I'd thought I'd treat you all to an extra-long early update! YOU'RE WELCOME! If I get more reviews I might start uploading a lot more regularly with roughly about 3000 words per chapter. I thought that the first sex scene needed to be sweet but don't worry, there will be hotter scenes to come. ENJOY!

They were relatively quiet walking back through the woods, Nicklaus was trying to absorb all the new information he had learnt. He wasn't deterred about the fact that Caroline was a vampire, he could see the goodness in her. It shines through her very being, unlike anyone else he's ever known.

"What else can you do? I know about your strength but can you do anything else?" he asked curiously.

She turned to him with a mischievous smile and flashed away. To him it looked like she disappeared in front of his eyes.

With wide eyes he looked around until he felt a tap on his shoulder and whirled around to find nothing there. With a smile he tried to look past the trees in order to find her when he heard Caroline giggle slightly as she kept flashing past him until he was pushed to the ground by her. He was caught off guard at her brazen move and stared at her in awe as she broke out into a contagious laughter. She was truly amazing. In that moment he vowed that he would do anything to make her happy.

Sensing the mood change she became increasingly aware of their position. She was straddling his waist with her arms at either side of his head, their faces were inches away. She moved to sit up when Klaus grabbed her arm, she stopped her movements and he moved his hand up to her face and cupped her cheek, grazing his thumb against it. "You're incredible"

His eyes showed the honesty in his words and she blushed and avoided his intense gaze. She felt overwhelmed with emotion. She missed Klaus, she felt honored to meet him as a human. It proved his feelings for her because he seemed to care for her now, after only meeting her a short while and learning that she was a monster. There was a part of her that thought that he didn't care about her, that maybe it was part of an evil plan because he couldn't possible care about her. He is a thousand year old Hybrid and she is a baby vampire forever trapped in a body of 17. But he showed his humanity to her and only her, he saw more in her than anybody else did, and her feelings for him have grown. She was tired of fighting against her feelings, they have all done terrible things to get what they want. She has done unimaginable things to protect her friends, she has manipulated, lied and killed a lot of people. Nothing was black and white.

In a moment of clarity, everything seemed simple, she looked back at him and brought her face towards his. His lips were as soft as she imagined they would be, the kiss was gentle at first but soon developed into a raw need. Caught up in the heat of the moment she didn't understand how she ended up on her back with Klaus on top of her, pulling her closer for a deeper kiss. After almost a year of ignoring her feelings, she felt them all at once and it overwhelmed her senses, lust, desire, curiosity…dare she say love?

They slowly broke the kiss but stayed close, looking into his eyes she saw all the emotions that she was feeling flash through them. In an instant she was back on top, loving the power she felt by being in control. By the look in his eyes she suspected that he enjoyed it too. Slowly she started to unlace his tunic, as she was about to lift it over his head he sat up and held his arms in the air to assist her, only breaking eye contact when the tunic went over his head.

They locked eyes again and he slowly started to unlace the strings that held her dress together from the front. Once the strings were untied he moved to her shoulders, brushing her skin slightly with his fingers and moved the material down her arms until it rested at her waist, leaving her upper body completely exposed.

She felt her checks flush as she watched him look over her with what looked between a mixture of lust and admiration. Slowly and gently he brought his hands to her sides, bringing them higher until his fingers brushed the sides of her breasts.

Slowly her face started to change, she hadn't eaten in a while and the temptation was too great. She quickly turned her face away and tried to control her breathing just as Stephen had taught her.

He gently grabbed her chin and brought her face back "Look at me"

She slowly looked at him to see that he wasn't afraid, he wasn't disgusted but instead he looked at her in awe. He brought his fingers to her face again and traced the veins that had appeared under her eyes and gently moved down and over her lips, moving over them and tracing her fangs.

"You're beautiful. Don't hide from me" he said those words with so much adoration that it filled her with warmth that is unknown to her.

He moved his hands up her back and pushed her closer to him, he embraced her in a heated kiss filled with promises and love. He moved from her lips and pressed warm kisses across her chin, down her neck and stopped at her breasts. He pressed wet kisses around her left breast and gently sucked on her erect nipple while kneading her right breast.

At this she let out a low moan and threw her head back, bending her back and being supported by his other arm. When he moved onto her right breast she had enough, she wanted him now. She could feel his want pushing into her womanhood and with that she pushed him to the ground and unlaced his trousers, pulling them down his legs and chucking them to the ground along with his shoes. She took in the view of him completely naked, his body was the definition of perfection, then again she wouldn't have expected anything else from him.

She stood up and her dress fell from her waist to the floor, pooling around her feet. She stood in front of him completely exposed, feeling invigorated as the wind blew her hair across her face.

He thought she was the most beautiful creature that he has ever seen. He stood up in front of her and moved a few strands of hair behind her ear.

They stood there for a few moments, looking into each other's eyes. He may not be as strong as her in this time but they stood together as equals. She's never felt so adored before, it was an amazing sensation.

He moved towards her and laid her gently on the ground, hovering over her with his muscled arms either side of her face and staring into each other's eyes.

With a smile she gently kissed his lips and he thrust into her, catching her off guard.

She moaned and arched her back, clinging onto his shoulders as he moved deeper inside her.

Thrusting into her with a slow rhythm, he whispered into her ear "Drink my blood" he would give her everything and anything to make her happy.

She flipped them over, still connected and looked down at him, before she could deny him, he quickly spoke "I want you to."

He moved into a sitting position and she wrapped her legs across his back, moaning slightly by the feeling of his rock hard manhood entering her deeper than she ever thought possible. She lost all sense of reason and latched onto his neck, sinking her fangs into his smooth flesh as gently as she could while being overwhelmed with the pleasure of him inside of her. The blood sharing and the position they were in sent a new wave of intimacy through them.

He flinched at the pain of her teeth sinking into his skin but soon found a perverse sense of enjoyment from it. The feeling of not only his manhood inside of her but his blood too, brought him an overwhelming sensation of pure pleasure. He thrust into her deeper and harder than before, slowly gaining speed and feeling a burst of energy surge through him at the sound of her moans.

She felt a new level of pleasure flow through her as the sweet taste of his blood flowed down her throat combined with the build-up of tension that settled in the pit of her stomach.

He continued to thrust into her, faster and deeper than before, always meeting that pleasure point inside of her that caused her head to fall back and her moans to rise. He could feel her muscles contract and tighten around his manhood and he knew that she was close.

She pulled her mouth away from his skin and flung her head back as her orgasm hit her like a white blinding light, setting fire to every nerve in her body causing her to shout out "Klaus!"

Seeing her orgasm with his blood dripping down her chin along with his lightheadedness from the blood loss, set off his own orgasm, hitting him hard with pleasure as he spilled his seed inside of her, grunting out her name.

Both breathing deeply, still spasming from the lasting effects of the orgasms used each other for balance.

After a few minutes of catching their breath, they were still clinging onto each other as neither of them wanted to lose such an intimate moment. Still inside of her, he led down pulling her with him until she was lying onto his chest.

When she noticed the blood dripping down from his wound, her eyes went wide.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" she quickly bit into her wrist before he could stop her and held it out for him "Drink" she said with urgency.

"I am fine, Caroline" but noticing the stubborn glare in her eyes he held her wrist to his mouth, gently drinking the metallic liquid, without questioning her reasoning and never losing eye contact with her. He gently caressed her wound with his tongue until it healed leaving him lost for words.

He put his hand to his own wound and noticed that his had also healed. With a grin he said "I guess that answers my earlier question, love. Although, you could have just told me" he teased her.

She laughed and leaned into him to capture a kiss. This time it wasn't desperate and full of need, it was a sweet kiss full of love. She kissed down his neck and planted a sweet kiss on where her bite mark would have been.

She quickly realized what he said, her eyes widened the smallest bit as she realized that this was the first time that he had called her by the term of endearment that he seemed to love in the future.

She came to the realization then that Klaus will remember her from the future, which could possible change it. She couldn't risk changing anything, she needed to see Ayana. As much as she wanted to spend more time with Klaus like this she needed to get answers.

"Did you speak with Ayana for me?" she asked hopefully.

He looked up at the sky to see that the sun had just passed being at its highest point "Yes, she has agreed to meet with you in a few hours, we should get dressed and head to her hut"

She watched him get up to put on his trousers, admiring his backside. He turned around with his eye brow raised and she let out a small giggle. She gave him an appreciated look and a smile and started to slip her dress on over her head just as Klaus was done tying up his trousers. He walked over to her with a smile and started to tie up her strings.

This shocked her, sure the people she has been with have helped take off her clothes but never have they helped her get dressed. She found the gesture surprisingly intimate. As he finished tying the strings of her dress, he ran his hand through her hair and pulled out a leaf causing them both to smile.

She doesn't think that she's ever felt more content, even with her situation she felt at peace.

As he finished getting dressed and she ran her fingers through her hair to make it look presentable, they headed back to the village, hand in hand with huge smiles on their faces.

It was a while since Caroline told her to stay by the pond, she was becoming irritated and a bit worried. Just as she was debating whether to go back to the hut or not someone grabbed her from behind, spun her around and planted his lips to hers.

She was in momentary shock as she realized it was Elijah and that is when realization stuck. He thought she was Tatia. She was unsure of what to do so she decided she would have to play along and after a few moments of hesitation she kissed him back. The kiss ignited sparks of passion throughout her body but she forced herself to slowly push him back before anything more come of it.

Elijah seemed a bit thrown by the kiss, it was different to the other times that they kissed. It was more gentle, more pure.

"I have missed you, Tatia" he whispered into her ear which felt like an ice cold wake up call to her.

He wasn't fooled by her when she tried to pretend she was Katherine in the future but he seemed to have bought it now. Which was no surprise, he was pure as a human, innocent and unaware of the doppelganger curse or the monsters of the night. He lacked the knowledge and wisdom of what 1000 years would bring.

"I have missed you too, Elijah" she replied.

You can call it curiosity or loneliness, or even blame her fragile mind but she leaned in and kissed him again. She always found Elijah alluring. But almost as soon as it started she pulled away realizing what she did, he thought that she was Tatia.

She was confused about her feelings for Stephan and Damon and wanted a break from that internal battle she told herself, that's it..

"I am sorry for cutting our time short but I really must go"

Before he could reply she started to run into the trees and as soon as she was out of sight, she flashed off to the hut with another wave of guilt as she noticed the blood.

Caroline was still not back yet, but the lack of a body she could only assume that she went to bury him. She would have to thank her later, but for now she started to clean up the blood and tidy the hut.


Bonnie woke up on her living room floor with a headache, she moaned as she stood to her feet. She looked around her living room noticing all the burnt out candles and that is when her eyes widened as she realized what happened. She frantically searched her house calling Elena and Caroline's names. She started to panic now and pulled her phone out of her pocket to dial Caroline's number.

She heard Caroline's ring tone sound from the living room so she followed the sound and found her phone on the floor next to the chair. With further inspection she also found Elena's phone not far away from it.

She slump down onto the floor as tears started to fall, she lost control, and she had no idea what she had done to them.

Just as she was debating on what to do Caroline's phone starting to ring, she checked the ID. It was Stephan.

"Stephan" she said in a broken whisper.

"Bonnie? Where is Caroline?" he seemed confused as to why she answered and only then taking notice of her broken voice "What's wrong?"

"Stephen I.." she found it difficult to form words but she tried to get as much as she could out "I lost control, they're gone Stephan. Caroline and Elena" and that is when she broke into body wracking sobs.

There was silence on the other side for a few moments until he finally spoke, this time in a demanding voice "Where are they Bonnie?"…"What have you done?"

She could hardly say a coherent word now so he decided it would be best to go to her house. "Bonnie, I'm coming over your house, I'll be there soon" and he hung up.

She dropped her phone to the floor and surrendered to her tears.

He was worried. Beyond worried. From what Bonnie had said something had happened to Caroline and Elena. He practically ran from The Grill, not quite vampire speed but pretty close.

Unbeknownst to him, someone was listening in to his conversation and followed closely behind…

Ok that was my first time in writing a sex scene so please give me some feed-back. I know it isn't that smutty but I thought that for their first time together it should be sweet, what do you think? PLEASE REVIEW! Maybe I will surprise you with these extra-long, early updates if you do ;)