John Bates suddenly woke up. He couldn't remember the dream, just that it was dark and sinister. Running a hand through his damp hair, he turned on the lamp that sat on his bedside table. He reached for his pocket watch and saw that it was a little after four in the morning. Groaning he slowly eased himself in a sitting position as studied the window. He could see that the sky was on the verge of lighting. Then he slowly smiled as he realized what day it was. This was the day that Anna Smith would be his at long last. With that thought, he felt the urgent need to begin his day. He swung his legs off the bed and quickly rose to his feet. He swung his robe around his shoulders and slid his arms through the sleeves before knotting the belt. He grabbed his cane in one hand and his hygiene kit before making his way to the bathroom.

John looked about to see if anyone was in there. Occasionally Mr. Carson would get up as early as John, but usually just as John left the bathroom. Finding the room completely deserted, he filled the tub with scalding water. After disrobing he lowered himself into the tub and began scrubbing his legs. After he cleaned every speck of dirt from his body, he took care to do the same to his hair. He usually didn't fuss over appearance, but this was the crucial exception. If he couldn't give his Anna the perfect wedding with a man that she deserves, then he will make certain that he looked respectable for her. After draining the tub, he carefully stepped out of it and grabbed a towel. He quickly dried himself before putting on the robe. Tying the knot he pulled out his soap and razor. He tested the edge before lathering his face with soap. He took great care with the razor as to not nick his skin. He didn't want a single speck of blood on his face today. With a final scrape with the razor he inspected his face and to his satisfaction, it was perfectly shaved. As he stared at himself, he also noticed the many imperfections. His skin was weathered with age, wrinkles lined his mouth and eyes and his eyes held the haunted look that had gripped hold several years ago.

"Why does she love me?" He asked aloud. "I am an old man and certainly not much to look at. How can someone so beautiful and young love such a crippled old man?"

He pictured her standing before him and shaking a finger as she told him off for having such thoughts. That's his Anna. He couldn't help but smile at the thought. Aha! He noted the large grin and saw the wrinkles disappear. Perhaps it was his smile that made her love him, a smile that doesn't come out often but made him look at least ten years younger. He shook his head at his nonsense and toweled the left over soap from his jaw. He quickly brushed his teeth and packed his hygiene kit. When he reached the door he heard Mr. Carson's booming voice as he walked down the hall. John slipped through the door and nodded to Mr. Carson as he made his way to his room. After closing the door he put his things away and removed the robe. He pulled on his clean undershirt, shorts and socks. He frowned slightly when he opened his wardrobe and stared at his four suits. He pulled out his brown suit and the black one he wore on Sundays and special occasions.

"What would Anna want me to wear?" He asked himself. "She has never talked of my attire, though I wish we had. The black would look nice enough, but I would also have to wear it on Monday for Miss Swire's funeral, but it is still one of my best suits. I have the brown suit, but it's not nearly as fancy. The brown is still nice, but would Anna like it?"

He turned to grab his robe with the intention of sneaking over to the Maid's corridor to ask her, when he heard Mr. Carson banging on doors to wake up the footmen. Cursing inwardly, he threw the robe onto the chair and turned back to the suits. He grabbed both suits and walked over to the mirror. He held the black one to his frame and stared in horror as the black made him far more pale, sickly and ghastly. He swallowed hard before raising the brown suit. While he still looked pale, he looked younger and vibrant. He sighed in relief as his eyes crinkled with his smile. He hung the black back in the wardrobe before carefully laying his clothes on the bed. He pulled on his shirt, taking care to button it up properly. He then pulled on his trousers and attached the suspenders before shrugging them on. He returned to the mirror with his comb and combed through the tangles before spreading some grease to hold his hair in place. He quickly attached his collar and looked through his ties to find exactly the right one. He finally choose his favourite dark brown tie with the light brown designs. He wrapped it around his collar and carefully knotted it.

A memory stirred as he straightened his tie. He thought of the day he arrived at Downton. When a petite little golden Yorkshire faerie walked downstairs and into his life.

"But now Mr. Crawley's dead and Mr. Patrick was his only son, so what happens next?" A deep female voice rang out from up the stairs.

"It's a dreadful thing!" A lighter voice rang out in reply."

Three women came down the stairs. Two young maids with red and gold hair wearing matching clothes. Also, an older woman in black with a horrible haircut. They looked at him with shock.

"Hello." He greeted them."I've been waiting at the back door, I knocked but no one came."

The older maid raised her brows in derision."So you pushed in?"

"This is not going well." He thought before introducing himself. "I'm John Bates, the new valet."

"The new valet?" She asked.

"That's right." He replied.

He nearly groaned when the maid's critical eyes flickered down to the cane he rested upon. She looked at him again. "You're early." She offered.

"Indeed." He thought before explaining. "Came on the milk train. Thought I'd use the day to get to know the place and start tonight." He worked to arrange his features to a friendly one to try and soften the maid. Based on the way she pursed her lips, it wasn't working.

The young blonde maid took pity on him and gave him a friendly smile. "I'm Anna, the head housemaid." She shifted the bedding in her arms and offered her hand with an open warmth.

He shyly took her hand and shook it gently."How do you do?" He looked at her in gratitude for her kindness.

"And I'm Miss O'Brien, Her Ladyship's maid." The older maid informed him. This news didn't surprise him. Only a Lady's maid would be that rude and have that kind of self-commanding persona.

He offered her his hand only to have her ignore it. He dropped his hand and tried to not take her rudeness personally.

"You better come with us." She continued before turning on her heel and sweeping out of the corridor.

He picked up his valise and slowly straightened up. The blonde maid, what was her name? Oh, Anna offered him another warm smile which caused his lips to turn up involuntarily as she led him out of the corridor.

He chuckled at the memory. Miss O'Brien certainly proved to be a nasty piece of work. Anna proved to be a loyal friend, and the kindest he had ever had. He sobered at the memory of when the Duke came for a visit and John lost his job because of O'Brien tripping him up. That horrible night, after His Lordship sacked him despite John's pleas. He had skipped dinner so that no one would bear witness to his shame and humiliation. He had started throwing things into his valise, not particularly caring in what way they landed. The events of the day suddenly crashed over him like an icy wave, sending him onto the mattress. Hot tears filled his eyes and began leaving trails down his weathered face. It had only been six months, six months that he had strivened to prove to Mr. Carson, Lord Grantham, and embarrassingly, Anna that he could do his job efficiently. A half year that turned to ashes because Thomas and Miss O'Brien for some ungodly reason decided to despise him. Realizing that his life was over, he sobbed uncontrollably.

"Mr. Bates?" Anna's voice startled him. "Are you there?"

"Oh Lord. How loud was I crying?" He wondered as he quickly wiped his eyes and came to the door. He knew his eyes were swollen red and would betray him but to hell with it. He opened the door to see Anna with a tray of food in her hands.

"I brought something up. In case you were hungry." She looked at him hopefully.

John was tempted to smile, but couldn't find the strength. "That's very kind." He offered as he gently took the tray and sat it on the table.

Anna took a breath. "I'm ever so sorry that you're going." She told him, her usually bright blue eyes almost grey in sorrow.

John's heart broke slightly at the pain they both shared. He felt the queer need to comfort her. "I'll be all right." He offered her halfheartedly.

She smiled gently. "Of course you will. There's always a place for a man like you."

"A man like me." He almost scoffed at the optimism. Certainly, she knew his life was over. But, he wasn't about to mar their last encounter with such words. His lips lifted slightly, even as the corners trembled. "Oh yes. Something will turn up."

He was tormented at the tears that filled her eyes as they realized the time of parting was near. Her smile wavered, but she gave him a warm smile he came to enjoy. "Tell us when you're fixed." She requested. "Just...drop us a line...else I'll worry." She gave a short laugh.

This time, he did manage to give her a warm smile, even though it was time to say goodbye. He couldn't promise her that. If he had to go back to his old life, he never wanted to taint her with the knowledge of that cold, dark and hopeless existence he was damned to. "Well, we can't have that." He spoke softly. It was the best he could do.

She gave him one last smile as he closed the door. He leaned against the door as he heard her footsteps. Then he heard her sob which tore through him. He felt tears streaming again as he grabbed the tray and laid it on his bed. He wasn't hungry, but if this was the last act of kindness he received from another being, then he would damn well eat it. Anna had thoughtfully brought up a dish with a thick beef stew, mashed potatoes, vegetables and bread with fresh butter. He ate the food gratefully and savored the taste of it. After he ate it, he noticed a dish that was still covered. Frowning, he opened the dish and raised his eyebrows in shock. Anna had brought up some of the pudding that the family had for dessert. Her kindness knew no bounds. He ate the pudding and enjoyed the sweet confection of Mrs. Patmore's masterpiece. He carefully placed the tray on the table and returned to his packing, wishing that the morning would come sooner.

The next morning shocked him greatly. Robert, the fifth Earl of Grantham actually ran down the car, grabbed John's valise and ordered him back. Hardly, believing his luck, there was only one person he wanted to see.

He found Anna sitting in the courtyard with her face buried in a handkerchief.

"Was she really crying for me?" He wondered as he sat next to her.

Sensing a presence her face shot up from the handkerchief and gasped at the sight of John sitting next to her with a kind smile on his face. "Mr. Bates? What on earth are you doing here?"

"Apparently, His Lordship changed his mind" He chuckled in disbelief.

"'re staying, then?" Her red rimmed eyes bore into his with a flicker of hope.

"I'm staying." He replied as she bore a radiant smile.

"I'm so glad, Mr. Bates." Anna dabbed her eyes.

"I-I need to thank you for yesterday. You were very kind after I fell, despite me brushing you off. For which I do apologize. I was just embarrassed, but I shouldn't have been so curt."

"Not at all." She replied. "Had I been in your shoes, I would have acted badly. Mind you, I had a good mind to use your cane to beat Miss O'Brien."

He chuckled at that. "You were very kind in bringing me the tray last night. Many would have left me to my own ends. The pudding was especially delicious."

"I'm pleased that you liked it. I managed to sneak it in when Mrs. Patmore was in the Servant's Hall." She grinned mischievously.

He laughed. Anna was definitely another creature entirely.

"Come on." She stood up. "Let us go and shock those two wicked plotters with the proof of their failure."

He grinned as he leaned on his cane and followed her into the house.

And shock them they did. Few things proved more satisfactory than the shock and rage that was so clearly painted on both of their faces. Anna and John shared a look as their lips twisted in a small smile as they sat to breakfast.

John softly laughed as he buttoned his vest and clipped his pocket watch to it. He sat on the bed and pulled on his boots after making sure that they were properly polished. He groaned while pulling himself to his feet. Last, but certainly not least, he shrugged on his jacket. As he buttoned it and looked in the mirror, he realized something he was surprised to not have noticed earlier. He was wearing the same suit he wore the day he and Anna met. Another smile spread across his face as he considered the appropriateness of his attire. This was the perfect outfit for his wedding day.

Deciding he was ready, he grabbed his cane and headed towards the door. He stepped out into the corridor and realized that everyone else was in the process of going down. He rushed down the stairs until he caught up with the other servants. He walked in and poured himself a cup of tea when Anna walked in wearing her morning uniform. Their eyes locked and they smiled with their eyes. It would not have been proper to smile openly while the rest of the house was in mourning. John wanted to grit his teeth at the unfairness that they could not show their joy when it was finally their wedding day. But it was even more unfair that a young woman died of such a savage illness. Had it been Anna... his eyes darted to her as panick of the imagined agony filled him. She sat next to him and brushed her hand against his as she poured herself some tea.

"Good morning, Mr. Bates." She murmured as Daisy came in with the porridge.

"Anna." He replied as he sipped the bitter brew.

Breakfast was a very melancholy affair. Few spoke and Mr. Carson gave a stern stare to anyone who spoke above a whisper. Anna squeezed his hand quickly before rushing to do her morning duties. He followed suit and pulled out mourning clothes that Lord Grantham was to wear. He woke his lordship and handed him a cup of tea to alert him. Thankfully, he wasn't in the mood for conversation, making the process of dressing him quick and easy. Once he was down to breakfast, John was able to go through his tasks until it was time to get ready for the trip to Ripon. He had spoken to Mr. Carson the other day under the guise of going on an errand for the Earl. As this was nothing uncommon, Mr. Carson thankfully didn't find anything amiss with the request.

John made his way to his room and finished the final preparations. He grabbed his toothbrush and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Once he was satisfied, he rinsed his mouth and studied his reflection for a time.

"Well, I may not be a looker, but apparently, I've been doing something right if Anna wants to marry me." He mused even though he was depressed by how old he looked. For a fifty year old man about to marry someone in her early thirties, he looked rather pitiful.

When he returned to his room, he grabbed the ₤5 needed for the special license. He then pulled out the top drawer in his night table and removed a small box. He had managed to sneak off to a jeweler's a couple of days previous and picked up a simple wedding band in hopes that Anna would like it. Alas, he couldn't afford a diamond like he desperately wanted to give. He checked his pocket watch and saw that if he was to make the last bus to Ripon before Anna was due, he needed to leave quickly. Putting the ring and money in his jacket pocket, he pulled on his over coat and bowler hat. On his way out of the back door he pulled on his gloves. He made it to the bus with only minutes to spare.