing sideways at Ruby who seemed to enjoying teasing her.

Then there was a sudden knock on the door. Everyone's attention shifted.

"I'll get it." Ruby stood up and reluctantly released his grip which made Sapphire more relaxed. He opened the door and found a small package on the floor. It read, "To Ruby… From Platina."

Huh? What would Platina send me at this time of night? Ruby closed the door and began unwrapping the box. There was a short letter and another wrapped present. He stood by the door to avoid drawing unwanted attention as he read the letter.

Dear Ruby,

Thanks for having me here in Hoenn. I know this is sudden but something came up and my father needed to go back to Sinnoh and I decided to go with him. My time here was short and I sincerely hope my next visit would be longer. I apologize if we can't say goodbye in person but I hope you'll accept my parting gift.

Your friend,


Ruby was disappointed that Platina had to leave early. He directed his attention to the neatly covered parting gift. He curiously began to peel off the wrapping, completely unaware of what was inside.

Everyone else in the dining room wondered what happened to Ruby and decided to check. Sapphire got up first and bolted to living room. She found the boy still standing, facing the door.

"Hey Ruby! Who was it?" Sapphire approached him. Ruby just stood there, unmoving. She tapped his shoulder and the boy jolted and immediately turned around. His face was completely red.

It made Sapphire confused. Then her eye caught a glimpse of some writing at the side of the package he was holding. "…From Platina." She glared at him but Ruby was too nervous for some other reason.

"What did she give ya!?" Sapphire pushed him against the wall and made the contents of the box fall on the floor.

"Saph, listen!" Ruby raised his hands in submission. Sweat was running down his face. He turned towards the scattered items on the floor and his face turned pale. Surprised by his reaction, Sapphire also looked at the items below them. Her expression also darkened.

"What's with all the commotion?" Norman and the rest of the adults came to the living room and saw the two hastily picking some stuff on the floor and shoving it into the box that Ruby was holding.

"J-just don't mind us… Ruby just dropped something. That's all!" Sapphire was panicking as she placed a few more things in the box.

"That's right! Nothing to see here." Ruby said between nervous laughs.

The adults eyed them with much suspicion. A wave of relief came over them as Ruby picked up the last one and placed in the box. But when they stood up, Caroline saw something sticking out beneath the couch.

"I think you missed one." She curiously picked it up, much to Ruby and Sapphire's horror.

"NOOO!" The two teens shouted in unison.

It was too late. "Shoot! Let's get out of here!" Ruby grabbed Sapphire and ran out the door, leaving the adults to ponder on their sudden reaction.

Previously, Ruby read a follow up note embedded on the parting gift.


Congratulations on your confession! I knew you could do it. I apologize that we hid a camera in the room. Marge suggested it when she learned that you two weren't together as a couple yet. I agreed because I wanted to know if you would confess before I would leave. I'm so glad you did.

There are two copies of every photo; one for you and the other for Sapphire. I also had one framed because it was really touching. Don't worry. I deleted the soft copies as well as the video. There are no other copies. I promise.

Please keep in touch and give my regards to Sapphire.

Caroline squealed the photograph of the two gazing into each other's eyes with their flustered faces really close to each other. They were lucky it was not the kissing scene. Norman and Birch took a peek and chuckled.

"I guess time does fly." Sapphire's father remarked as he placed a hand on his friend's shoulder.

Outside, Sapphire called for Pilo. The Tropius quickly flew out of the forest and came over to Ruby and Sapphire. The two quickly mounted on its back and took off into the night sky. Destination: anywhere but home.

The duo slumped on the green dino's back, out of breath and relieved to have escaped from that growing awkwardness. The evening breeze cooled the tension around them. Everything was quiet except for the flapping of Pilos' leafy wings. The half-moon lit their surroundings as they gazed at the star-studded sky and little by little their worries subsided.

"Beautiful…" Ruby whispered.

Sapphire glanced at him as he admired the dazzling night sky. Then it struck her. This is one of those romantic situations, isn't it? She asked herself. She couldn't really tell, seeing that she has no experience or interest in anything feminine.

Ruby sensed her nervousness and held her hand again. But that only made it worsen.

"R-ruby…" Sapphire didn't know what to do. Her mind was running around in circles again. She knew she didn't have much knowledge of being a regular sort of girl let alone being a girlfriend.

Ruby looked at her. A sort of melancholy flickered in her eyes. "What's the matter?"

Sapphire didn't answer. She merely gazed at Ruby's hand interlocking with hers.

Ruby thought of something and pulled out a picture out of the box. He knew it would be embarrassing but it might cheer her up. "Hey Saph, take a look at this." He handed her the framed photo of their first real kiss.

Sapphire's face became completely red at the recollection. Even her heart skipped a beat. "Ruby-!"

When Sapphire turned towards him, Ruby kissed her. Doubts and anxiety were completely erased in a flash. Ruby's grip on her hand tightened. Sapphire returned the kiss and tightened her own grip. That warm sensation she felt before contrasted with the cold evening air.

After they parted, Ruby smiled at her and whispered, "You're more beautiful than the night sky."

Sapphire was touched by the compliment. She used her free hand to hide her sheepish grin with her blue scarf.

Ruby took a deep breath and changed the topic before he would get flustered as well. "We'll have to go back sooner or later." He pointed out.

Sapphire could almost imagine it. Ruby's parents and her father fussing over their relationship. Not to mention their senior dexholders especially senior Blue when they find out. Dear Arceus!

It was just the beginning of their frantic days.


*Phew* That was long...

I hope there's nothing too cliche. I had a hard time with this chapter. I hope it was worth it.
School got a lot hectic too. I kept checking everyday for additional reviews though. (I was expecting it to increase from 46.. Oh well)

Well cheers to the finale of my first fanfic! Thanks for everyone's support, suggestions, reviews and my loyal readers and reviewers! (You all know who you are!) You're Awesome! xD

Dammit. I was too busy. I forgot about about July 2(Ruby's Birthday! DX) Arrghh!
Language of flowers - I did a bit of research

ROSES Bouquet of Full Bloom - Gratitude
ROSE Yellow - Joy, Friendship
HEATHER White - Protection; Wishes will Come True
LILY Calla - Beauty
IRIS - Fleur-de-Lis, Emblem of France: Your Friendship Means So Much to Me; Faith; Hope; Wisdom and Valour; My Compliments