My home no longer feels like home. Most of the persons I have come to know be either dead or on the path to death. Mister Proctor and Goody Nurse were hanged this mornin'. Mister Giles be dead as well. I know not what the fate of Goody Proctor be. I heard her life were spared because of the child she now carries. I do hope they will never hang her and will allow the child to grow with its mother. I cannot imagine growin' without the knowledge of who my mother and father were. I have already lost Mama, and I fear that I may be losin' Papa now.

Papa have been depressed ever since Abby disappeared. She stayed a night at Mercy's house and neither Abby nor Mercy have been seen since. Papa asked me if I had heard any word of her or any mention of where she would have gone. I told him 'bout listenin' to Abby and Mercy talk 'bout leavin' on a ship a week ago. I thought they were goin' to visit someone, so I believed it were not important. I am glad that Abby be gone, but Papa be sad. I thought it were because he missed her till I found that his strongbox were broken. Nobody touches Papa's strongbox. I tried to touch it once and Papa yelled at me. He be sad because someone robbed him. I think it were Abby. A few nights ago, I awoke to a noise and girls whisperin' downstairs. I thought one of the voices sounded like Abby, but I were too tired to care and the next morning, I passed it off as a dream. I feel bad for Papa. I hope he does not stay sad for long. I am mad that Abby stole from him and I hope she never comes back. However, her absence does nothing to repair the damage that were done here.

I have been lonely since this madness started. No one have bothered to talk to me when I have needed someone other than my writin' book to tell my troubles to. I refused to speak with Abby, Mercy were too busy assistin' Mister and Goody Putnam with their sick daughter, Mary barely talks to me anymore, I could not talk to Papa nor any of the other adults because of Abby's secret, and Tityoobuh still be in jail. I thought she would be left alone after her confession, but she were arrested soon after I stopped pretendin' to be sick. Because she still be in jail, we have no servant lady to help with the house work, so Papa tells me to do some of the things Tityoobuh would do. This morning, before Papa left the house to go to the jailhouse, he asked me to get some milk from one of the farmers in town. The cow farm were near the jailhouse, so we walked there together. As we walked, I asked Papa if Tityoobuh were comin' back to work for us. He said she would not. I thought that meant she no longer works for us. When we arrived at the jailhouse, Papa told me to get the milk and that he would meet me back at the house.

I went to get the milk in a bucket that I brought with me. The farmer gave me permission to milk the cow myself. Tityoobuh taught me to do it not too long ago. After I had gotten the milk in the bucket, I heard some persons talkin' through a window of the jailhouse. I could not hear what they were sayin' very well, but I recognized some of the voices. The two women talkin' were Goody Good and Tityoobuh. A man were talkin' to them. I wanted to go over to them and say hello to Tityoobuh and tell her that I missed her and possibly ask the man when she would be released. I walked closer to the window and I saw a man drag Tityoobuh out of the cell as she shouted to the window, telling the Devil to take her home, as if the cow in front of me were the Devil. Neither Tityoobuh nor the man saw me standin' near the cow. I were confused at first. Why would Tityoobuh say something such as that? She said she would not consult with the Devil no more, even though she lied 'bout seein' the Devil at all. I thought for a moment and then I realized that she were ravin' madness because she knew she were goin' to meet her fate. She were goin' to be hanged. I thought she would be forgiven after she confessed, but I were wrong. Papa knew she were goin' to die and he did not have the heart to tell me. In that moment, I realized how alone I were. Tityoobuh were my only true friend I had left and she were 'bout to meet with death. I had no one. Mercy be gone, Papa never talks to me, Mary be too scared of Papa to come near my house anymore, and nobody else seems to have the time for me. After a few moments, which seemed to be hours to me, I dropped the bucket, spillin' all of the milk within it, and ran into the forest as I broke into sobs and tears.

I came to the same place that the other girls and I came to when I thought we were playin' the witch game. I hated this place because it be where all of the madness started, but it were the only place in the woods I could go to without gettin' lost. I cried as I sat on the ground. I were in despair. I had no friends, no Mama, and I hardly had my Papa. I were alone. I have been alone for so long and nobody could understand what I were feelin'. I stayed in the forest and cried for what must have been hours, because I could see the sun risin'. Papa must have come home and realized I were missin' by then. I cared not. All I wanted were to stay and mourn for all of the losses I had gone through. I knew I could not stay there for long. Papa would send a party for me soon.

I continued to cry till I heard leaves rustlin' and twigs snappin' behind me. I knew I had been found. I wiped away my tears and got up to fix my dress the best I could. I turned 'round, expectin' a scoldin' from a man for worryin' Papa. The person I saw were not a man. It were Mary Warren. I had not seen her since she accused Mister Proctor of witchcraft. I had been ignorin' her because she were the one responsible for Mister Proctor's death sentence and I would not forgive her for that. She kindly asked me what I were doin' way out there and if I were cryin'. I could not hide the sadness on my face nor could I keep the tears from comin' back. I broke into uncontrollable sobs and fell on my knees. Mary came over and kneeled by me, askin' me if I were alright in her normal worried voice. I told her that Tityoobuh were dead. She took me in her arms and said she were sorry. She knew how much Tityoobuh meant to me. I returned her embrace, realizin' that I have had not a single hug since the day Tityoobuh were arrested. I desperately needed a hug, and I needed someone to cry to even more.

I were glad that I finally had someone to talk to. Mary and I were good friends before the madness started. Would play games at her house when Papa were not home. She had been keepin' to herself since all of this started. I missed her. She be a good friend. I thought I did not like her no more because she accused Mister Proctor, but I could not put blame on her for doin' that. She were tryin' to save herself. I had also noticed that she seemed to have been scared of Mister Proctor. Perhaps she accused him because he had been hurtin' her and she were angry with him. She wanted him gone, just as I wanted Abby gone. I could not hate her. She be my friend. My only friend as of now. Mary helped me off of the ground and told me that it were time to go home. I followed her back to town. Now, I am not so lonely anymore.