I looked at the woman who looked like she could be my twin sister. Her stomach was a lot slimmer than mine was and mine and her hair was pulled back with the rest hanging down. She smiled exposing her fangs and she looked down at the two men.

"To have men fighting for you…it is a glorious thing." She said. Her voice was enchanting. She sounded almost god like. I didn't know how I was seeing her, but I did not question it. It seemed almost normal to be seeing her since nothing in this room was human.

"To have men fighting over me…is hell." I replied and this only made her smile more.

"You are of my blood…you ARE my blood. It is your right to be in such a position." She replied and in unison we both looked at the men beneath us.

"I have to make a choice." I told her. She hummed in happiness.

"Yes." she replied and I looked at her. "I must choose Drake." Her eyes slowly fell upon me, yet her body was still facing the fight below us.

"Is that what you are going to do?" she asked and I winced lightly.

"What would you do?" I asked her and she smiled.

"If you choose Blade. Drake will not survive this fight. He will wall and your future will be unknown. If you choose Drake…Blade will fall. You are your brother and your mate now. You are stronger then both men." she told. I looked back at the two men who were now throwing punches and kicks at one another.

"How do you know this?" I asked and looked up at Akasha to see she was gone. My eyes flexed for a moment. I heard Drake yell and I looked back down to see Drake being kicked across the room. My brother was jumping off the wall now and tackling him to the ground.

"Tamara." I heard Abigail call out and I looked up at her to see her coming up to me. I turned to her and she held something up and placed it in my hand. It was small and felt of glass with a green liquid in it.

"What is this?" I asked and she nodded seriously.

"The daystar you have to get this inside Drake in order to stop him. I have good aim but maybe with your speed you can shoot it in this arrow." she said holding up the arrow. I winced at her words. It seemed I would have to make a choice fast. She removed her large bow and moved it towards me. I stared at it for a moment before slowly moving to take it. She placed the Daystar in the tip of the arrow and handed it to me. I sighed silently and positioned the objects and moved closer to the rail. Abigale took out a gun.

"I'll go help King." She replied and I nodded and watched her leave. I looked down slowly and then looked up at Drake and Eric. Family vs. mate. I positioned the arrow with the bow and began to aim it. My eyes closed lightly and I thought of everything. Me meeting my brother for the first time, than going on adventures with him. Fighting Nomak and meeting the blood pack, sharing sibling moments.

"As long as I am around you will always be safe." I remember Eric saying once he had killed Nomak. I slowly opened my eyes now and I knew what I wanted. Drake had punched Eric to the ground and was flying through the air with his sword out ready to pierce my brother's heart.

"Blade!" I yelled and my brother looked up quickly and watched me as I released the arrow. It cut through the air quickly and I watched as my brother lifted his glove hand and suddenly caught the arrow I had shot at him. My chest suddenly hurt and I closed my eyes and listened to my mate roar loudly. I opened my eyes now and watched as the arrow was pierced into my mate's chest. My eyes widened with pain and I watched as he lifted his head back and his true form took hold. He roared back loudly and his head moved around the room as if searching. Suddenly his monstrous eyes found me and he held his hand out to me. I suddenly jumped over the ledge and landed gracefully on the ground. I moved towards him with caution almost. I watched as the daystar was injected in him and into the air. It did not stop me however from moving towards Drake. A part of me assumed he was going to draw me close then kill me for choosing my brother over him.

Once I was close to him I raised my hand and took his hand in my own. I could feel his life force slowly slipping away and slowly my brain was feeling fuzzy. Drake suddenly collapsed onto the ground and I quickly sunk to my knees and looked over him. I placed his large head on my lap and I watched as body took the human form again. His fangs were still showing and he looked almost tired and sleepy.

"I knew…you would choose him." he said. I felt a slow tear fall from my cheek.

"I'm so sorry." I replied lightly and he only smiled weakly and lifted his hand to caress my cheek.

"No. I am sorry for forcing you to choose between your blood and your mate." he said. I slowly looked at Eric who was on one knee. He was weak from the fight as well as the Daystar. "It seems the world already has a perfect vampire…two perfect vampires."

I looked back down at Drake who slowly looked up at me with drowsy eyes.

"I will see you again my love." he said and I winced watching his eyes close slowly and his hand drop from my cheek, but I quickly caught it anyways. Tears streamed down my face and I closed my eyes.

"Tamara." I heard Eric say weakly and I looked up at him to see him fall back on his back. I tried to move towards him now, but my body hurt and ached now. My muscles felt like mush and I watched as the ceiling came into my vision as I fell on my own back and closed my eyes.

"As long as I am around you will always be safe." My eyes suddenly opened and I was met with a white ceiling. I inhaled softly and sat up quickly. Eric was standing right above me and I looked at him and then looked around. We were in a white room. My hair was in curls and I looked up at him. His glasses were off so I could see his deep emotionless eyes that looked somewhat soft at the moment.

"What's happened." I asked.

"The daystar killed the venom from Drake inside you, but it didn't kill the daywalker side in you." he exclaimed. I was shocked to hear that. So everything from Drake was now gone.

"Are you alright?" I asked looking up at him and he just slowly nodded. "And Drake?"

"Sleeping deep in a ground in a place where he can never be found. The daystar only weakened him to the point of sleep. His blood is too pure." he told and I was instantly relieved. Knowing that he was asleep was comfort enough. He was not dead and one day I would see him again. I nodded before looking back at him. Were he and I okay?

"Are destroyed brother?" I asked and he just stared at me for a moment before lifting his hand towards me. I merely raised my hand and met his, our hands squeezing each other.

"We're good." he said and I nodded.

"And the other two?" I asked and now I watched as he placed his glasses back on.

"Gone. It's us two again. How would you like to join the team?" he asked in a deep tone. I tilted my head.

"The team, the Blade Team?" I asked moving from the bed.

"I could teach you everything I know, what Whistler taught me." he said and I smiled. I was happy that my brother wanted me with him, but I knew I couldn't. I moved over to the chair and put on the black pants and black tank. There was even a black coat like my brother's sitting on the back of the chair.

"I want to join you brother." I said turning to look at him. He watched me for a moment. "But I need to find my baby."

"The child Drake used to keep you there." he assumed and I nodded walking up to him.

"You are my life my brother. But now so is he." I told and he just stared at me through his dark shades.

"Your journey will be filled with vampires if you try and look for him." he told and I winced accepting that.

"Why don't you help me find him and you can teach me everything you've been taught." I replied and Eric was quiet for the longest moment before slowly cracking a smile revealing his fangs now as if almost excited about our journey…