Disclaimer: I do not own nor do I profit from The Big Bang Theory or any of its related characters. Any businesses mentioned may be by pure coincidence and no profit has been made or money exchanged to mention them. They were made up and not intended to be real. Likewise, any new characters created were out of imagination. Any similarities to real persons would be by pure coincidence only and not intentional.

Author's Note: This new fanfic story is a continuation of Sheldon's Revelatory Kiss. This will be a set of journal entries of dates logged by Sheldon. Everything is to be from his POV so that the reader will get a better sense of where his head is at. Again, this is a collaborative effort between Rachelshamyfan and myself.

Journal Entry: 10 May 2013 – day continued

I am continuing on from my previous entry since the day had just started and I only had a few lines entered.

Amy arrived right on time and we went to Firefly for brunch.

As usual, Amy's taste is perfection. We shared a really nice brunch meal and I was not subjected to a buffet either which was even better. Amy looked so nice. I really love it when she wears aqua color. It suits her.

We decided that since the servings were so large, we would combine and started with Cinnamon Spiced French Toast and for our main meal shared a Veggie Orecchiette along with tea and orange juice for brunch. As I was eating the pasta dish, all I could do was think about Amy's green eyes. Her eyes were much prettier than the food, although it was rather pleasing to the eye as well.

It was perfect temperature out at around 72 degrees and the sun was shining bright without a cloud in the sky. It was unfortunate our tables were inside, but at least we were perfectly placed relative to everything from my perspective.

I have to admit to being a bit nervous at first. I thought Amy might pressure me into more physical contact, but instead she just seemed happy to be together and talking about anything and everything as normal. She never once seemed to hint at wanting more. I don't know what got over me last night, but I am glad she didn't hold me to the same standards.

I am so glad that we both had a work day off, something rather rare. I was forced to take it off because I had accumulated too many extra holiday days and Gablehauser insisted I take the time off. Amy had taken it off because her lab was having a renovation done and they insisted that none of the lab personnel be there while they work. So we seemed to have good fortune to be off on the same day.

After brunch, we strolled over to a small park that was nearby. It was such a lovely day that we wanted to just enjoy being out in the fresh air. Even though Amy still had my kite in the back of her car, the air was far too still to be of use. So we opted to do something rather hippie-dippy if you ask me. She wanted to swing on the swings. I never did much of that even as a child, but she insisted. I volunteered to push her as she went high up on the swings. After a while, she convinced me to give it a try. I found a swing on the other side of her that was higher off of the ground, which was a good thing, given I have long legs. I felt foolish wasting my time on a swing when I could have been solving greater problems of the world, but somehow that vixen managed to get me on the thing and lo and behold, I used physics math to determine the proper ideal speed and thrust to get to the perfect sweet spot of swinging. Who knew? Amy smiled over at me as if she had succeeded in a great debate. I was glad that Howard wasn't around with his "whipped" sound effect on his phone because I know he would have been playing that over and over. He would have been right. I am a very whipped man when it comes to one Amy Farrah Fowler. There is something about being enslaved to such a hotsie-totsie that gives me chills, that is until I look over and see her bright smile.

Once I had spent enough time making a fool of myself, I convinced Amy that we should stroll back to the car and return home where we could play a game. We stopped by her apartment because she had a game that she felt I would enjoy. She came back downstairs with a bag that contained the game, so I was not able to see it until we returned back to my apartment.

Once we settled into the apartment, Amy presented me with the game Literati Challenge. The rules were players get five words on cards. Each player must write a story using all the words in 90 seconds. The challenge? You may not know the meaning of the words, but to score points you need to make the other players believe you do. Players are scored during each turn. First player to reach 300 points wins. While I am not a story writer of any sort, I felt that I could live with such a game. Only Amy changed the rules on me. She had developed her own set of cards, separate from those that the game normally provided. That vixen! She always comes up with things far more intriguing than what these game providers would come up with and boy was it an interesting afternoon.

The 3 words were inveigle, cosset and osculation so I wrote up the following before the timer went off

Amy used all of her intelligence to cosset me and thereby to inveigle me into her den
of iniquity. I knew she was leading up to an osculation session by the longing look in
her eyes.

I was quite pleased with myself that I actually knew the words, but my moment of glory was quickly deflated when Amy smiled wide and leaned in and sure enough, my paragraph soon became the goal she was attempting to achieve. Before I knew it, she truly was pampering me and luring me with her vixen-like prowess and the game went by the wayside. My spot became the den of iniquity instead and there we were in the deep throes of passionate kissing when suddenly the door flew open and Leonard stormed in. Given that Amy and I were sort of in our own world, at first it took a couple of Mississippi's before we broke apart, but by then the look on Leonard's face told us that he was too stunned that it froze him in place.

Amy always seems to know how to handle these social situations, however. She just acted like nothing happened and immediately started to ask Leonard what was wrong and why he was so upset. It seemed to snap him out of his shock of seeing us to again bring up his rage. He started ranting about how everything he had been working on the last month was completely destroyed today by a colleague. He had a tight deadline as it was and now was way behind.

I, of course, felt bad, but wished he would take his woes over across the hall and let Penny deal with him. I really wanted to get back to the activity that had been interrupted because, well my body was ready for more and for some reason it held my brilliant mind captive at the moment.

Amy got up, straightened her skirt and went over to Leonard. She asked if there was anything that we could do to help him get closer to back on track. While part of me wanted her all to myself, I could not help but love her even more for being so compassionate, something that I certainly was not feeling myself.

Leonard softened and then his emotions changed from anger to sadness and fear. His eyes were full of tears and he reached out and took Amy in his arms and hugged her, crying on her shoulder. She looked over at me, her body stiffening at the contact (which I was thankful for), and patted him lightly on the back while trying to comfort him. She really wanted my intervention. All I could think of doing was getting Penny so I got up and adjusted myself as well as I could and ran to knock on her door to see if she could come comfort my little buddy. I knew there wasn't much comfort I could offer. I just am not good at those things.

Penny answered and immediately joined me across the hall. She relieved Amy of the hug and took over. Amy then looked down at her cardigan with a grimace. I knew all too well that she was thinking what I was. I asked Penny if she could borrow something from her clean clothes, making it clear I wanted her to only pull from her clean clothes pile, something for Amy to change into. She reminded me that I had recently washed some of her things that were still in the apartment. I went to my room and looked at the baskets that still had her clothing she had never retrieved from the last time I did laundry and selected something that I thought Amy would like and would fit her. I grimaced at the choices but finally found a couple of items to help.

Back out in the living room, I handed Amy the apparel and a clean towel and offered that she could shower if she wished and change into the items I had just handed her. She nodded, fully understanding and smiled thanking me as she head to clean up. I went back to my room, leaving Leonard and Penny in the living room so that she could calm him down.

Hearing the shower and knowing that a naked Amy was just on the other side of my wall was not helping relieve my distressed pants. It only made me want her all the more. She took about 10 minutes, very considerate of my time schedule for showers, and came back into my room about 3 minutes later. Her hair was still in her hands and she was rubbing moisture from her wet hair, but she looked breathtaking to me. It wasn't because of what she was wearing, but just knowing she was so clean and fresh took my breath away.

She apologized for coming to my room, but she felt uncomfortable in the living room and asked if I minded. Of course, I didn't. I told her that she was my exception to my "no one allowed in my room" rule. I told her she looked beautiful and she blushed. She thanked me and then moved closer to me and pecked me on the lips. As she started to move away, I pulled her down next to me and pulled her into another kiss. Before I knew it, I was feeling like I wanted more. I wanted to touch her and feel her, but she pulled away.

Telling me that she wanted what I wanted, but she didn't feel right about it at the moment, plus that we had to discuss it more before we take things further, she then asked me if there is something we could do to help Leonard. At first I was feeling a bit hurt that she was thinking about Leonard and not about what happened until I realized that it was her way of buying time before we had to have "the talk" about where we wanted to take things next. I actually loved her even more for being so wise and not jumping into things impulsively, something I chastised myself about not being as careful about.

After some moments to consider her proposal, I suggested a few things, but we really needed to talk to Leonard and see how he felt we could be of help. We finally straightened ourselves out and went to the living room to offer our help.

Leonard was drained from the experience and said he wanted to wait and sleep on it, but thanked us for offering. He said once he had time to truly think about it, he might take us up on it. So with that he and Penny went across the hall so that she could help him get to sleep.

That left Amy and myself alone. She looked over and smiled in a shy way and finally said that she should get back home. But it was late and, truth be told, I wasn't ready to let her go from me yet. I offered that she spend the night. I made it clear that we could cuddle and perhaps share some light kissing, but that was it. I promised to stop before taking it further. I then offered her some of my PJ's. She looked a bit stunned, but then realized how late it was and how tired she was so agreed, but again made me promise that we would wait and not go any further than we had. It was a hard promise to make, but I did.

While I went about my nightly ablutions, she changed into the PJ's I let her borrow. When I came back, I found she was only wearing the top and it threw me off-guard. She said that my pants were too large and long on her and since the shirt went down close to her knees she hoped that I would not mind. Of course my carnal side didn't mind at all. In fact it was quite pleased with that decision, but my sensible side was struggling because it was being overpowered with the carnal side.

She waited until I pulled back the covers and then stood unsure what side to get in on. I crawled in and held back the covers, inviting her to the other side. She then carefully crawled in, keeping the shirt down as low as possible to cover her thighs. As she made this move, the shirt, which wasn't buttoned fully on top lowered just slight enough I could see her décolletage and I must say it stirred things in me that was quite primal. Sensing that the top had dipped a bit too low, she then adjusted it and took the view away, much to my annoyance in a way, but then she leaned over and pecked me on the lips and said "goodnight". Turning with her back to me, she placed her glasses on the nightstand and turned off the light.

I lay there for quite some time, my heart racing, my lower body standing at attention, desiring her to turn and kiss me, not just a peck but a full on passionate kiss. I could tell she was having a hard time sleeping too. My Vulcan hearing could almost hear her heart beating fast like mine was. After we both lay there about 30 minutes, she finally asked if I was asleep. I told her no. She turned and nuzzled into me, wrapping one of her arms around my waist, her head into my chest. She then said that she couldn't sleep when I was so close and that she hoped it was okay if she fell asleep holding me. Of course I didn't object. It was wonderful to feel her so close. I stroked her hair a few times, but then had to remind myself to be a gentleman. Within about 15 minutes, we both had fallen asleep, the peace of knowing we were there with each other and nothing could destroy that peace.

A/N: Sorry for taking so long to update this. I hope you enjoyed this little update. I will try to be better at updating this more frequently. Life has been busy, so please be patient.