Kili groaned and it was a low sound, barely above the volume of a whisper, but still a hand came around from behind and covered his mouth. He playfully nipped at the fingers before groaning again, the sound now muffled.

"Do you want to get us caught?" asked the voice behind him. The voice sounded strained, punctuated with heavy breathing and near groans of its owner.

Instead of a reply, which he wouldn't have been able to manage anyways, Kili just moaned, a bit more high pitched as the angle inside him changed and struck a sweet spot deep inside him, like the sweetest chord being hit. The response he managed besides that was to push back against the other.

Fili 'tsked' at his younger brother and moved the hand not covering Kili's mouth to his hair and yanked the chestnut locks tight, pulling another sound from him. Fili's eyes slid shut, his body moving at a steady pace, curving almost with each inward thrust, like he was dancing. The pleasure was astounding and was growing with each push. He could feel Kili tightening around him, little random jerks from his legs also was a tell that his dark half was getting close. A small grin stretched Fili's lips as he thought about the others for only a second.

Dwarves had a reputation. They were gluttonous eaters, excessive drinkers and insatiable lovers. And since they had begun on their journey all of these things had been muted in them. There was never enough food, they needed to ration it; drinking was limited to each his own that he had brought and the lover bit…well that had been stomped down altogether. It put all of them into a foul mood, even dear sweet Ori, even their strong leader Thorin. Only Fili and Kili seemed unaffected by these things. None of the others could figure it out and all figured perhaps it was their youth. Only Bofur ever cast a somewhat knowing look their way; a look that more often than not came with a warning quirk of his eyebrow. What they were doing was not unheard of, but would not be received well, least of all by Thorin.

Kili shivered through his whole body and in an unexpected instant the moment of his release was upon him. Without a single touch, his cock swelled and spilled forth streams of hot seed that hit the ground and splattered here and there on his trousers.

The shiver followed by his orgasm caused his body to clench tight around the wider girth of Fili who, caught off guard by the suddenness of it all, lost his rhythm and became frantic. 5 more thrusts and he was releasing himself into his brother's body, buried into the warmth to his base and feeling himself twitching inside Kili, Fili laughed shortly. He let go of Kili's hair and removed his hand from his younger brother's mouth and instead wrapped his arms around the man and hugged him tightly to his chest, the two still connected.

"Mmm," Fili smiled, "How did we get to this place?" he mused.

Kili chuckled and took a deep steadying breath, "I believe it began when you felt me up by the fire and then proceeded to suck me clean about a month ago. Since then, we've only gotten worse. Now come on, let's get back before Bofur comes to find us like he's been threatening."

With a nod, Fili kissed his brother's neck, slowly pulling out of him. He helped Kili get dressed, helped him rub the spills of semen on his trousers so they looked like nothing more than darker bits of fabric. No one would notice. Hopefully.