A/N: My first drabble. Hope you enjoy it, it was fun to write!

Just for the record, my laptop is broken so updates for Born to Die might not be as frequent as I'd hoped. Don't worry though, I aim to have the next chapter up on Saturday.

"Don't you ever wonder, how the most sweet and genuine girl we know, is also the most manipulative?"

Emily Prentiss and Derek Morgan were watching Jennifer Jareau deliver a press conference in Seattle. Their profile led them to believe that their UnSub was a white male in his late twenties, and an extreme narcissist. They came to the conclusion that the best way to draw him out was for JJ to openly insult him to the media. Call him impotent, self conscious, perhaps not the best looking man, anything to drag him out of his hole.

"We believe this man first takes away the sight of his victims not because he feels guilty and doesn't want to risk showing remorse, but because he is too self conscious to let them see his face."

Emily could practically feel the UnSub's rage from where she was standing. She had practically called him ugly on National News. Give it ten minutes, tops.

But JJ wasn't just in charge of manipulating their UnSub. She was the person they turned to when they needed to lead the media on some wild goose chase, or broadcast a particular piece of information.

"Agent Jareau! Agent Jareau!" They all forced their microphones onto her, desperate for a scoop on the investigation.

"Thank you, there will be no further questions."

Morgan clapped his hand and turned his head back to Emily. "I've been asking myself that for the past three years, Princess. But still, every time we go out for drinks, I somehow end up paying for hers."

Emily scoffs as she sees JJ approaching. "Not unless some other guy beats you to it."

They watch as JJ shoots them a sweet smile. "Coffee?"

Have a great week, my lovelies.