June, 2011

"Don't worry. You'll do fine." Teddy Long said trying to calm me down.

"But what if I mess up? What if they don't like me?"

"Now you listen to me. You made it this far. So you need to stop doubting yourself now."


"No buts. Now you listen to your Granddaddy and go out there and give it your all."

I smiled. "Yes Granddaddy Long." I gave him a hug. Then slipped through the curtains and out onto the ramp.

"And now, making her way to the ring, from Memphis, TN, last year's NXT Diva winner…Candace Key!"

2 years later.

Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! I thought to myself as I ran through the backstage of the FedEx Forum.

"Hey, Candace what's the rush?" Santino Marrella asked as I rushed passed him.

"Can't talk. Kind of running away at the moment!"

Suddenly I heard someone scream in pain. Stopped running and turned around to see who it was. I saw Santino on the floor and someone running towards me.

"Shit!" I started running again.

I turned a corner and ran smack into someone. It felt like I hit a brick wall.

"Ouch! Oh, um s-sorry about that…I—"

"Oh I don't you know the meaning of the word 'sorry'."

I recognized the voice and felt my blood turn cold. I looked up just as he was about to grab me and dodged him ran the other way.

I heard him running after me and I picked the pace up a little. Seeing a door labeled 'Stairs' I quickly opened it and quickly ran down them.

I must have gone down at least two flights.

Soon I found a door at the end of the stairs, opened it and went through.

Where am I? I thought. I sat against the wall trying to catch my breath.

I listened for them, but after a few minutes of hearing nothing I decided it was time to leave.

A few feet in front of me was an elevator, I got up and walked over to it.

Suddenly, I heard the door leading to the stairs open.

I turned around and my heart sank.

"I gotta say…you can run pretty fast, Candy."

"We were just beginning to think we wouldn't find you."

Oh God.

There, standing in front of the door were Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns.

I ran to the elevator and vigorously started pressing the button.

Come on, come on, come on!

I looked over my shoulder and saw them walking slowly toward me.

The door to the elevator opened.


I was about to run inside the elevator but the sound of chuckling stopped me.

"Well, I see you found her."

Slowly, I looked up and froze.


Standing in the middle of the elevator was my worst nightmare, Dean Ambrose. I backed up slowly but was pushed from behind by Roman and into Dean who wrapped his arms around me.

"Let go!" I screamed. "Help!" He swung me around and pinned me against the wall of the elevator, I struggled against him but he just pressed up against me more.

Seth and Roman stepped inside and the door closed behind them.

"Scream all you want, no one's going to hear you." Roman laughed. "You see they don't use this part of the building anymore."

"So no one's coming to your rescue this time." Seth growled.

"You brought this on yourself you know." Dean added.

"We tried to warn you, but you just wouldn't listen." Roman said as a smiled spread across his lips. "Now you will be punished."

Hot tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"Aww, look. She's crying." Seth teased. "We should cheer her up."

Dean smirked. "I know what will cheer her up." He reached up to touch my face, but I turned away before he could touch me. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him, narrowing his eyes at me he growled.

"Bad move, Candy." Dean said licking his lips.

"Please, just let me go." I begged trying to choke back a sob. "I-I haven't done anything to you guys." "Oh...but that's where you're wrong." Dean continued. "Don't think we didn't hear you talking about us. Saying how pathetic we are. That we're nothing but a bunch of dogs."

"That's right. You sure were spittin a lot of bull shit earlier. Now look at you, pathetic." Seth replied.

Dean loosens his grip on me. "That was a ballsy move you made. Making fun of the SHIELD…and then you had the nerve to call us out. You really are something you know that?"

"I'm sorry, please, just let me go." I whimpered.

"Ssshh, don't worry we will." Seth said soothingly.

"Once…you learn your lesson." Roman replied.

Dean chuckled then leaned in close. "After tonight…you WILL BELIEVE…IN THE SHIELD."

Oh, God. What do I do? What do I do?