A/N: This is set to season 3 of Gilmore Girls and season 2 of Supernatural. I know Rufus wasn't introduced to the Supernatural fandom until season 3, but I needed something to use for Bobby's voicemail that sounded like him.

Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or Gilmore Girls. I wish I did, but sadly I don't.

Ring, ring! Ring, ring! Ring, ring!


"You've reached Bobby Singer. If this is you calling again, Rufus, go die in a hole," the voicemail machine answered.

"Damn it, Bobby, answer the freaking phone!" a young male voice exclaimed, hanging up furiously.

Ring, ring! Ring, ring!

Bobby Singer sat up in bed and rubbed the three hours of sleep from his eyes as he snatched up his phone from the dresser next to the bed. He had hoped that the caller would leave a simple message asking Bobby to get back to him in the morning. After ten calls, Bobby knew that wouldn't happen.

"Hello?" Bobby asked in a grumpy tone.

"Finally!" the caller exclaimed in frustration. "Bobby, it's Jess. I'm working a job here in Stars Hollow and I think that whatever it is that I'm hunting is going to be a two person job."

"Boy, do you know what time it is?"

"Yeah, it's about three a.m."

"And you didn't think that this could wait a few more hours?"

"People are dying, Bobby, I thought that this was a little more important than sleep," Jess said with a frustrated growl.

In a low, angry tone, Bobby replied, "Boy, mind your tone with me. I just got back from a job four hours ago, so I apologize for wanting to get some rest before I have to deal with idjits all day."

"Bobby -"

"Save it, Jess. I'll call you some back-up, but do me a favor and don't call me in the middle of the night unless you decide to change your attitude."

Bobby clicked off the phone and muttered, "Idjit." He grabbed his cell phone and scrolled down until he found the number of the two hunters he knew would be capable of helping Jess. Bobby hit the call button and listened to the phone ring five times before somebody picked up.

"This better be good, Bobby," an irritated voice answered.

"I found you boys a job. Stars Hollow, Connecticut. Don't know what's out there to hunt, but I have the number of the hunter who needs help," Bobby said, rubbing his tired eyes.

Silence answered Bobby.

"You still on the line, Dean?"

There was some shuffling on the other line and another voice answered, "Hey, Bobby, it's Sam. Dean's… well, you know Dean when he hasn't gotten his four hours. He did mumble something about a job you had for us?"

"You got a pen and paper?"

"Right here."

Bobby relayed the information he had given a sleepy Dean. There was a brief pause once Bobby gave Sam Jess's number.

"Thanks, Bobby," Sam said before he clicked off the phone, leaving Bobby to rest.


Sam tossed Dean's cell phone on the dresser and turned toward the sleeping figure on the bed next to his. Sam placed his hand on the middle of his older brother's back and shook him, saying, "Dean, you have to get up."

Dean grunted in reply and moved his pillow to the top of his head to cover his ears so that he wouldn't be able to hear Sam.

Sam sighed. "Before you get pissed off, just remember that you asked for this."

Sam removed his hand from Dean's back and jumped on it, causing his brother to hiss in pain. Sam wiggled around, mushing Dean and making himself comfortable.

"Get your Sasquatch form off me," Dean mumbled under the pillow.

"Not until you promise to get up. I'll just keep hopping on and off until you do."

"Damn it, Sam!"

"Or maybe I'll take the Impala out for a drive."

Dean groaned. "Fine. Fine!"

Sam hopped off Dean and smiled. "You pack; give yourself some exercise before we hit the road. I'll go start the car."

Dean lifted his head from underneath the pillow. "You know you're not driving, right?"

Sam chuckled and shook his head. "Yeah, I kinda figured that. We still need to do some research, and you don't seem like you're in the researching mood, so yeah."

Dean thought the comment over and nodded in agreement. He never was in a research mood – that was all Sam, but as to why his younger brother enjoyed it, Dean didn't have a clue.


"So, what's the news on this Stars Hollow gig Bobby gave us?" Dean asked Sam, lowering the radio.

The boys were cruising down the highway in the Impala, Sam on his laptop doing research and Dean driving as he sang along to the radio.

Sam glanced up from his laptop. "Well, for it being a small town, Stars Hollow sure has a lot of obits in its papers lately."

"How did they die?"

"According to the paper, most of them died in their sleep."

Dean's eyes flickered over to Sam. "So, what, Freddy Krueger's visiting the town and killing everyone?"

"I don't know, maybe the hunter we're supposed to meet will have more Intel." Sam closed his laptop and set it on the backseat. "How much longer until we get there, anyway?"

"Like two hours, I think."

Sam nodded. "I'll call Jess once we hit Hartford."

"Why don't you call him now?"

Sam laughed. "Dean, it's five in the morning and we're two hours away; don't you think it's a bit early to be calling?"

"Bastard woke us up at three a.m.; it'd just be returning the favor."

Sam sighed and shook his head, wondering why he even bothered to ask the question.

"Since we have two more hours of desolate road ahead of us," Dean said, placing his hand over the radio volume, "I say we listen to some tunes."

Dean raised the volume of the stereo and Hot Blooded blasted through the car.

This oughtta be fun, Sam thought as Dean began to sing, off-key, "I'm hot blooded! Check it and see!"